I don't insult everyone I have discussions with here/elsewhere. Only those who propose Draconian ideas about competition rules and who often post insinuations about those who use aids and in general act like jerks about their "superior" racing provenance. I'm just giving back in kind, since that's the language I see most often from your camp. If you can't get that, sorry bud. I'm not looking for "friends-at-any-cost". Been done that got little for it won't do it again.
Like you, I'm looking out for myself and those I care about. And yes, I totally get that this is just a game. That's the underlying premise upon which I entered this fray. And that's the basic problem with you guys. You don't. You see this as your racing app, designed as a stand-in for rl racing, whether because you're too young to do rl racing, you do rl racing and use this to keep your chops up off season, or you're so old or have sustained injuries that prevent you from racing rl. If you want to use it for that, fine, No one's stopping you. But you ignore the fact that the other 99% of licensees are not aspiring race drivers, current race drivers, or retired rl race drivers, and in most cases, they aren't officious jerks who want rules changed for Polyphony Digital designed, open competitions that benefit any player who can compete within the rules that Polyphony Digital set, not those that some small minority of overly serious game players set. You want comity, then show some yourselves. You want responses like mine, then keep on posting Draconian rules of racing conduct for others and in general acting like a bunch of soviet style commissars.
My advise? Lighten up yourselves and I will too. I don't post like this to everyone.
The jerk here is someone who refers to others that have a different opinion than their as, "
jerks, soviet style commissars, cognitively impaired and draconian", when in fact, the only one acting that way is you with your, "
you have to agree with my way or you are an idiot" philosophy. You can't make a point with logic or intelligence, so you resort to shouting and rage.
Let's try this speaking calmly to each other. I'll lay out my argument logically.
GT advertises itself as a "
driving simulator". Kaz wants to build a driving "
simulator" not a game. This is well known. GTAcademy attempts to turn "
sim racers" into real racers, not "
game players" into real racers. You with me so far? This is the basis of the entire franchise. Kaz's secret dream that he'll probably never voice, is to have an F1 or other high profile race series champion, come from his "
driving simulator". It would be the crowning achievement of his life, far more meaningful to him than any money or glory he gets from the GT franchise.
TT's are the training ground for GTAcademy, which is after all, just a TT. They are supposed to showcase the best talent in this "
driving simulator" in the world, competing head to head under the same conditions and without SRF.
Now to SRF. SRF is a magic invisible hand operating outside the laws of physics, the helps keep you on the track when you've exceeded the limits of the "
driving simulator" It's Need for Speed or Ridge Racer mode. It is the opposite of
"simulation", it's "
arcade", it turns GT into a "
game" not a "
simulator" How does one justify the locked use of SRF in TT's in a "
driving simulator Time Trial"?
Making the game accessible to noobs and less skilled pilots isn't a reason for including it in TT's IMO. Their overall result doesn't change, since most people will use SRF and the times are set in the TT's to reflect the availability of SRF. If they were to finish 40,000th, they'll still finish 40,000th since it's available to everyone.
They can't win gold without it? Sure they can, PD controls the gold times, just set the times to reflect non-SRF driving so everyone can win if that's the goal, the same thing they did on most TT's in GT5 and it worked just fine, and I don't recall a single voice asking for SRF on Time Trials ever.
Still can't make the time without SRF? No problem, use it, win your prizes, but you don't get on the leaderboard for that time. It is a "
driving simulator" after all, not an "
arcade game", and if you have to use arcade physics to get on the leaderboard, it should be an incentive for you to learn how to drive better and play the game more often to improve your skills.
Egads, no, I can't get on the leaderboard with SRF even though I can win the prizes? Oh God, my life is over, how will I make it through the day?! Watering down events for the sole purpose of letting everyone "
win", makes the events far less meaningful. This is the path PD has chosen, you can see it on Offline Career Mode where you can win events with 100 less PP and two tire grades and no difficulty slider to increase the competition level. IMO it makes GT6 much more of a "
game" than a "
simulator" and the series is worse off for it.