"Daily" Race Discussion

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@Mc_Yavel hey, I recognize you from a few of the races I drove at sardegna! idk if you remember me though, I mainly drove a purple vantage. great to see lots of decent players still on gt sport. I only just got the game early this year in fact, cuz I wanted a GT game on the ps4 I just got, but didnt want to spend ~$60 on gt7. haven't really gone online ever since the daily races changed this month, but when I do, I hope to see some of y'all on there. thanks for the great racing, hoping to get as much of it as i can until sport dies!

P.S., sorry for losing it into t2 after you bump-drafted me on the straight.. it could've been a really great race for the lead, and i'm still upset about it :/
@Mc_Yavel hey, I recognize you from a few of the races I drove at sardegna! idk if you remember me though, I mainly drove a purple vantage. great to see lots of decent players still on gt sport. I only just got the game early this year in fact, cuz I wanted a GT game on the ps4 I just got, but didnt want to spend ~$60 on gt7. haven't really gone online ever since the daily races changed this month, but when I do, I hope to see some of y'all on there. thanks for the great racing, hoping to get as much of it as i can until sport dies!

P.S., sorry for losing it into t2 after you bump-drafted me on the straight.. it could've been a really great race for the lead, and i'm still upset about it :/
Yes, I remember that race. Since we were on a same pace and I knew you were clean racer from previous races, I thought we should try to escape the field and fight you for the win on the last part of the race. That didn't go as plan, quite the opposite actually.

Nice to race you again today. You have good pace for a GTS beginner. I'm starting to find my rhythm with the Ferrari. Today I could do most of my laps in 1.55 with lucky best lap in 1.54 high.

I so much did the right thing pitting early in our race today. 3 WRX fighting at the front and I had nowhere to go.

Started with Toyota GR86 Monday but it lack straight speed a bit. I will go with Ferrari for this week, love the WRX but I think the field will be all WRX before the weeks end. I like to do different and prove Meta wrong.

Will probably end up in the WRX before the end of the month if I want to keep my A+ rating, it's droping pretty fast being the only one in many races today and not winning them all.
Could manage a win yesterday but had to put a lot of effort in defending last lap against a faster driver.

Well played and congratulations!! I still need to clean my act up a bit before I subject anyone else to my ineptitude again. Gettin' pretty comfy at Catalunya but gots a looooooong way to go to keep up with y'all at Interlagos. :D


Would you like to guess what happened? :lol:
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I mean, at that point do you just kinda drive around making sure not to screw-up your crb?? Should be able to knock-out the 91 Wins and 65 Pole Positions trophies pretty quick! :cheers:
I'm basically just putting in practice laps at this point. Originally there was only 1 other person when the loading screen came up but when the lobby fully booted up, it was just me. I'm only 4 away from completing the in-game Pole Positions achievement and I am well past the Fastest laps achievement at 38 so there's that :lol:
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Would you like to guess what happened? :lol:

Boom, disconnect lose 1 500 DR :D

My recap from the last couple of days. Well I have been in the Dark places of GTS. Something like The Moria, no Balrog in sight but many many goblins. Glad I came out alive. See what I had to go trough.


Had to deal with them one by one. 21.30 race, we were fighting for no good reason with 2nd and 3rd, lots of contacts and divebombs. I'm not racing, I'm in full avoidance mode. After two laps I had enough, went to pit and out to a clear track. To my surprise, 2 laps later I caught up the field of goblins. I got all the dirty move possible even the brake check in the straight line :grumpy:. Many dirty move ended up with one player ghosted. My lap time were between 1.57 and 2.00, I only got the win because 1st did not pit.

Switching from Race B and C, the room are half full during the day.

Evening Race C was 14/16 WRX as I expected, 7 A+ driver and I finish 7th the last of the A+.

Lost 3 500 DR since the new set of races.
Boom, disconnect lose 1 500 DR :D

My recap from the last couple of days. Well I have been in the Dark places of GTS. Something like The Moria, no Balrog in sight but many many goblins. Glad I came out alive. See what I had to go trough.


Had to deal with them one by one. 21.30 race, we were fighting for no good reason with 2nd and 3rd, lots of contacts and divebombs. I'm not racing, I'm in full avoidance mode. After two laps I had enough, went to pit and out to a clear track. To my surprise, 2 laps later I caught up the field of goblins. I got all the dirty move possible even the brake check in the straight line :grumpy:. Many dirty move ended up with one player ghosted. My lap time were between 1.57 and 2.00, I only got the win because 1st did not pit.

Switching from Race B and C, the room are half full during the day.

Evening Race C was 14/16 WRX as I expected, 7 A+ driver and I finish 7th the last of the A+.

Lost 3 500 DR since the new set of races.
The disconnects burn me...if I'm gonna be losin' Dr, I'd rather drive to the bottom of the barrel myself.

I've been strugglin' to have a good time with the C race. Not sure if it's the track or what but it seems to bring the worst out in everyone, myself included. Gonna give B some runs this afternoon to see if the experience is any better. If not, well, I still gotta plug away at that level 50 trophy. :D

Finally got brave and stepped into the ring (Race C) a couple times yesterday. One great race, one 'meh' race...still not feelin' it with the new tracks. There's no love/hate there. For instance, at Sardegna my favorite corner was at the first stop-sign, my least favorite being the left-hand sweeper into the final hairpin. Love/Hate. At Catalunya I just feel like I'm surviving the whole course with no peaks and valleys in the experience...more steady-state, get to the end sort of thing.

My disdain for Interlagos is much simpler...I'm not fast there. Workin' on it but it's really not worth entering races where I know I am doing nothing but slow everyone else down. Not really aspiring to be the "jam-car" on the track, either (there's a throw-back for those old enough to remember :D).

Good thing, really, as it forced me to tackle that 1 Mil. drift points trophy...way more fun (and easier) than I thought. Turned the wick up on a Mustang street car (670 hp, I think) on Sports Softs. The leading role Mustangs play in the carnage that follows Cars and Coffee events is FAR more understandable now. Rolling into the throttle in FOURTH is still not to be taken lightly...flippin' blast, though! Racked-up a mil.+ in just over an hour...:cheers:
Went for Race A only because it was the first race available when I switch on the PS4. It went exactly as I predicted. Dirty dirty dirty. Lost 17 SR in one race and another 6 in the second. One DR.D driver kept trying to crash me only to ghost every time but he didn't stop trying, that was crazy. Not gonna put a wheel there again for sure.

I like Race B, 5 laps is enough for things to happen. Like losing the race on the last lap after i started from pole and pull 2.5 sec gap. :banghead: The exact opposite happened in another race where I got the win from 3rd place. P1 went wide in turn 1 and I'm in a fight with P2, when P1 rejoined he blocked unintentionally P2 a bit and I could pass them both. :cool:

I'm in the WRX for Race C now. My QT is average not to say mediocre so the target is to finish higher than I started. I still start from first half of the grid and tend to pit in the last lap unless I encounter a slower driver who makes it difficult to pass, then I rushed into the pit.
Race A - Nope, nope and a little more nope. Nothing good happens in there...one and done. :D
Race B - I took a stab at this one again yesterday and it went exactly to plan. Started 13th. Ended-up 9th. Even with my abysmal qualifier I still got stuck with the #2 plate...lost almost 600 Dr in that one race. Lesson learned. I'm lousy at 'Lagos.
Race C - I can say with confidence that this will be the ONLY race I run for the rest of the month. Mixed results there but have landed a couple wins + FL and CR bonus so seems the safest place to interact with other humans.

Well I'm gonna get back to work this weekend, my goal is to complete 330 races by the end of the year, I'm gonna try to get the Platinum trophy but idk, see I have to get 91 wins and Im only at 3. See how long will the GT sport servers stay alive?, with gt7 being the most popular now.
Well I'm gonna get back to work this weekend, my goal is to complete 330 races by the end of the year, I'm gonna try to get the Platinum trophy but idk, see I have to get 91 wins and Im only at 3. See how long will the GT sport servers stay alive?, with gt7 being the most popular now.
I'm trying to burn through the last two levels I need to get to 50 for the last driver level. Like you I've got some wins I need to get done, too, and with the tracks we currently have it's lookin' kinda bleak for this round. We'll see...

Good luck!! :cheers:
Season 3 Wall GIF by The Simpsons

Another win thrown away at Interlagos after I spun under braking for Turn 1.
At least once per race the RR catches the grass going into T1 and it's mostly impossible to catch, too. The breakaway is near freakish at that spot...it's like there's a patch of 'forever ice' just off the edge of the tarmac...:D
I feel quite the same as you "mello" at the Catalunya track. I complained about here, when it was a daily race before. it is just lifeless, boring somehow. I don't know how you can force yourself driving there just to gain DR points. I am at interlagos all the time. And the same as last month, I'm not able to reach my lap times from last week. I'm at least 1 sec slower. my best is 1:32.454 in the f-type. I did nearly the same time in the Viper. many are running the RCZ, I tried it so often, but can't be faster than 1:33.8xx . It is also very hard to climb up to DR B again, when I finish top 3, I often get a red S. But guys, what I really wanted to tell someone, because it really touches me, is thinking about , that this is all gone in time to come. I sat there two days ago, writing "goodbye to GTS and all of you" as a livery on the back of a gr3 car and honestly started crying. I am in quite a tough situation since a few weeks, my whole life that I like since I'm 18 is shredded to pieces and GTS was there in the good years, it helps more than drugs to drag my mind away from the problems. I know I will not like gt7 , just because I have all the good memories with GTS.
sorry for that, I abused you, because I needed to tell or write this to someone...
well, my time is up the next race starts soon, i'll try the Mustang now....oh, and I'm hoping that next month we gonna have the chance to drive a gr.2 or 1 once more. it's been quite some time that we've done that.
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I know I will not like gt7 , just because I have all the good memories with GTS.
Don't know 'til you try! :D

Really, though, try to start your journey to GT7 greatness with a hope of what will be versus fighting out of the shadow of what it won't be. You're gonna see a lot of the same names and liveries over in GT7 once they shutter the GTS doors, of that I am sure. For instance, and once it's gone, these same conversations will just transfer over to the Daily in the GT7 forum restarting the memory cycle all over again.

I empathize with your position. I get kinda emotional when I think about GTS closing down too, but I try to think of it more as another chapter in a book that I've been enjoying for a couple decades now. The story may change, and some passages/chapters may disappoint, but I still LOVE this book.:cheers:
I feel quite the same as you "mello" at the Catalunya track. I complained about here, when it was a daily race before. it is just lifeless, boring somehow. I don't know how you can force yourself driving there just to gain DR points. I am at interlagos all the time. And the same as last month, I'm not able to reach my lap times from last week. I'm at least 1 sec slower. my best is 1:32.454 in the f-type. I did nearly the same time in the Viper. many are running the RCZ, I tried it so often, but can't be faster than 1:33.8xx . It is also very hard to climb up to DR B again, when I finish top 3, I often get a red S. But guys, what I really wanted to tell someone, because it really touches me, is thinking about , that this is all gone in time to come. I sat there two days ago, writing "goodbye to GTS and all of you" as a livery on the back of a gr3 car and honestly started crying. I am in quite a tough situation since a few weeks, my whole life that I like since I'm 18 is shredded to pieces and GTS was there in the good years, it helps more than drugs to drag my mind away from the problems. I know I will not like gt7 , just because I have all the good memories with GTS.
sorry for that, I abused you, because I needed to tell or write this to someone...
well, my time is up the next race starts soon, i'll try the Mustang now....oh, and I'm hoping that next month we gonna have the chance to drive a gr.2 or 1 once more. it's been quite some time that we've done that.
I agree with you there, all I've been doing is racing at Autopolis and Interlagos. I'm not even doing the long daily race C because most of the time when I'm halfway or mostly done with the race, the wi-fi disconnects. I mean I do one every once in a while though. So far I've finshed over 200 races, gonna try to crack that trophy which you have to match someone's record of 322 F1 victories. Wish me luck!
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What cars are you guys using for race C? Getting fast quali times seems to be really car dependent, or that might just be me...

I started out doing the races in a mustang, where the best quali lap I could manage was a 1:54.2. In the races, I could just barely get into the 1:55s for my fastest laps. then I switched to the 458 and with it I just managed to drop my quali down to a 1:53.9 after many attempts, but was running the same sort of times in the race as i was in the mustang. After that, I decided to try out the GTR, seeing as how it's 4wd just like the WRX, which seems to be all the rage in that race. Then, on literally my 2nd lap in the car, I got a 1:53.4, and then managed to drop that down to a 1:53.0 a few laps later.... -_-

I only tried the GTR on a couple of races, and I found i could get my laptimes into the mid-low 55s, possibly into the 54s if i get more used to it. don't think i'll be doing any more races this month, since i'm going back to university soon, but i was really curious what everyone's thoughts were.
Hey, I don't do the Daily C races much cause of the length/risk of wi-fi disconnecting during race. I mostly do the A and B races cause they're shorter. My lap times were between 1:55.200-1:57.100 with the WRX, Dodge Viper, Corvette C# and the Genesis. Good luck with your university/school plans. Hope it works out for you!
What cars are you guys using for race C? Getting fast quali times seems to be really car dependent, or that might just be me...

I started out doing the races in a mustang, where the best quali lap I could manage was a 1:54.2. In the races, I could just barely get into the 1:55s for my fastest laps. then I switched to the 458 and with it I just managed to drop my quali down to a 1:53.9 after many attempts, but was running the same sort of times in the race as i was in the mustang. After that, I decided to try out the GTR, seeing as how it's 4wd just like the WRX, which seems to be all the rage in that race. Then, on literally my 2nd lap in the car, I got a 1:53.4, and then managed to drop that down to a 1:53.0 a few laps later.... -_-

I only tried the GTR on a couple of races, and I found i could get my laptimes into the mid-low 55s, possibly into the 54s if i get more used to it. don't think i'll be doing any more races this month, since i'm going back to university soon, but i was really curious what everyone's thoughts were.
I haven't taken the GTR for a spin yet...tried the Mustang, 4C, F-Type, 458, etc. My best qualifier was in the WRX @ 1:53.102. There's way more time left in the car but I'm not enjoying the racing all that much so kinda checked out for the dailies this month. I'll hit one here and there but just not feelin' Catalunya. Hoping for different races moving into September.

I think @Charmantha nailed-it...the track somehow manages to be boring. Personally, I think it's too much track and not enough car. I seem to remember liking this track a lot more in a Gr.3. :D

I've been hammering away at the levels/experience points. I'm halfway through level 48, got lots of points to go to get the lvl 50 trophy. Been doing dumb stuff on the side, too...like running the 'Ring in a shifter kart. Was impressed it could crack the 8-min. mark.:cheers:
I haven't taken the GTR for a spin yet...tried the Mustang, 4C, F-Type, 458, etc. My best qualifier was in the WRX @ 1:53.102. There's way more time left in the car but I'm not enjoying the racing all that much so kinda checked out for the dailies this month. I'll hit one here and there but just not feelin' Catalunya. Hoping for different races moving into September.

I think @Charmantha nailed-it...the track somehow manages to be boring. Personally, I think it's too much track and not enough car. I seem to remember liking this track a lot more in a Gr.3. :D

I've been hammering away at the levels/experience points. I'm halfway through level 48, got lots of points to go to get the lvl 50 trophy. Been doing dumb stuff on the side, too...like running the 'Ring in a shifter kart. Was impressed it could crack the 8-min. mark.:cheers:
Good luck with trying to get the lvl 50 trophy, well i've finished 227 races so far, only 95 more to go till I hit the gold trophy in which you have to match someone's record of 322 F1 victories. I've been only racing at Autopolis and Interlagos. However I seem to get more penalties at Interlagos. It's very easy to go off track if you drive too fast, see Interlagos isn't that big of a track so it's hard knowing when the best time to brake/turn is. Still cannot get a lap under 1'34.000.
Good day, all!

Anyone been logged in yet this morn'? I've not, but it appears races may have changed as there were no more events available for the current (as of yesterday :D) races in 'Prime. This is what's currently in the <Events> section:

The other weird thing I noticed is that these only appear to run through 9/7 -vs- the entire month. I wonder if they are going back to more frequent race changes -OR- is this the end? :cheers:
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I hope not, I started late (just now) on the N24 expecting it to last a month!

First race, like riding a bike. Awesome to be back on the GTS version of N24, much more alive than in GT7. The old potholes are back and the Lexus goes properly through the karoussel again, both of them. The Lexus also feels a lot more alive than in GT7, but it was GR.4 on the Nord there.

I'm glad the lobby was still nearly full and all SR.S. I got a red S after the race as the car in front of me screwed up a couple times and I couldn't avoid a slight tap on the bumper. Nothing happened, I slowed down to give them space to recover from their initial mistake, but I see the tap bumper, lose SR no matter what is still in effect. The cars that bumped me off from the side of course had blue SR, same as always.

Great race, competitive as well, started 10th finished 6th. Lot of none qualifiers on Monday and DR range from A+ to D.

Races are listed to the 8th now, I guess the list caps off somewhere, but 2 weeks minimum at least :)
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No way. A whole month (hopefully) of the Ring. Oh yeah. Thank you GTS. I'm glad I checked in. Time to dust off my wheel, hope it still works. :lol: Can't even remember the last time I used it. Unfortunately I gave in to the urge and got GT7 like 6 weeks ago (on sale fortunately) and the FFB in that game is so utterly trash that I just refuse to play it with the wheel. You don't feel anything in the wheel. Kerbs, bumps, nothing. It's all just force and zero feedback. The whole game is a gigantic disappointment for me. It's like they took GTS and made it worse in every way. Unbelievable. Who the hell made that game? Definitely not the people who made GTS.
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The races are the same for a month now? After a while of Race A (usually what I'm best at) in GT7 not counting for DR or SR I have considered going back to Sport. I might be good enough to gain DR in the N200 race depending on what the car is. Will DR gained in Sport now still carry over to 7? If it doesn't I might still run at some point on my alt account.