Custom event: No Mercy Suzuka Pro 600pp - RWD only @ xx:03:18:33:48

Would you be interested in a Suzuka 600pp, RWD cars race only @ xx:02 :17 :32 :47 ?

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Well I usually get this really bad feeling that lasts all day, starts around 9am and ends at 5pm. Sometimes it gets a bit better between 12 and 1pm. It totally stops me racing. I also have to curtail my racing earlier than I would like in preparation for this feeling because I know I have to prepare for its onslaught the coming day...


All the best

Sounds like you are coming down with cantbearseditus. As your doctor i suggest you start drinking heavily.
Sounds like your coming down with a case of cantbearseditus. As your doctor i suggest you start drinking heavily.

Looks like someone had started drinking heavily already. :rolleyes: :)


Me and Bollox racing. 👍
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Yep, I'll be there. Might even use the db9 again. Was having fun in it, after the threat of mayday watching over me had gone. Lol. EDIT: does anyone get bad knees after a night racing? Mine have been tingling all day.

I was going to do the same was just getting use to the M3 by the time i had to clock off for bed
Really quiet tonight. Only myself, Bollox and Sinsemilia.


Calling it a night, sat out more than raced tonight. :grumpy:
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Don't worry, I think I'll get something to eat now. Not very eager to join if it's just the two of us. Much nicer when atleast 3 people racing. :) Presuming there is no others?
Woow, that (:48 race) must have been the best 1st lap ever. :D 👍 Supernice.
And fantastic race overall aswell. :)
I might've hit someone with a red ferrari, sorry I couldn't kept my car on the inside cause it started oversteering when we were side by side.
Hun, not sure, maybe I thought you were already by my side. :)

Chronos, loved that :18 race. :P Very nice.
This seems to be a PAL event as I have not seen many NTCS out there.:(
I noticed somthing,I see that this is a RWD event.So why are there MWD cars allowed?I allways thought RWD meant front engine,rear drive.Just asking.

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