D-Max // Since 2010 // Welcome Eddyac!

  • Thread starter D-Max
Tonight anyone? I thought we were doing some racing or whatever tonight anyway, but whatever :) so who's on tonight?
I wont be! But if your lucky I might hop on at around 8-9ish...
What sort of 'Grip' are you doing? Touge? :D
I really don't know, I guess touge would be fun :) but thinking about it I wont be on for very long, got an early start in the morning!
Bye guys, I hope you all have a great Christmas and enjoy New Year's Day :D I'll miss y'all, see you next year :)
Update the OP? Get on Photoshop and make something cool? TALK TO ME. XD 2013 is a new year! haha
Next weekend is the pre-season to figure how things flow. So since it does not count against points its not on the schedule. Plus I haven't had time to update anything. Sorry

I messed up. Preseason is this weekend, January 5-6th, 2013.
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