I think if it was strictly predetermined, we’d have a reference thread by now and we’d be able to look up what our next car is. I think it is predetermined, but can be changed by PD. Clearly, when new cars or events are added, the odds of getting those cars on the spinner increase, at least for a while. Do we even know if the software controlling the spinner is on our consoles or on PSN servers? If it’s on PSN, it could be changed constantly and would be pretty close to being truely random.
The fact that people are getting lots of cr20,000 cars and no cr20mil cars indicates more random than determined. There are simply far more cr20,000 than cr20mil cars in the pool. If it were rigged, I can’t imagine why they would give us so many duplicates.
Also, as others have pointed out, a lot of people are falling for the gambler’s fallacy. The spinner doesn’t care what’s already in your garage, nor what you’ve gotten on previous spins. None of that affects the current spin at all. Every time I’ve sat down at a roulette wheel in Vegas, someone always says something like “6 hasn’t come up in a while. It’s due!”, and the casinos even have readouts showing the last 50 or so numbers. And people apparently think the casinos are doing that to help them, rather than to encourage them to blow more money.