DAE think ranking should be separated by assists used?

  • Thread starter b0ltzz_
As long as the governing body allows aids, all are within the bounds of legal. With or without SRF they're[read:fast drivers] still destroying the vast majority of drivers. SRF was controversial from the start but guess what, the pipe dreams of the slow will not magickly make us faster than someone who leads by racecraft. I've seen this argument several times(Seasonals mostly, but also during GT Academy) and the outcome is typically deducted down to a unanimous chorus of: the fast guys are fast regardless of aids. In fact, driving faster around the circuit has less to do with aids and more to do with racecraft. In the words of Forrest Gump, I may not a smart man, but I know what fast is(I'm not it and never will be without professional training/conditioning separate of a video game or maybe not even after training ;)). That said, I'd still like to see divisions of drivers to satisfy my competitive desires. WRS is a great way to do this. I simply missed the cut off (again) out of my own folly. With a family and a wife who's expecting, sometimes I have less than an hour per night to practice/drive. It is what it is. But, I digress.
TL;DR: Personally, I'd entertain the thought of leaderboards being seperated by filters.
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I don't think separate leaderboards are required, but they should add a filters to the existing leaderboard to display only times achieved based on different criteria (such as the use of SRF, etc.)

Filters are an idea I can get behind, because I'd also like to filter by player country. (unless that's already there and just never noticed. I don't look at the leaderboards much, esxcept to check my PSN friends' times).
I'm with him ^

I'm ok with aids that help keep you in track (~90% use ABS1 at least), but not those that magically take 2 seconds out of a lap round Tsukuba.

If that wasn't there to begin with, times would be fairly comparable no matter what aids, controller used or whatever.
It just needs filters.

As @Boone says, what makes people the fastest is being the best, however, that's no use to me.. I want to play SRF off, so I want to know where I stand in the ranks of people playing with an equivalent set-up, be it controller type, aids or tuned/stock. I can live with not being in the top 50,000, but I'd like to know if 45,000 people in front of me are all doing something different (other than maybe just being better than me).

You also can't learn anything from the ghosts, since they are all with SRF on.
I reckon assist filters would be excellent! I race with ABS 0, so I might be sitting on a very short list. :lol: I was thinking about this just the other day. I was doing the X-Bow (which isn't as lovely to drive after v1.03 by the way. Or I'm playing too much GTA) seasonal being annoyed because I drive with no assists, and then there are these clowns going with SRF who are lightyears ahead and might not even be quicker drivers if put on even ground.

I reckon there needs to be something relating to the tuning done to the car too, because in any seasonal where you bring your own car, they'll tune as much as they can without going out of the regs. If there was a way for PD to separate tuned cars and stock cars it would be far easier. I suggest a pp limiter in the leaderboards. You select a minimum and max pp limit, and it only selects drivers within this range.

I reckon the moment tuning comes into the picture, it's a test of patience and trial and error trying to get a good setup rather than actually seeing who the best driver is.
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It's a competition. People want to see how their skills stack up against others. Basic human nature.
The point is, those who enjoy the more realistic version of the game can't do that right now.
Of course you can, you just choose not to have any driving aids on simple. Why shouldn,t someone with less skill than you not have the oppurtunity to enjoy and participate in all online events , I have touble sometimes just staying on the track without assists but I still paid the same amount for my game and I still support the community. If you can race without assists then kudos for you . But if I had no choice to use assists then I would throw the game away and so would millions of others (no game for anyone if that was case). Its a personal choice .
Not against anyone here, but people who are worried about any assist other than SRF are so far off base they really don't even need to comment. All the "normal" assists do slow you down. Yes, it's easier to drive with them on sometimes, but whether it's TCS or STM or whatever they are all systems designed to slow the car down when it approaches the edge.

SRF is a different animal. But people, it's not like when it's on the game turns into Ridge Racer. They'd have been better off making it two different modes instead of including SRF as opiton. Would be much better with "sim" physics and "arcade" (SRF on) physics in completely separate modes. But as it stands, it's a option that if you want to get to the top you need to use. End of story. Filters are ok in theory, but in reality are useless. Who cares if you set the #1 SRF off time, when there are 500 people in front of you on the boards. Many of them would be much faster than your #1 time if they turned it off. It's a empty ranking.

And yes, the wheel is the biggest assist in the game. Not that it's impossible to get fast times with the controller, but it's much, much harder. As evidenced by the seasonal leaderboards. The vast majority of the top times will be set with the wheel, with the occasional controller alien sneaking into the top 20 or so.
SRF on and SRN off times still makes sense, precisely cause it's a different game altogether.

If there's anyone with something to prove, would be the ones with the SRF ON times. I could see the top drivers running top times in both tables. It would sure make the seasonals "last" longer too.

I always go SRF off to start with, but when a friend turns it on and beats me or just out of curiosity to see how much of a difference it makes to me, and how far I am from the top, I end up turning it on and then forget my "SRF off" time.

I'd love SRF/NO SRF time tables.
I hate the mixed leaderboards , I usualy driving everything off exept ABS 1 (t500+th8rs)
at the seasonal I was at 7000th place after 15 laps maybe ! then in the evening after reading this post I decided to give SRF a try , because I wanted to know if I'm competitive ! After only 5 laps I was at 232th place !
SRF off = 7000th
SRF on = 232th

with SRF on it wasn't even a very good lap , cause I'm not used to willow springs and to be honest I don't like it very much !

I normaly don't care about the ranking cause there a other problems as well , for example , the same driver with 15 different accounts and stuff , obviously hacked or glitched times !
but I would truly love the option to only show SRF off times !
also I would like to filter any aids and wheel , controller too !

I like the filter idea. Its hurts nothing and gives everybody the I gold standard their looking for.

Ive always been hardcore about learning how to get better without assists (within my abilities). Today I was having a tough time getting gold with the FT1. I was only a tenth off, but after reading the chatter about SRF I gave in, and for the first time ever turned it on. Then easily made gold by a couple seconds. For me, that's nearly impossible time without. However, after a few laps if that I turned it back off and hit the track again. 1st lap... gold by half a second. There is definitely a learning benefit to it but I agree with the masses here; its just a completely different animal.
Just about got to the max of my performance on the NSX seasonal and now I'm just itching to turn SRF on, just to see how close to the top I could get.

I definitely NEED filters...
wont debate about aids, game modes, personal tastes, freedom of choice and all that...
Filters are just filters and they are a good thing. They are digital information's best friend.
Information without filters is useless, unless you live a thousand lives.(which is a bit untastefull!)
Yes to SRF filter. Absolutely yes.

Keep in mind they would also need to include replays for the top SRF off players too, as opposed to just the global top 10 (which would be all SRF).
Why does SFR exist in gt6 there is no reason for it at all. An assist is to help newer players not give a massive performance advantage:confused:. SRF is wrecking the competition of the weekly time trials many on friends list just can't be bothered which is a real shame

Personally id love to see every one forced into cockpit view for time trials. I can't see Jenson Button using chase cam in the McLaren simulator just to gain a few tenths :sly:
Why does SFR exist in gt6 there is no reason for it at all. An assist is to help newer players not give a massive performance advantage:confused:. SRF is wrecking the competition of the weekly time trials many on friends list just can't be bothered which is a real shame

Personally id love to see every one forced into cockpit view for time trials. I can't see Jenson Button using chase cam in the McLaren simulator just to gain a few tenths :sly:

Amen, it should not gain an advantage so far ahead of people have better control and skill.
I guess they didn't expect faster players to use it, or at least to make use of it so well, and take so much time out of a single lap (between 2 to 10s depending on event).

I understand the need for it to get newbies hooked in the game and not abandoning as "too hard", but making them level or better than the hardcore players is very debatable to say the least.

As posted before, other aids make you slower, not faster, which really is not that realistic too (some modern systems can actually make you faster).

So maybe the right thing would be to work on removing "SRF god like mode" while making all other aids more realistic, which in some cases could and should make you faster (TC at least with some tracks/cars/tyres).

But bottom line, we'd still want/need/like filters no matter what after that. So just go ahead and do it now please, it's not "that" hard :P
It's a competition. People want to see how their skills stack up against others. Basic human nature.
The point is, those who enjoy the more realistic version of the game can't do that right now.
That's plain wrong. I do enjoy the more realistic version of the game, turning off aids as i want to and try to get my best personal lap possible.
I for one do not need other peoples lap times to know if i have found my personal best or not.
And if you want to compare your skills to the fastest drivers, well then you will have to use the same setup as them.
Do not blame someone for using a legit option, be it SRF, TCS or whatever.
When the fastest NSX Seasonal lap was 20+ seconds faster than the GT gold lap, then apparently that person didn't need to use SRF for help. SRF should be disabled for online TTs and Seasonal events.
Huh? I'm not blaming anyone.
Yes you do. :cool:
Most people will use the fastest option within a given rule set.
Incidentaly the fastest drivers do also use this fastest option, otherwise they can't enter the top ranks.

You on the other hand do refuse to use this option, which i personally find great. 👍
But since you opted for the slower option you can't compare your skills to the top guys.

You want to show your skills, so you have to enter the level of fast options as the top dogs do.
Refusing to do so is blaming others only for using other options (legit ones) than you.

I do not want to sound harsh, but if your main aim is to compare i can assure you, that those top guys are normaly also really fast without any SRF.
Huh? I'm not blaming anyone.
There's always someone thats trying to play the "deal with it" card.

I'm with you. It's not about trying to beat the SRF users. I want to filter and compete with people not using SRF (or active steering). Yes, let the SRF users top the leaderboards. I want to compare my times to people not using it. Not because "they are better" or "I'm better" etc... Just a filter. Surley it can't be that hard for others to comprehend.