Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
To be fair, Joe Biden said "Let me start off with two words: made in America" in a recent speech.
Equally silly & dumb, but I can acknowledge that because normal people don't follow their politicians like cult leaders.
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Chase has a revenue of $124 billion and $4 trillion in assets. I don't think Glorifi is taking over them anytime soon. I don't even know what Glorifi is either, but looking at the website, it's not a bank and uses TransPecos Banks, which is really small. Per this article, it has a whopping $75 million in assets and pretty mediocre revenue.

I'm guessing within six months, it will either have a major data breach, go under, or both.
Always a good thing to go after Paypal, which was founded by one of the conservative's mainstays.

Cause the same people that tried to black ball me
Forgot about two things, my black balls

- Kanye West, Gorgeous

But ya, at this point I don't know if Kanye is just off his rocker or if he's just doing everything in his power to remain relevant. He really just needs to go back to making soul beats and thinking the government gave blacks AIDS. At least that Kayne made good music.
Assuming he, the lyrical genius and voice of a generation, means "DEFCON" rather than "death con"... what does he actually mean by that? The black air force is moving up from a six hour mobilisation to a 15-minute one?

Also only your scrotum is the colour of your skin. Testes be whiteish/greyish/purplish no matter what colour the outside is.
I'm convinced Nick is the opposite of people fearing an AI becoming more human where as he adopted the personality of a poorly written Twitter bot.
A true alpha male does not live secure in their alpha maleness. If you’re bold, confident, demanding, highly productive, extremely intelligent and wildly successful, people may think you’re just a run-of-the-mil ******* screaming “Do you know who I am!?” No, the true alpha male needs to tell you he’s an alpha male, because insecurity is the alpha males strongest attribute.
Was he trying to tell a joke? I'm curious now about the context he brought that up regarding.
  • Former President Donald Trump mocked the late President George H.W. Bush for having his presidential papers sorted in a converted bowling alley and Chinese restaurant. But that distorts what happened with Bush’s papers.
  • Presidential papers often are taken to large, repurposed facilities, where they remain for years to allow for sorting and cataloging before buildings housing their presidential library and museum are ready for occupation.
  • Unlike what appears to have happened with the papers Trump took to his Mar-a-Lago resort, the Bush paper sorting was done with the full cooperation of the National Archives and using standard procedures for security and limiting access to classified material.
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So, **** his sister, no abortion, and control her life as a woman.

Dennis Prager, representative of Conservative values....
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It's... icky, and I can't even for the life of me imagine being able to... do that¹... but - up to a very specific point, and one at which he is extremely wrong - I actually agree.

I don't care what two informed, consenting adults (or rather those capable of operating at an adult level of decision-making) get up to in private. There are certain relationships wherein the power dynamic brings into question the "informed" part, but they don't even need to be familial - teacher and adult student, superior and junior colleagues (including armed forces) within the same chain of command - although obviously do include certain familial relationships.

The point at which I care is when it brings harm or injury to a third party, and yeah that absolutely includes any offspring conceived - assuming both parties to be fertile and capable of procreating... but again that doesn't need to be limited to the familial either. Two otherwise unrelated individuals who know they are carriers of life-shortening (or life-altering) genetic disorder also bring potential harm or injury to any offspring they conceive.

However we don't make that illegal (although there very much is a question of whether we should and how far that strays into eugenics). We make sibling-sex illegal because it's incredibly difficult to divorce the power dynamic² and - unless both are sterile - massively increases the chances of amplifying a genetic disorder unknowingly.

Which is where Dennis is hopelessly wrong, but then again I'd expect no better from someone using the phrase "mentally retarded" to mean "genetic disorder".

If one parent is a carrier of a genetic disorder, half of their kids will be carriers. If two carrier kids³ bang and conceive, 100% of their kids will be sufferers. That's ONE generation Dennis, ONE. Do a ****ing Punnett Square you turd. Or have a royal family full of haemophiliacs and learn about it in secondary school.

I'm completely comfortable with no (mentally) adult being prosecuted for shagging any (mentally) adult sibling unless it's clear coercive control or they subsequently produce offspring with genetic disorders. I'm also completely comfortable with there being a law against it - and a general societal revulsion about it - to provide sufficient deterrent to limit the number of prosecutions necessary.

¹My brother is ugly. Also he has a penis, which would be a dealbreaker either way.
²There's also a question about whether the psychological damage to other family members constitutes harm - but then homophobic parents could claim their son dating another man is psychologically damaging, or racist parents claiming their daughter dating a black man is psychologically damaging, or your child banging someone simply awful you'd not give houseroom to is psychologically damaging...
³Just to complete the maths, half of Gen1 will be unaffected, half will be carriers; if carriers interbreed, 100% of Gen2 are affected, but if unaffected kids interbreed 0% will be; unaffected x carrier results in 50% unaffected, 50% carrier in Gen2 - as with Gen0. If the prevalence of carriers is 20% in the general population, this makes affected offspring ~25 times more likely on average in interbreeding after one generation, assuming two kids per couple; if it's 2%, interbreeding makes it 250 times more likely.
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The mediamatters link has a longer excerpt his broadcast for context.

Dennis Prager
Just this one verse that men should not wear women's clothing or women men's clothing. So, let's go to my motto, preferring clarity to agreement. Either the Bible's right or the left is right. They can't both be right.

That's why you can't be a serious Jew or Christian and be a leftist. You can be a liberal, you can be a conservative, but you can't be a leftist. Just on this issue alone. You just would have to say the Bible's wrong and you're right.


There's no secular argument against adult incest. Brother and sister want to make love, what's your argument? That they're going to produce mentally retarded offspring? That's nonsense. It takes many generations of inbreeding to do that. There is no secular argument against adult consensual incest. There is a religious argument - sex cannot enter family life. It's a big taboo.

See, people think we can live without the greatest source of wisdom and morality in the history of the world, the Bible. That's what they think. Even some secular conservatives think that. They don't realize that they're living on the fumes of the Judeo-Christian value system. But if you ultimately extract those flowers from the soil that nurtured them, those flowers will wither and die. I don't want to see that happen.
Note: the bible states the entire human race is the product of incest.

It's important to an authoritarian like Prager for him to claim the bible is the basis of all morality as he's doing here. I think he's priming people for the idea that authority shouldn't be questioned (unless the authority is of godless leftists).

In the olden days authoritarians wouldn't even let people read the book in English. Nowadays English is okay for fundies, unless it's modern English. I guess the more obscure the phrasing, the easier it is for the interpreter or clergyman to put his own spin on it for the benefit of the uneducated masses.
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