Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
World history is woke.
Even American history (without the quotes) is woke. I bet Cahokia wouldn't be on his syllabus.

Better to teach that indigenous people lived like animals before the white man came to civilise them. Can't have them getting ideas above their station.

The party of law and order...

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It's the masturbation lessons in Bradley's imagination that puzzle me. How do you teach an entire class to wank off? :confused:

Did you never have that rule in PE wherein if you forgot your kit you had to do PE naked below the waist? Our PE teacher was ever so forgetful...
Even American history (without the quotes) is woke. I bet Cahokia wouldn't be on his syllabus.

Better to teach that indigenous people lived like animals before the white man came to civilise them. Can't have them getting ideas above their station.

The party of law and order...

View attachment 1204649
Is he going to hit himself in the head with the hammer? Might knock some sense into it.

Is he going to hit himself in the head with the hammer? Might knock some sense into it.
I think the implication--per the "explanation" that the rat ****ers favor--is that he's planning to have sex with a much older man.

not that there's anything wrong with that seinfeld GIF by myLAB Box
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I guess "woke" vs "real" history has been a thing for a long time. Political cartoons from the 1890's":


Conservatives are right to think the liberal education system is undermining their positions by teaching kids "woke" history, rather than "American" history. Ignorance is a powerful force in society, as we can see from the surprising success of Trump & the MAGA movement. The MAGA crowd are aggressively opposing a more realistic appraisal of American history.

To be honest, the myth of American Exceptionalism is deeply entrenched in liberal thinking in the US also. People who think they're "exceptional" have no real motivation to look at themselves objectively, face their shortcomings & improve.
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There's white knighting and there's writing fanfiction to a 12 year old's diary. And not just any fanfiction written by a grown man to follow a 12 year old, but fanfiction wherein she simply must be converted to Christianity. Obviously.

One of the great human tragedies of the 20th century and of course the narrative needs to be "corrected".
Based and redpilled Elon Musk OWNS triggered woke SJW AOC

View attachment 1205436
Well it was about that time that I noticed that the Twitter CEO was about 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the protozoic era.

The inflation even works out presuming Chef's parents had their run-ins with the god damned Loch Ness monster in the 80's or early 90's as $8 in 2022 money is roughly equivalent to tree fiddy in those time frames give or take the fiddy.
He's right in that I do think most Trumpists are stupid.
I don’t. I think roughly every Trumpist that was at Jan. 6th is incredibly stupid. Also, the ones that never graduated high school, been arrested, and continue to ****- up most days that wake up. White, black, whatever. Outside of that, most Trump supporters just have an opinion, like yourself. Just like the BLM riots, anyone who destroyed property, injured, or killed people. Again, no worse then dumb Trumpists, just Biden voters. Buy I would never judge a people representing a small percent of a population.

So, usually the right side of the opinion is found somewhere in the middle. Problem is when you bring media into the conversation. Whether Faux News or Clinton News Network, stupid people are lazy to do their own research, but spout off their opinions like they actually know something. I mean really, what percentage of the population takes the time DYOR on both sides or are actually informed at all? I’d probably say 5% or less.

I classify myself as a common sense conservative with the understanding that compromise between two different belief systems is really the only way anything good will ever happen. Unfortunately I think corrupt politicians from both the right and left are in control of our government.
We are all likely just pimples on the ass of society in the end.
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BLM rioters are Biden voters now? I thought they were anarchists. But hey... both sides, right? Maybe everyone who protested was supposed to have been classed as a rioter, not just the agitators who were arrested for criminal damage. /s

Most BLM protesters might be Biden supporters, but most of them didn't break anything either.
Drawing an equivalence between them and folks like the Oath Keepers who wanted to hang Nancy Pelosi from a lamppost and were in constant contact with Trump is disingenuous. But I guess that's what passes for common sense among people who support Trump these days.

The overwhelming majority of BLM protesters had an agenda. They think law enforcement officials shouldn't be able to get away with killing innocent people. What was the agenda of the people who showed up to the Capitol?
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Bro, you just quoted Time and CBS….biased sources.

BLM riots cost more than 100x as Jan. 6th.
BLM riots killed more people including officers.

If you people actually think a bunch of Rednecks were going to “overthrow” the government then it’s probably not worth my time debating with you. During BLM riots, protesters had to be held back from the storming the Whitehouse. The place would have burned to the ground. But we’ll ignore that and use the Wisconsin State House instead when that was ramsacked in the same way as the Capitol. But anyways, please see sources below. Wiki is biased as well but hey, depending on source, deaths from Floyd riots range from 12 to 25. I know I certainly didn’t see anyone bent up like that poor store owner in Dallas on Jan. 6th (who also happened to be LBGT).

Oh, disclaimer - I do not support any of Jan. 6th rioters or what they believe but I do think 81 Million people did in fact dislike Trump. Can’t say I liked him either, I thought he was a real, well, you know.

Oh look, everyone was worried about Trump starting some nuclear war. Now with FJB, were closer to millions dying along 2 fronts, Russia and NK

I wonder what Biden in particular has done to antagonise the NK regime and what he should perhaps have done instead to discourage them from firing their missiles. Lift the sanctions that have been in place since the 1950s? Perhaps I should do my own research.
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