I'm just curious, what would be a good healthcare system to you?
There isn't a lot wrong with the present way of doing things, but like any complicated system, there's a lot right and some things wrong with it.
In short, something that allows free market capitalism to thrive, and works within the confines of supply and demand. There's already free and reduced healthcare in this country, and even the poorest can still get emergency care, just not necessarily great care. Unfortunately, there's those who work/milk/cheat the system for their own personal gain, or to aid the gain of others through graft and corruption: Guess what? It happens in all market systems: Socialism, communism, anarchy, and free market capitalism.
Insurance is available to many people, so as long as they have a job, or are married to someone who has one. My only gripe is that a tiny percentage of people are un-insurable for reasons beyond their own past and present control, and are faced with a tremendous financial hill to climb (or getting donations). Gee, some of use would probably donate a few bucks, but there's so many con-(wom)men out there, that many of us lose faith in that sort of thing.
To be honest, I see it as a typical
middle class struggle*; wanting all the benefits of upper-class health care (resort-style, without waiting for a bill), but not resorting to a "low-class" wait for 5 hours in a free/reduced-cost clinic. Many of the things we gripe about are present in other healthcare systems around the world.
I think many of us have become so demanding of instantaneous service and products, that we
expect medical services and the processes henceforth to be as simple as flashing a card -- you walk in and walk out with a remedy. Paperwork, seeing other specialists, waiting, seem to be lingering archaic flaws, but they are part of a system** that cannot easily advance itself beyond the scope of the law (and potential lawsuits).
Not to mention, it is still a business of people helping other people. People get tired, make mistakes, errors in judgment, et cetera, so there are still potential for flaws regardless. Oh, and
hypochondriacs would
really muck things up.
I dunno, there's my three cents***.
* = Yeah, I'm on one end of middle class.
** = Insert just about any service not completed by robots.
*** = Short for "I probably won't have time to answer you rebuttal, but fire away anyhow."