I just laughed so hard at the last two pages, hahaha. MSTER chill broski, it's only a bit of fun. 👍 I'm sure your going to dominate everyone, use the spam posts are inspiration for you to unleash the beast within.![]()
De-Registrating Judging and competing
MSTERHahaha! Almost everyone. I won't be able to dominate a certain somebody who is slightly on the KYOKI (Crazy) side....
But the comp isn't over yet, who knows what will happen?
Are you pulling an Ant? XD
Hahaha, have some faith! I'm sure you'll do well!
I was put up against lukas. We did do some good tandems but some slight tapping lost me the game by 2 pts. There's still round 5... (in 2 long weeks
Don't feel bad, I lost because Tamas didn't speed match. Instead of both of us stopping and redoing it, I stopped and got 10-0'd lol..
I lost because I only slightly touched lukas but the lag intensified the hit, making him go almost off-course.![]()
I can't say I'm surprisedThe lag in this game can be terrible at times. 👎
Awesome! Congrats B! Its a good thing you could make it today huh??As for my battle, it's okay. I was kinda hoping Lukas stepped in and said something. When he didn't, I gave up. Better luck next time I hope.
Next time, keep going until the judges call the run off. Then you can be sure you won't lose by 10 points again.
I know if I were a judge, I wouldn't have let it happen. He wasn't even close from the time we left the line so there was plenty of time to stop him. But w/e, you live and learn.![]()
That's why I hate Tamas and those judges to let this happen they should gave you the 10-0 not TamasDon't feel bad, I lost because Tamas didn't speed match. Instead of both of us stopping and redoing it, I stopped and got 10-0'd lol..
That's why I hate Tamas and those judges to let this happen they should gave you the 10-0 not Tamas
That's why I hate Tamas and those judges to let this happen they should gave you the 10-0 not Tamas
See the thing is, I just thought Lukas was going to allow it. It was 100% my fault for stopping. If I had of known he was just reducing points, I wouldn't have stopped.I just figured it would have been the fairest way for both myself, and Tamas. Anyway, whats done is done. There's always round five.