Yeah, Race B.... Keep using the META, even when you don't know how to drive it. Stability: thy name is Mustang. Met a one race nemesis, who couldn't control the Supra. It knocks me off. I regain composure and catch back up. The same player, set a qualy .5 seconds quicker than me, still hasn't controlled the car. I just barrelled it at the esses. Picked up 4 seconds, dropped from 2nd to 3rd at the PZ. Post race, the player types, "Don't cry.". I typed, "Control that car!".
Before next race, I lay down a qualy nearly a second faster in the RX-V. Dropped to 1:32.5xx. Pre -race screen. Same player is now three places behind me(I think finished out of the top 10 with a penalty). I finish 3rd after a different Supra(one of those ram players) divebomb-nudges me at the esses. I caught up to it, as it continues to go off track on the last lap.
Last race in the RX-V, I start 2nd behind an R8. I was too kind. Gave too much room at the last sector, touched the left tyre on the edge of the track, before the final esses and dropped spots spinning off. I coulda-woulda-shoulda passed it early in the lap, as I was much faster, but race just started and wanted to build a gap to P3. Finished inside the top 10.
Jump back in the Mustang: Pole/Win/FL/CRB by 10 seconds. Quit while I'm ahead.