Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
"You be the judge"

Mr Rogers Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Not guilty, then.
Sorry, but the options according to Fox News are:
Very Guilty
Oh, you bet he's guilty.
Not enough information but he's guilty.
He might not have done anything technically wrong but he's guilty and Biden should be impeached.
Dude hasn't washed that greasy ass hair in 10 years either.

Also, I thought those macho men types were all about working with their hands? How have you never washed your hands but done something mainly like change a tire? Because if you hadn't washed your hands, that JC Penny suit would be all dirty.
"I don't believe in germ theory"

Great, it's a welcome return for cholera and bodies piled up in the street.

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That's a pretty bold film from a dude that was made famous for driving around a car with the flag of a bunch of losers on it.
His entire screen career after Smallville has been lunatic fringe Christian nationalist junk; he even had a role in the film "Roe vs. Wade", a movie purporting to be a "both sides" look at abortion but which was a thinly disguised anti-abortion screed that somehow filpped into a conspiracy theory movie about anti-Catholicism.

Just look at the titles of things he's been in over the last 20 years. You've seen the film by reading the title.
If "your woman" is your first-born daughter, her mum was "your woman" first. Which makes her also your first-born daughter, so her mum was "your woman" before her. And so on.

This gets pretty recursive pretty quickly. You'd have to find your family tree on
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I'm sure this will be a good decision and cannot backfire at all. All her opponent has to do is just state if Lake wins, the NFL won't be coming to Phoenix.
Wait, what does the NFL have to do with border policy? I mean, I understand there’s no logic or common sense with these dingleberries, I’m just trying to understand the connection.