So that means they DO like "real" bread?tbf gluten is a far-left conspiracy at the level of Delaware and Finland.
Drain the swamp!Trump flushing actual documents down the toilet and flushing several times before he tries to take DC is more of a "purge".
Exclusive: See the Trump toilet photos that he denies ever existed
Destroying records that should be preserved is potentially
Danish sure likes Hershel, huh?
When you're right, you're right. Far right, in D'Souzy's case.Danish sure likes Hershel, huh?
So what if his nose is brown? Racist.Dinesh always comes across to me as the ultimate brown noser that nobody actually likes on his own side.
So what if his nose is brown? Racist.
Quit using facts. You can prove anything with facts. Red wave.Chase has a revenue of $124 billion and $4 trillion in assets. I don't think Glorifi is taking over them anytime soon. I don't even know what Glorifi is either, but looking at the website, it's not a bank and uses TransPecos Banks, which is really small. Per this article, it has a whopping $75 million in assets and pretty mediocre revenue.
I'm guessing within six months, it will either have a major data breach, go under, or both.