White Man: Why Are You Giving Away Your Country?

  • Thread starter HKS racer
This thread has gone way beyond the "White Man" giving away his Country"...

So I'll chime in with my nonsense as always.

What makes this my Country? And how am I giving it away? I'll get back to this after a History lesson.

I ask this cause the time gap of when my blood line moved here is no where near the finding or formation of America. For the last 5 years I had been trying to get as much family information from my last living Grand Parent, before she passed away.

From what I can tell the earliest family I had here was my Fathers, Mothers Ancestors(British and French), was before the civil war. They had a Steel Mill which provided Steel for the Union Rail Lines and the some of the first Ironclads #History.

Now Around the Mid 1800's My Fathers, Fathers Ancestors migrated here from Hungary. As a working family and escaping from the conflicts of being Jewish over there.

My Mothers, Fathers and Mothers Ancestors migrated here in the late 1800's from Ireland, As a working family and "just to get out of Ireland".
*Odd trivial fact: My Dad went to Grady High School(First unsegregated High School in Atlanta, GA with Yolanda King. First daughter of Rev. Martin Luther King.(Same class year, not the same classes).

So the only ties I could dare claim to have had anything to do with building this country, is that my Grandmothers Ancestors helped the Union.
With that said my family worked to make this a equal country. Not a divided country, so how could I give away a country that was built upon the ideals, of haveing a country where everyone is equal and has the same opportunity?
I can't be expected to address every point here can I? This is usually how these threads descend - by getting lost in the minutiae of irrelevant (and sometimes flat out wrong) points we fail to stimulate the debate. Thus, evolution of ideas is broken, leading conveniently to:
Well spotted. Let's use the wikipedia summary, and add "PC" in a few sentences (Orwell's masterpiece, from which newspeak originated is a warning of state control, and the methods employed to achieve it):

Loyalty to the PC group requires individuals to avoid raising controversial issues or alternative solutions, and there is loss of individual creativity, uniqueness and independent thinking. The dysfunctional group dynamics of the "PC group" produces an "illusion of invulnerability" (an inflated certainty that the right decision has been made). Thus the "PC group" significantly overrates its own abilities in decision-making, and significantly underrates the abilities of its opponents (the "outgroup").

Question was which type GTP is?

Type I, II or III.
I wouldn't say GTP is - it was merely how it appeared when certain topics were discussed (I'd say neogaf is much more of having a forum wide problem). But yes, it appeared at times to exhibit all 3 types (the types are merely the grouping of symptoms).
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