Dear PD, please bring GT7 back to DAY 1 physics and ffb

  • Thread starter EbrahimX7
Everything was fun and I felt addicted to the game when it came out, made me play daily like a mad man with a smile.
Now its extremly boring played once after the physics were killed and once now after 1.15 now ffb is killed. Cars were alive back then, ffb was decent, just needed more content.

With the NEW update all the PRO drivers have an advantage, the Sub top and Average drivers need to drive with TC because otherwise the car spins every single time. The GAP between Pro and Average drivers is bigger now and its Sucks!! Its all about the money for Polyphony... Not everyone can buy a Wheel and pedals From FANATEC (Compleet set around 1750 euro). You need that to compeed!! Its a Scandal from Polyphony... i was most of the time with the controller 2 sec slower then number 1 every week but now?? I'm 4 seconds slower and its because its impossible to drive no TC with ""automatic gears"". They Ruined the game completely! I see alot of Drivers complaining on GT PLANET. Its just not Fair! WE ALL Beieng FORCED to buy the TOP wheel and pedals to compeed and FORCED to drive MANUAL. Like i say and i'm not the only one GT7 getting worse and the PENS??? Its hilarious... You hit a little bit the BARRY R and 5 sec penalty... Hilarious, race over! What do you think Guys? Let me know ;) Thanks!
With the NEW update all the PRO drivers have an advantage, the Sub top and Average drivers need to drive with TC because otherwise the car spins every single time. The GAP between Pro and Average drivers is bigger now and its Sucks!! Its all about the money for Polyphony... Not everyone can buy a Wheel and pedals From FANATEC (Compleet set around 1750 euro). You need that to compeed!! Its a Scandal from Polyphony... i was most of the time with the controller 2 sec slower then number 1 every week but now?? I'm 4 seconds slower and its because its impossible to drive no TC with ""automatic gears"". They Ruined the game completely! I see alot of Drivers complaining on GT PLANET. Its just not Fair! WE ALL Beieng FORCED to buy the TOP wheel and pedals to compeed and FORCED to drive MANUAL. Like i say and i'm not the only one GT7 getting worse and the PENS??? Its hilarious... You hit a little bit the BARRY R and 5 sec penalty... Hilarious, race over! What do you think Guys? Let me know ;) Thanks!

No you don’t, you don’t even need a wheel at all. And if you don’t want a penalty, then don’t touch the wall, what’s 5 seconds when in reality your car would be underivable after hitting the wall?
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No you don’t, you don’t even need a wheel at all. And if you don’t want a penalty, then don’t touch the wall, what’s 5 seconds when in reality your car would be underivable after hitting the wall?
If you drive in A+ they are clean but in A and B not so you can't do about it if they push you to the wall Sir.
If you drive in A+ they are clean but in A and B not so you can't do about it if they push you to the wall Sir.

That has nothing to do with penalties. Go hit a wall in iRacing and see what happens, you’ll be getting a meatball flag, and pulling over to wait for the tow truck and repairs. Be thankful all you get is a 5s pen, and still get to finish your race. Learning to avoid the idiots, is part of the skill of racing.
Please do not change it PD.

Admittedly I was not able to get GT7 til Black Friday but, I quite like the way it is now. It finally feels real.
I do believe we are at a point where "gamers" hate the game as it is not just beatable. Those of us who play due to not being able to actually race in real life of whatever the reason* but, have driven real cars in track days or other amateur events and want to continue to get the feeling racing gave us.


*I have had back surgery and cannot take the forces the racing puts on a body now.
The GAP between Pro and Average drivers is bigger now and its Sucks!!
There will always be the same gap: putting effort into learning to play properly.
It doesnt matter that you are slower by 1 second or 3 seconds, as it hits the same pool of players in the same way.
The only question I have is: what is an average driver to you?
There will always be the same gap: putting effort into learning to play properly.
It doesnt matter that you are slower by 1 second or 3 seconds, as it hits the same pool of players in the same way.
The only question I have is: what is an average driver to you?
A+ pro, A Subtop, B average, C Beginners and D starters.
But its not only the Psycics, Also the dirty drivers that ruin your race... Most of the time players under 21 that get a wheel and pedals from mommy and daddy and play GT7 like its a hobby BUT SOME drivers take this serieus and want to be a topdriver and Top content on Youtube to make some money in these hard times and what do Polyphony do?? The adjust the pens but in a different way, hitting the boarder by a little tuch 5 sec pen, over the curbs 1 inch 2 sec pen, the guy in the front of you brakes hard on purpose and you got a pen of 4 sec... if you find this normal then you play gt7 just for fun Sir.
A+ pro, A Subtop, B average, C Beginners and D starters.
But its not only the Psycics, Also the dirty drivers that ruin your race... Most of the time players under 21 that get a wheel and pedals from mommy and daddy and play GT7 like its a hobby BUT SOME drivers take this serieus and want to be a topdriver and Top content on Youtube to make some money in these hard times and what do Polyphony do?? The adjust the pens but in a different way, hitting the boarder by a little tuch 5 sec pen, over the curbs 1 inch 2 sec pen, the guy in the front of you brakes hard on purpose and you got a pen of 4 sec... if you find this normal then you play gt7 just for fun Sir.
I dont see how you are adressing my previous comment.
Again: everyone has to adapt to the new physics, and every skill-level will do it with their own speed.
It doesnt matter if you are A+ and learn it fast (because of time invested and previous experience) or if you are D and learn it not as fast (because of whatever reason).
Hitting walls should be avoided anyhow you look at it, be it without penalty or with total destruction of the car, it makes you slower than not hitting a wall.
Dirty driving hasnt changed neither.

And what is the average driver to you?
So you want to come back to the physics that had MR car be undriverable and 4WD overpowered?

Sometimes y'all have some really daft suggestions for this game, seriously.
Let me guys, you got a wheel. That why you talk like this ;) don't forget 72% hate the new update. Check the web and check how many players stop playing since the update last week. Its 53% and Polyphony knows about it and going to do something now because they can't effort to lose players.
Let me guys, you got a wheel. That why you talk like this ;) don't forget 72% hate the new update. Check the web and check how many players stop playing since the update last week. Its 53% and Polyphony knows about it and going to do something now because they can't effort to lose players.
Using % doesnt automatically mean your comment makes any sense.
You still avoid participating into this discussion by simply painting your grief all over the community as if we needed to be on your side, but then just the next sentence you make us the enemy because we obviously need to be different (by using a wheel for playing ...)
Again, there is no bias towards any kind of player, because everyone has to adept, and does it with whatever time he wants to invest.

Have you been average? Well, then you still are.
Have you been anything else than average? Same as above.
A+ pro, A Subtop, B average, C Beginners and D starters.
But its not only the Psycics, Also the dirty drivers that ruin your race... Most of the time players under 21 that get a wheel and pedals from mommy and daddy and play GT7 like its a hobby BUT SOME drivers take this serieus and want to be a topdriver and Top content on Youtube to make some money in these hard times and what do Polyphony do?? The adjust the pens but in a different way, hitting the boarder by a little tuch 5 sec pen, over the curbs 1 inch 2 sec pen, the guy in the front of you brakes hard on purpose and you got a pen of 4 sec... if you find this normal then you play gt7 just for fun Sir.

Here’s a free tip, you know because times are hard these days.

Top content creators are top because they are charismatic and entertaining. You could drive like **** and still be a top content creator, as long as you find something people want to watch.

Why would someone watch your content instead of (insert name here)? Once you figure that out, you’re off.
I thought it was stupid to revamp the physics at such a weird time. But after getting used to them i like the game better now than before. Definitely feels more realistic. PD said they improved the models, which i think everyone was thinking them "improved" them for the racers. But they improved them making them more sim like. Only complaint i have is the snap oversteer if you don't catch oversteer quick enough, but that is probably more realistic too.

Skill gap will be there no matter what. Thats what makes it worth getting better at. And you don't need an expensive wheel to do decent. Im a low A+ driver and im still driving on my old g29.
With the NEW update all the PRO drivers have an advantage, the Sub top and Average drivers need to drive with TC because otherwise the car spins every single time.
I'm far from a pro driver and I'm elated about it. The game needed something to differentiate groups of people with different driving abilities. I'm currently rated A/S and there are wayyyyy less dirty drivers than their used to be.

It was frustrating to watch lower caliber drivers run me off the road with impunity because they play with counter steering on, among other assists. I'm super happy that they nerfed it and I'm elated that they'll suffer the consequences of their actions.

The solution is simple, qualify higher, get on the front row and you won't have to worry about anyone else.
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Let me guys, you got a wheel. That why you talk like this ;) don't forget 72% hate the new update. Check the web and check how many players stop playing since the update last week. Its 53% and Polyphony knows about it and going to do something now because they can't effort to lose players.

I don’t care if 99% don’t like it, it’s better than the previous update, if you don’t like it, then there are plenty of other games to go play. Don’t ruin it for everyone else, because of your lack of skill. Cya! 👋
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I'm far from a pro driver and I'm fcking elated about it. The game needed something to differentiate groups of people with different driving abilities. I'm currently rated A/S and there are wayyyyy less dirty drivers than their used to be.

It was frustrating watch lower caliber drivers run me off the road with impunity because they play with counter steering on, among other assists. I'm super happy that they nerfed it and I'm elated that they'll suffer the consequences of their actions.

The solution is simple qualify higher, get on the front row and you won't have to worry about anyone else.
Yeah same here.
Small races tend to be more chaotic, just like last F1 race after the last red flag, 1 or 2 laps with the possibility of getting positions, they ruined the race for the drivers that actually deserved their positions, in a game that kind of behavior its even worsth.

But people cant take it to serious.., it happens to me and many other people, acused of being dirty when in reality people just dont know how to judge their speed..., their lines, if you get the inside and they ignore you and make contact they will probably punt you of in the next curb cause in their heads you dived bomb them, even if its a dive bomb people must realise it can be a mistake or next time dont leave the door open, they also think every position its a fight dont really think in the long run, many diferent factors.
It really needs a bit of patience cause theres so many diferent kind of people playing, kids/casuals/old people, even in higher ranks theres people that only have their rank cause they pratice a specific combo like a time trial and they dont really know how to race, their are just fast in some tracks/combos...

All those factors, thats why people see many rants, it needs a lot of pratice and also learning and watching good drivers/players.

I think the physics are more dinamic now, in the last Nations with low fuel the car started to be temperamental, i had to be more gentel with the gas and also when hiting some kurbs the car almost jumped and slided, and temperatures are also more detailed, if you overdrive de car in the first laps or miss the breaking points it will understeer same for oversteer, was good if PD give us the exact tyre temperatures in the HUD but its a thing that actually we can feel trought the FFB..., which its improved also, in VR its amplified cause it seems i can feel every small aspect same for dirty air.
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Everything was fun and I felt addicted to the game when it came out, made me play daily like a mad man with a smile.
Now its extremly boring played once after the physics were killed and once now after 1.15 now ffb is killed. Cars were alive back then, ffb was decent, just needed more content.

Id wager the physics you felt were the ideal and the journalists enjoyed it, but since the reviews are out... PD is focusing on fixing other areas of the game. PD had to make the game more stable polished etc. The physics will come back in full swing but it could be a year or two away. Just don't throw your copy away
Let me guys, you got a wheel. That why you talk like this ;) don't forget 72% hate the new update. Check the web and check how many players stop playing since the update last week. Its 53% and Polyphony knows about it and going to do something now because they can't effort to lose players.
What are you on about. The physics are way better now and fyi I'm a b rated average driver but have no issues racing online. I only get a few hours a week to play but love it.

I'm far from a pro driver and I'm elated about it. The game needed something to differentiate groups of people with different driving abilities. I'm currently rated A/S and there are wayyyyy less dirty drivers than their used to be.

It was frustrating to watch lower caliber drivers run me off the road with impunity because they play with counter steering on, among other assists. I'm super happy that they nerfed it and I'm elated that they'll suffer the consequences of their actions.

The solution is simple, qualify higher, get on the front row and you won't have to worry about anyone else.
Like in real life if anyone watched the grand Prix at the weekend!!!
Let me guys, you got a wheel
No i don't have a wheel, but I also can tell back then that it was a ******** and it took them several updates to make MR cars not drive like ****boxes and 4WD not to be as dominant.

Going back to the beggining would probably be the second biggest mistake PD could do with this game, besides that update that nerfed the game's grinding strats accross the board.
Let me guys, you got a wheel. That why you talk like this ;) don't forget 72% hate the new update. Check the web and check how many players stop playing since the update last week. Its 53% and Polyphony knows about it and going to do something now because they can't effort to lose players.
I have and have used both since the update. It is different but not so much so it can not be relearned. I use the control stick when using the controller. In GT5, there was a noticeable time difference between controller and wheel drivers that was not fixable. They tried, just making it worse. I believe that 3/4 of those that stopped playing would have anyway from "burn out".
1.31 is a step in the right direction but its still very understeery. Braking and turning feels good but accelerating and medium/high speed turning while on throttle not so much, sometimes rwd cars feels like FF cars in that area lol. ffb is way better finally the wheel feels alive.
Can't comment too much about the physics as since the update there is practically no FFB on the T500 and I've stopped playing. Tried a couple of races but just have no idea what the car is doing or how it's reacting.

It's very light and very dull, no matter what settings. Can turn the wheel with my little fingers.

For me and possibly other T500 owners, this update has totally broken the game and made it practically unplayable.

Won't be bothering again till they sort it out.

Shame, as it seems other wheel owners are enjoying the new feedback, but on the T500 at least it's totally dead.
Can't comment too much about the physics as since the update there is practically no FFB on the T500 and I've stopped playing. Tried a couple of races but just have no idea what the car is doing or how it's reacting.

It's very light and very dull, no matter what settings. Can turn the wheel with my little fingers.

For me and possibly other T500 owners, this update has totally broken the game and made it practically unplayable.

Won't be bothering again till they sort it out.

Shame, as it seems other wheel owners are enjoying the new feedback, but on the T500 at least it's totally dead.

When was the last time you plugged your wheel into a PC and updated it? Just out of curiosity.
When was the last time you plugged your wheel into a PC and updated it? Just out of curiosity.

Very recently. It's been running the latest firmware for a while, and have also updated it through bootloader mode not long ago too.

Was fine the day before update, terrible since the day it dropped.

The wheel behaves perfectly well with normal strength on PC and other console games, but not GT7 since the update which is where I spend all my time racing.
Very recently. It's been running the latest firmware for a while, and have also updated it through bootloader mode not long ago too.

Was fine the day before update, terrible since the day it dropped.

The wheel behaves perfectly well with normal strength on PC and other console games, but not GT7 since the update which is where I spend all my time racing.

Poop, I was hoping that may have been it, or part of it anyways. Might be time to update to a newer wheel, wheels have come a long way since the T500. And if you also play on PC, a DD of some sort, would likely feel really good coming from the T500.

I have a TGT2, and came from a T300, it was an upgrade, but nothing life changing, it’s great for GT though. I mostly wanted the rim, but you can’t buy it separately.
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Poop, I was hoping that may have been it, or part of it anyways. Might be time to update to a newer wheel, wheels have come a long way since the T500. And if you also play on PC, a DD or some sort, would likely feel really good coming from the T500.

Upgrading to a new wheel was something I was considering anyway, but I'm also a stickler for principle.
I won't have an update to a game force my hand to update my wheel when it functions perfectly well pre update and on other games.

I'd be more inclined to fight for a refund for the game, update my wheel and switch to a totally different game.
I can't help but wonder if thrustmaster have influence or input in these things, and that it's all about getting people to update their old tech - but that's probably says more about me than anything!

I'm hoping they just fix it quickly with an update of course, but I won't be bothering to boot the game until then.

So frustrating.
Upgrading to a new wheel was something I was considering anyway, but I'm also a stickler for principle.
I won't have an update to a game force my hand to update my wheel when it functions perfectly well pre update and on other games.

I'd be more inclined to fight for a refund for the game, update my wheel and switch to a totally different game.
I can't help but wonder if thrustmaster have influence or input in these things, and that it's all about getting people to update their old tech - but that's probably says more about me than anything!

I'm hoping they just fix it quickly with an update of course, but I won't be bothering to boot the game until then.

So frustrating.

I understand the frustration, but the T500 is pretty long in the tooth at this point, vs all the new stuff that has come out recently. I doubt many games are taking it into very much account when building the FFB, most are likely made for DD wheels now. I don’t know how all the techy stuff works, but it could just be a case of the wheel can’t read/interpret all the info the game is giving it now?

What PC games do you play? Are they new releases also, or older games? I’m curious now, why it’s just GT. I wonder if different games use different/newer/older ways of giving the FFB to a wheel base? 🤔
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