Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
I do wonder if on the off chance Trump is indicted how it would play out. Not to sound all doomer, but Trump getting indicted or even arrested has to kick off something, right? While I don't think it's a civil war or anything like that, I do think right-wing terrorists will carry out attacks on government buildings and anything deemed "liberal". It's going to be an absolute 🤬 show.
"But what about the Summer of 2020?"
I really can't see Trump being indicted, the optics on that would be terrible, and countries like Russia and China would have a field day with it.

I do wonder if on the off chance Trump is indicted how it would play out. Not to sound all doomer, but Trump getting indicted or even arrested has to kick off something, right? While I don't think it's a civil war or anything like that, I do think right-wing terrorists will carry out attacks on government buildings and anything deemed "liberal". It's going to be an absolute 🤬 show.

Hopefully, the powers that be, just tell Trump to shut up and the FBI will just come out and say, "all we wanted were the documents, nothing to see here, move along".
Fear of retaliation should not hinder anything moving forward. If it does, there is nothing stopping someone building up another fanatical base and doing worse, or at a minimum having an actual plan instead of just line iteming question marks and profit.

If there are no repercussions, there's no incentive to not try again. There has to be repercussions and in my opinion, they should be severe, both because the crimes were severe and to set an example.
Fear of retaliation should not hinder anything moving forward. If it does, there is nothing stopping someone building up another fanatical base and doing worse, or at a minimum having an actual plan instead of just line iteming question marks and profit.

If there are no repercussions, there's no incentive to not try again. There has to be repercussions and in my opinion, they should be severe, both because the crimes were severe and to set an example.
While I do believe Trump is guilty and absolutely think he deserves to face punishment, I do think the threat of retaliation will win out in the long run. I wish that wasn't the case though and that all but a small subset of crazy conspiracy theorists saw that Trump was a shyster, a criminal, and a threat to national security. Unfortunately, tens of millions of people believe that Trump is on par with Jesus.

The quote tweet is mine as I wanted to bring this to the attention of @BadLegalTakes.
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Do they actually teach basic biology over in the states?
It largely depends on where you're at in the US. Here in Utah, a not-so-insignificant part of the population once believed that you got pregnant by kissing. This is the same part of the population that also thinks things like "soaking" and "earthquaking" won't result in someone getting pregnant because it isn't sex. And if you don't know what either of those are, Google it if you're not at work. Let's just say Mormons are wild.
It largely depends on where you're at in the US. Here in Utah, a not-so-insignificant part of the population once believed that you got pregnant by kissing. This is the same part of the population that also thinks things like "soaking" and "earthquaking" won't result in someone getting pregnant because it isn't sex. And if you don't know what either of those are, Google it if you're not at work. Let's just say Mormons are wild.
Soaking I was aware of, earthquaking is a new one, and oh boy, they have some interesting 'ideas'.
It largely depends on where you're at in the US. Here in Utah, a not-so-insignificant part of the population once believed that you got pregnant by kissing. This is the same part of the population that also thinks things like "soaking" and "earthquaking" won't result in someone getting pregnant because it isn't sex. And if you don't know what either of those are, Google it if you're not at work. Let's just say Mormons are wild.
I wasn't familiar with this technique. What the ****?

Emilia Clarke Laughing GIF
Soaking I was aware of, earthquaking is a new one, and oh boy, they have some interesting 'ideas'.
I knew of soaking. I was not aware of earthquaking.
They practice axillism or alvinolagnism if they don't want the earthquaking modifier. And if you don't know what those are, well, google away if you're not at work.

Oh, and then there's the NCMO too, which is basically the Mormon version of hooking up and if you do too many, then well you're a slut (not to be confused with SL,UT).
And if you don't know what those are, well, google away if you're not at work.
I'll help: axilla is the medical name for the skin depression on the inside of any joint (armpit, elbowpit, kneepit). "Alvus" is the Latin word for "stomach".

The rest should fall into place after that.
They practice axillism or alvinolagnism if they don't want the earthquaking modifier. And if you don't know what those are, well, google away if you're not at work.

Oh, and then there's the NCMO too, which is basically the Mormon version of hooking up and if you do too many, then well you're a slut (not to be confused with SL,UT).
PSA: Mormans, just **** already! This is getting silly, just bone each other, you're not going to go to hell for it.