As what one what might call a visible minority living in a very cosmopolitan city, I wholeheartedly agree. Poking fun is how we all get along. But it is also important to note that some people who are filled with hate often test the waters with jokes first. The difference is that those people's jokes are never, ever funny. So it's easy to tell them apart from the rest of society.It’s all in good fun
Poking fun and laughing at and with each other has brought more people together than it’s ever driven apart.
Everyone is too sensitive these days.
Oh, cool! That was you.👍 I saw you had pace and wanted to make sure we pulled away from the rest of the field. Wasn't trying to pass at any point. Was too much time to lose if we started fighting. Think we both gave each other too much courtesy into T1 at one point.Race C has been pretty good this week and learnt a lot but still a lot to learn!
My qualy time is matching me with A+ and A drivers and if I can keep my rhythm I can keep up.
One race today I started in front of @05XR8 and he kept me on my toes and raced clean. I should have let him pass sooner as when he eventually did, I lost some rhythm and got swallowed up by another 4 drivers. As I learn from good and bad hopefully it will make me a better more consistent driver.
Exactly and probably an area I have to work on as not everyone is like you and does not display the same courtesy.Think we both gave each other too much courtesy into T1 at one point.
That's unfortunate. Can't recall any trouble from that player. I think he's usually faster than me anyway.Exactly and probably an area I have to work on as not everyone is like you and does not display the same courtesy.
I am a bit too nice in some races and therefore can lose positions. I will give a place back if I feel I gained it unfairly.
My next race I got punted at t2 lap1, he did apologize after race but my race was over, going from 8th to 18th.
Yeah, I don't think it was intentional just missed his braking mark on cold tyres.That's unfortunate. Can't recall any trouble from that player. I think he's usually faster than me anyway
Ok my two accounts are based here in the USA, I see drivers from Canada down to Chile and everywhere between in this slice of the world. How can I do some daily races in Europe or elsewhere without having to make an account in that area? I would like to race you people across the pond while keeping my account American.
(Getting tired of certain Brazilian drivers that are brutal and shove and punt others ot off their way)
The only way you can do it is in open lobbies. But that has it's own pitfalls.Nuts, as I'm getting tired of certain Brazilian drivers that are brutal in their racing etiquette
To be honest whilst there are idiots and brilliant racers from every country there are certain countries that have a higher percentage of idiots. In EMEA we know to be cautious over a certain nationality. I'm sure they'd say the same about another.Ok ok ok so I was bad for calling out a certain group by nationality, it was just my impression that a certain batch of aggressively rude racers were of a single nationality, I sincerely apologize for offending Brazilians and friends thereof.
Yes.<...snip..> There are dirty racers from all over the Americas. <... snip ...>
Ok ok ok so I was bad for calling out a certain group by nationality, it was just my impression that a certain batch of aggressively rude racers were of a single nationality, I sincerely apologize for offending Brazilians and friends thereof.
While it is dangerous to stereotype people for any reason, stereotypes do have some sort of root in reality. Leaving the technical aspect of network distances aside for a moment, there are cultural differences to be had. I know for a fact that Americans are considered by the locals to be loud and rude when they visit Japan. In my business, I work with people from India all the time. Once I started to understand their culture a bit more, my working relationship improved dramatically and became more productive.It’s a cultural thing more than anything. I’m a pretty avid surfer, and where I live in San Diego there’s actually a noticeable group of Brazilian male surfers that came here. At the risk of sounding not-woke… they’re a lot to handle to say the least. Extremely loud. Never say hi or even a courtesy “what’s up” in the water EVER. And they treat each wave that comes in…no matter how crappy….like it’s the last wave coming through during the world finals and they’re down by 8 points. Zero etiquette whatsoever. My coworker was married to a Brazilian for about 10 years. He was a jujutsu guy. She said the same thing. When his buddies would come over or all go out (also native Brazilians),they were super loud, super obnoxious, super arrogant.
Just how it is I suppose
This is why I feel to apologize because I made hasty, rash remarks and I wasn't in the right to do so. Again I'm sorry and it's behind me now.Yes.
Brazil, along with the US, is the largest group playing the game in the Americas. Aside from the id, the flag is the only identifying feature. We have a tendency to extend the antics of those dirty players to the whole nation and that is not right.
By sheer numbers, Brazil and US drivers represent more dirty players. We did not extend bad Uncle Jesse, the guy who shoots his pants, the Texas flag player, and maybe the grumpy family, to "United States is dirty". Ditto for Canada - it gets a pass. But we did for Brazil. Not right.
I had a post race conversation with one of my Brazilian friends. He felt the need to compensate/explain "I don't know whats is up with that guy" - his fellow countryman.
Is the correlation of bad sportsmanship from Brazil greater than other nations? Maybe, a little, as there tends to be a little truth in every stereotype. OK, that last statement was not woke - with this single mail I can never run for president now. Is it enough to generalize that Brazil is dirty... absolutely not.
This is the race from the screenshot earlier, I went in to turn 2 a bit too hot on the second lap then caused mayhem trying to give everybody enough room.
It's a type of confirmation bias related to selective memory. You're more likely to remember things that stand out from the norm. It's like if you have a playlist on shuffle, and as one song is ending, you start to think of another song. If that song does come on, it's an interesting coincidence; you're more likely to remember that than if a completely different song comes on. So you remember the moments it happens but not the moments it doesn't. Then it seems it happens more often than not.I used to think so but I don't think it's true. There are dirty racers from all over the Americas. I used to write down the names and flags of those who did me dirty on track because I'm petty and it was cathartic. When leaving out anything that had the possibility of being ping related, it was pretty equal across the board.
And let's not forget where the fastest GT player in the western hemisphere is from.
Jesus, a Los Angeles afternoon on a Friday....
Nice comeback and win
Long ago from '82- 2011 combo USMC and a career with McDonnell Douglas / Boeing. Worked in Long Beach.You an LA guy?
Hey, didn't know that! Fun!Copy that. Live in San Diego, work in South Central
Thank you for your service!
On another note, here’s the top 20 qually times for race C as of 12:01am “good guys” time
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Couple names we all recognize!!!
Good going fellas!!
Left tyres on tarmac on the inside, right tyres on rumble strip on the outside. Unless the moon is waning and Scorpio is rising, then it’s each to their own.SO we ran Race C near 3 years ago, I managed a win and some podiums but was racing low B's at the time. We were running 25s on hards, 24s on mediums but no track limit at T1. Quality has improved since then so I expect to need to run faster than that this week.
Only issue I have with RBR is the uncertainty around the last corner, it is not clear to me on the inside or the outside as to what results in a penalty.
As per usual, fastest QTs on EMEA involve wall-running T1. Again, as per usual, when you come up against drivers who've set their QT by wall-running, they can't race very well! Had a 5th, a 2nd, and 2 wins out of four races today.This is the race A car for Blue Moon Bay. 👍
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