Demo BMW GT4 - Manufacturers and Cars Inside

  • Thread starter VV
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah what a nice forum!! :lol:
and only for u ,darin here it is the "!" song:
.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....lalalololo!!!!!!!!!!!!........!!!???!!!!!!.....GT4 is the best!!!!!!!!!...lalala!!!
......cheka rhythm!!!....rrrrrrrhhhythm!!!!......flipeflipeflipeflow!!!!....!!!!!!!!!!!1111111
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i can´t stopp laughing <giggle>:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Don't count on them being in the game.

Well. We don't know that yet. But those are the confirmed cars. But since you post here, you should be happy.
I just don't care about this damn game no more. I'm just gonna say "yay" and walk away.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were in to tell you the truth.
What if gt4 got to the 1g mark? Like live said, gt2 had 590 cars, that's almost 600! And gt4 is said to include cars from past gt in gt4 with a abundance of new cars and cars never seen in the series. I'm really hoping the LM line is strong. I really want to rip the nurb apart in a R8 or get ripped apart.
It's not a list in a file. It's the content of a directory in the GT4.VOL : all the file names with an "img" extension (the size of each file is less than 1 ko).

I know, I'm just curious to know why they would put it in the BMW Version.
...but MS has their licenses and i don´t think sony would buy the licenses from MS!!
...u know Forza Motorsport?...then u should know that it is the second game on the next generation consoles with ferrari, lambo and porsche(the first is PGR/PGR2).... there´s no chance to getb those cars except for paying lots of money to MS to get the license of ferrari, lambo and porsche!!!....i know that´s sda but that´s the truth:(:(:(:(:(

...but i hope in GT5 on PS3 there will be more than 800 cars(including all ur lovely car manufactures-->ferrari,maserati,lambo,bugatti,porsche and and and...)more than 70 tracks and and and .......!!!!!!!!Grabn Turismo 5ive, YEAHHHH!!!!

Why not the F1's?
f1 cars on NN???
are u crazy???
whhoooww...such a crazy man f1 cars didn´t race on NN since lauda and so on cuz it´s tooOOO dangerous and F1 cars would get their Underbody broke down on this hopple-di-hopp track!!! nice idea but as u can´t drive F1 cars on a rally u won´t drive them on NN cuz it´s nearly impossible(these cars are made for flat tracks without "hopples"!)
I'm not impressed by the list to tell you the truth. I expect gt4 to have over 700 or 800 cars.


How many times do we have to go over the same old arguments before people realise any list we see is just a work in progress until the final release!!!!!!!!!
I know, I'm just curious to know why they would put it in the BMW Version.
I think the list may either represent the number of cars ready at the time of GT4:BMW version build, or be something intentionally left by developers as a little preview of what we will see in the final game, as GT hacking isn't something new!
GT-One Lover
f1 cars on NN???
are u crazy???
whhoooww...such a crazy man f1 cars didn´t race on NN since lauda and so on cuz it´s tooOOO dangerous and F1 cars would get their Underbody broke down on this hopple-di-hopp track!!! nice idea but as u can´t drive F1 cars on a rally u won´t drive them on NN cuz it´s nearly impossible(these cars are made for flat tracks without "hopples"!)

BECAUSE Lauda crashed in his F1 and because it's so dangerous is exactly the reason why I would drive F1's on the Nurburgring. Back then F1 cars were low on the ground too, you know.. lots of sparks and stuff. In 1976 F1's were made for flat tracks too.
F1 cars never drove dirt tracks (d'oh) but they did race the Nurburgring.

And F1 cars don't suck hard. :mad:
GT-One Lover
f1 cars on NN???
are u crazy???
whhoooww...such a crazy man f1 cars didn´t race on NN since lauda and so on cuz it´s tooOOO dangerous and F1 cars would get their Underbody broke down on this hopple-di-hopp track!!! nice idea but as u can´t drive F1 cars on a rally u won´t drive them on NN cuz it´s nearly impossible(these cars are made for flat tracks without "hopples"!)

No you are :P F1 cars on the Ring is going to be awesome, the replays will be awesome too with the bumps connecting with the plank... SPARKY, SPARKY! :D

If you can't drive the modern F1 cars in Arcade or Sim mode then PD suck! :yuck:
...but think realistic: F1 cars can´t take such huge bumps as they were on NN!!!
they just can´t do it cuz of their suspension or sth else they are TOOOOO LOW!!! 1976 F1 cars were much higher and not as driving at the limit as F1 cars do today!!!
capieche ey!?
You better be joking...
No i'm not. And you better put that in your head. And keep it there.

Theres no fun while driving a F1. Its not challenging and 90% of ya'll use the F1 againest Civic's and Fait just so you can win.

F1's are a joke. I laugh when I see one, then I turn around take it and sell it.
GT-One Lover
...but think realistic: F1 cars can´t take such huge bumps as they were on NN!!!
they just can´t do it cuz of their suspension or sth else they are TOOOOO LOW!!! 1976 F1 cars were much higher and not as driving at the limit as F1 cars do today!!!
capieche ey!?

Arcade mode.
Its not supposed to be realistic, if Polyphony don't allow you to drive them on the circuit I will be severely disappointed with them. :grumpy:
I agree with Darin.

F1 cars should not be in GT. GT to me is road cars, or race cars based on road cars. Single seat race cars should not be in it.
Arcade mode. Its not supposed to be realistic, if Polyphony don't allow you to drive them on the circuit I will be severely disappointed with them.

..well if u look at this in this perspektive then i want to drive the GT-One at Thaiti!!!´s as u said in arcade unrealistic and driving a GT-One at Thaiti would cause FUUUNNNNN of course(yeah!)but it would be as unrealistic as driving a F1 on NN i think cuz THESE THINGS ARE TOOO UNREALISTIC AND NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE!!!!....but as a "special feature" it could be included in GT4!!:) 👍
just think of racing with GT-One and r390 at Thatiti or The Alps....hooowww cooooll!!! :) :dopey: 👍 :sly:
GT-One Lover
.....ohhh why can´t we just buy the E3 demo(i want to drive the BMW V12 LMR!!!!)
...i would pay maximum 25€ for it!!!
that reminds me of Metal Gear Solid 3 demo which was stolen from E3 - i've occasionally cheked Suprnova but haven't seen it (i haven't searhed elsewhere)

Does anyone know what happened with that case - is it available for the public or did those guys get caught?
GT-One Lover.. Comparing a F1 on the nurb with a GT-One in the alps or tahiti.. wtf?
Back in 1976, F1 cars were driving at their limits too, they were probably as low as they are now. And suspension/rideheight can be changed.. The cars were sparking and flying on the nurburgring. The race got banned cause it's to dangerous. It's not impossible to drive with an F1.
Today's F1 are much safer etc. I'm sure if they adjusted suspension and ride height they could drive the nordschleife. :)
GT-One Lover.. Comparing a F1 on the nurb with a GT-One in the alps or tahiti.. wtf?
Back in 1976, F1 cars were driving at their limits too, they were probably as low as they are now. And suspension/rideheight can be changed.. The cars were sparking and flying on the nurburgring. The race got banned cause it's to dangerous. It's not impossible to drive with an F1.
Today's F1 are much safer etc. I'm sure if they adjusted suspension and ride height they could drive the nordschleife. :)
That would be fun driving at the ring with an F1 car. Imagine the lap times. :drool:
*Sigh* After all that time I've been waiting and praying....the Lancer Evolution III STILL ISN'T in the list. :indiff: I'm starting to get worried....I wanna be able to drive that car. I mean, if they can putr in the PRIUS, then why not a great car such as the Evo III? They have a crapload of IVs, Vs, VIs, etc. can't we just take away ONE of those to get just ONE older model in?
*Sigh* After all that time I've been waiting and praying....the Lancer Evolution III STILL ISN'T in the list. :indiff: I'm starting to get worried....I wanna be able to drive that car. I mean, if they can putr in the PRIUS, then why not a great car such as the Evo III? They have a crapload of IVs, Vs, VIs, etc. can't we just take away ONE of those to get just ONE older model in?
I think I've seen an Evo VIII before on a video.
GT-One Lover
...but MS has their licenses and i don´t think sony would buy the licenses from MS!!
...u know Forza Motorsport?...then u should know that it is the second game on the next generation consoles with ferrari, lambo and porsche(the first is PGR/PGR2).... there´s no chance to getb those cars except for paying lots of money to MS to get the license of ferrari, lambo and porsche!!!....i know that´s sda but that´s the truth:(:(:(:(:(

...but i hope in GT5 on PS3 there will be more than 800 cars(including all ur lovely car manufactures-->ferrari,maserati,lambo,bugatti,porsche and and and...)more than 70 tracks and and and .......!!!!!!!!Grabn Turismo 5ive, YEAHHHH!!!!

f1 cars on NN???
are u crazy???
whhoooww...such a crazy man f1 cars didn´t race on NN since lauda and so on cuz it´s tooOOO dangerous and F1 cars would get their Underbody broke down on this hopple-di-hopp track!!! nice idea but as u can´t drive F1 cars on a rally u won´t drive them on NN cuz it´s nearly impossible(these cars are made for flat tracks without "hopples"!)

Meh, who gives a crap about 70+ tracks for the next GT? really, first they gotta get the physics as REAL as they can get them for the next GT, making any other game in the market look bad, then with any power they have left they should use it for graphic improvements (PD's history suggest they do it the other way around sadly..) as for ferrari, lambo, etc. those would be very nice.. assuming they get the physics as real as they can... (damage of course.. included, where one crash = GG, with various dificulty levels of course, even a "non damage" for the easy mode).

and when i talk about physics i don't just mean the car's performance, it would also result in a VASTLY improved visual experience.. think about it, not only how the car behaves, but evrything on the track..

like water, snow, sand, wind (imagine moving leafs when you pass by, or trash for that matter). and i think it's very important that they add a REAL damage system, other games have this feature but it's hardly real even on sims, on a real crash at 100 mph (assuming you don't brake at all) the car would be turned to an object 1/2 the size.

as far as graphics go, all they gotta do is add a few more cars, wheels are guaranteed to be 3d next time, and hopefully because they have added polygon power they can finally add interior to the cars (this would give us the so-wanted dashbord perspective)

and hopefuly they don't go the GT3 route.. wich was just pretty much GT2 with improved evrything, but sitill based on the same old engine, hopefuly this time around they release something like "GT4 HD" to tide us over till the next, all new GT5 (GT4 HD could just be GT4 with high defenition support, a few more cars and tracks, more cars on the track, etc)

whoa, did i went OT or what? ^_^
I agree with Darin.

F1 cars should not be in GT. GT to me is road cars, or race cars based on road cars. Single seat race cars should not be in it.
Atleast there is one person agreeing with me..