Having great fun right now with this tool, customising my own grids. Just did an one hour WEC race yesterday, with 8 LMP1s, 8 LMP2s and 14 GT3s.
Already have plans for a VLN type grid, consisting of GT3s, GT4s and some Road Cs. Other than that, I am very unimaginative at the moment. Any other ideas from you, guys?
You can try WEC at others WEC locations, just look on the internet for them.
You can also try endurance races grid: Daytona 24, Bathurst 12 (will happen this month), Dubai 24, Spa 24 with the right car proportions. Its all about searching for entry lists and results.
You can try to fix their road cars categorys if you want. That belongs to your opinion, but in my own cars like Ariel Atom, Tuned StanceyWorks MX5, Tuned StanceyWorks BMW, ruins the road car racing. You can even kill that age mix (car from 80s, car from 2011, etc) doing races with recent cars only, or 80s and 90s only, etc...
When selecting grid, paying attention on how often some cars appears can make your grid more realistic. Ginnetas for example are very common on GT3 and GT4 on PCars, but on real life GT3 Ginnetas are very rare (on GT4 they arent rare but the BMW M3 and Aston Martin V12 Vantage are more common).
If you can select who starts first you can even do a Gran Turismo 4 license based race: Create a short race and put the slowest cars on front, and the fastest on the backward.
There are some other possibilities too, its up to imagination. We cant say there are infinites options, but there are dozens of possibilites.