Day/Night Cycle... Interesting pic...

  • Thread starter Lain

Why are the lights on?

  • Photoshopped

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Polyphony dropping a hint

    Votes: 80 53.0%
  • A mistake in the lighting

    Votes: 8 5.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 63 41.7%

  • Total voters


United States
Pasadena, TX
Ok, so I was reading a thread on where OP was asking if you'd be able to turn the headlights on and off in GT5.

A dozen posts into the thread, someone says that in a video of a replay from the Gamescom demo, the headlights of the Subaru were on. I suggested that perhaps they were just reflecting sunlight, and he posts this picture:


Now, what do you guys make of this? Photoshopped? A hint dropped by Polyphony? Just a mistake with the light's shaders making it look like they're reflecting light despite the fact that they probably shouldn't be?

I think it's the latter... what about you?
That's a hint. No doubt. The lights are there, it's not photoshopped, no reflection bug either.
0:07, 0:15, 0:33, etc...
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I actually like how real it looks.

That said. We still know nothing about GT5. Next week, we'll probably see a Zo6 GT1 at night at Le Sarthe. :drool:

O, and that trailer from E3 showing the Le Mans prototypes(R10 and 787B) on the Top Gear test track with headlights on. Another hint?
Aren't there a couple cars in Prologue that have their lights on? I can't remember which ones. I always seem to see it a HSR though.
Many races mandate running lights under certain conditions, some under all conditions, however I do think it's very likely that we will have Day/Night.
I do think it's very likely that we will have Day/Night.

It is very easy to implement night time into games. It's less processor intensive and it doesn't take a hell of a lot of time to create.

If anything isn't going to be in the game, it will be wet weather.
It's not photoshopped, thats a direct screenie from the Gamersyde 720P replay they got at Gamescom.

The Corvette Z06 in GT5P is doing the same.
Ok, so I was reading a thread on where OP was asking if you'd be able to turn the headlights on and off in GT5.

A dozen posts into the thread, someone says that in a video of a replay from the Gamescom demo, the headlights of the Subaru were on. I suggested that perhaps they were just reflecting sunlight, and he posts this picture:

Now, what do you guys make of this? Photoshopped? A hint dropped by Polyphony? Just a mistake with the light's shaders making it look like they're reflecting light despite the fact that they probably shouldn't be?

I think it's the latter... what about you?
You think it's reflections in the cars headlights, with the car in total shade?! LMAO!
So, are the lights on in ALL the videos from Gamescom, of just some of them??

/goes to find out...

You think it's reflections in the cars headlights, with the car in total shade?! LMAO!

You think you're clever? Brush up on your own reading before attempting to make fun of people.
Nomino. I know I'm new member and got no authority but why do you have to go on the threads and say things just to stir things up and get a reaction. You've done it before. On topic: If night races do come, which I think they will, what I would like is for you to only be able to see what is in range of the beams. It would be a really good challenge :)
Except you're not clever. If you were, you would've noticed that the OP said they thought that casting reflections in the shade was the result of a shader error.
Maybe you should consider some reading lessons yourself...

I suggested that perhaps they were just reflecting sunlight
Not such a smart ass really, are you?
It could be: day lights, predesigned day/night time races, dynamic day/night time, or just manual lights on/off (yea i know dumb idea with no dynamic time)
Bit more than 4 days and we know all!
Nomino, if you read the post, you'll see that a very simple sequence of events happened:

> Someone on gametrailers said the lights are on.
> yaywalter made a speculation about sunlight.
> The other user posted the pic, showing that the lights do indeed appear to be on.
> yaywalter's interest is piqued,
> He submits to us an brief history of the above dialogue, simple enough for a monkey to understand, along with the picture and some possibilities for us to consider.
Just quit while you're behind, dude.
I don't recall denying he said that. What I do recall is me commenting on the fact that he questioned the sunlight reflecting in the headlights, despite being in the shade. Given that we are both technically "selectively" quoting things from the original post, we are as bad as each other in that respect. Don't worry though, one day the other one will drop.
What I do recall is me commenting on the fact that he questioned the sunlight reflecting in the headlights, despite being in the shade.
Do you know what a shader is? Do you know what a bug is? It seems apparent that you don't.

Again, you're just digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself.
A mistake in the lighting - The other cars don't have their lights on, such as the Mitsubishi in the picture. However, that doesn't mean Day/Night Cycle won't be available in the game. I'm just saying that, to me, it seems they messed up.
I don't recall denying he said that. What I do recall is me commenting on the fact that he questioned the sunlight reflecting in the headlights, despite being in the shade. Given that we are both technically "selectively" quoting things from the original post, we are as bad as each other in that respect. Don't worry though, one day the other one will drop.

Does it really matter that much to you?
This is a lit headlight no doubt. And it's certainly legit since you can see it in gamescon footage from many different sources. If this hint's at a day/night cycle is a different story.

Anyway this is definitely not a lighting mistake. You don't create the most realistic headlight on a game with just an accident lol. No, they definitely put a lot of work on it and this certainly means we will have night races like we had before. Escalating it to day/night cycles is wishful thinking really.
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Hm, that's odd, only Subaru has turned on lights but other cars not...Correct me if I am wrong.

And btw people, I know this doesn't have anything with this thread, but are some GT5 Prologue websites about to close and be repaced with GT5 websites? Maybe there will be some new infos...
A mistake in the lighting - The other cars don't have their lights on
We already proved it's not a lighting mistake. The other cars don't have damage either...does it ring any bell?
The gamescom demo is just a glimpse.
Proved? Really? With speculation?

Am I not allowed to give my opinion, or what? After all, that's what a poll is for. Care to explain your "bell" theory?

My statement is based that a hint of that sort doesn't seem a hint at all. PD thinks we are detectives, or what? Why hasn't this being brought earlier if it was a visible hint? Oh, that's right, because he have nothing better to do than to create threads, polls, and especulate on what we already have.

What is the assumption of Day/Nighty Cycle based on? A turned on headlight? [sarcasm]Your powers of deduction are exceptional. I simply can't allow you to waste them here when there are so many crimes going unsolved at this very moment. Go, go! For the good of the city![/sarcasm]

Having a headlight on while the other cars don't is not the same has having damage and the other cars don't.

For example, if the Subaru didn't had any damage (knowing it was planned to have), then someone working for PD would have noticed immediately. Having headlights on is not so much of a trouble, and thus, they left that on, too lazy to change it, because it doesn't make a difference, as evidenced this thread took so much time to be created.

However, just because this may be a mistake it doesn't mean the car won't have a day/night cycle.
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