Demon's Souls

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The came came out in 2008 in Japan... anyway it's good since it will sell more (even though Atlus normally release really few copies of each game they release....) and open doors to a second game (no need to be the same world or anything, just a second game as well built as this one).

And in the middle of all that a European release... I already have it (world 2 and 4 complete, as well as up to 1-3 done, currently trying to do world 3... that for some reason I hate... and playing Cross Edge, so this is kind of in standby, even though I'm playing both nowadays...), but I would but it again, just for support (as long as it isn't released near FFXIII, GT5 or White Knight Chronicles that is...)
This game is amazing. It's incredibly AMAZING. Wow, I really can't tell you guys how long had I waited for a truly difficult game, considering how the tendency has been for the past 10 years and with every new console coming out -- Better graphics, more fluent gameplay at the expense of game difficulty (Try the PSOne Tomb Raider games and then play the current generation ones) which I believe is the case for most games at present time.

I'm only on my first run and have completed world two and the first two bosses of Worlds one and three (Word is that the 2nd and 3rd run are even more brutal). Man, I'm loving it so far... I've spent most of my game time on spirit form and I can't get enough of it. You really have to time, plan ahead and execute your moves in an almost flawless manner -- lest you want to die a horrible dead and possibly lose all your souls. Also the targetting system, while not perfect is very good for this kind of game. I wish Oblivion had something like this. This game has a perfect mix of difficulty and gameplay, the game isn't difficult because of its lousy gameplay, but for the timing and wise choices you have to make when fighting.

Never had I felt the desperation and frustration I often feel when playing this game, there are epic battles in which you fight like the best there is, often ending in your demise due to several factors, either your enemy is too fast and your speed is hindered by the swampy surroundings, or the enemy lets off an unlucky string of attacks which prove to be too much for your stamina regeneration. I truly recommend this game if you are a fan of both RPGs and challenging games.

Awesome game. I really needed this to not lose faith in current gen gaming *Wipes tear off eye*.
This game is amazing. It's incredibly AMAZING. Wow, I really can't tell you guys how long had I waited for a truly difficult game, considering how the tendency has been for the past 10 years and with every new console coming out -- Better graphics, more fluent gameplay at the expense of game difficulty (Try the PSOne Tomb Raider games and then play the current generation ones) which I believe is the case for most games at present time.

I'm only on my first run and have completed world two and the first two bosses of Worlds one and three (Word is that the 2nd and 3rd run are even more brutal). Man, I'm loving it so far... I've spent most of my game time on spirit form and I can't get enough of it. You really have to time, plan ahead and execute your moves in an almost flawless manner -- lest you want to die a horrible dead and possibly lose all your souls. Also the targetting system, while not perfect is very good for this kind of game. I wish Oblivion had something like this. This game has a perfect mix of difficulty and gameplay, the game isn't difficult because of its lousy gameplay, but for the timing and wise choices you have to make when fighting.

Never had I felt the desperation and frustration I often feel when playing this game, there are epic battles in which you fight like the best there is, often ending in your demise due to several factors, either your enemy is too fast and your speed is hindered by the swampy surroundings, or the enemy lets off an unlucky string of attacks which prove to be too much for your stamina regeneration. I truly recommend this game if you are a fan of both RPGs and challenging games.

Awesome game. I really needed this to not lose faith in current gen gaming *Wipes tear off eye*.

Finally acquired this game myself and I must admit your review basically captures my opinion of the game perfectly. I knew going in it would be good but I didn't realize it would be THIS good. Also I'm amazed at how truly huge some of the levels are so far, ie Stonefang Tunnel. I haven't even finished exploring all of 2-2 and it just keeps going and going and going. The sense of dread and trepidation that the atmosphere, traps and enemies create is flatly fantastic... nearly speechless. Likewise the sense of accomplishment when you finally overcome a difficult section is hard to describe as well. Just a great great game :D, challenging to be true but fair.

General stats sharing:
Basically running a stealthy samurai-ish setup. Wearing all black leather armor (for now), thief's ring, cling ring (in soul form) and fragrant ring.
LH1 - Purple Flame Shield +2
LH2 - Sticky Compound Long Bow +2 (finally acquired this just recently, very happy to have it)
RH1 - Uchigatana +5 (acquired just before the SCLB and thrilled to finally have it :D)
RH2 - Silver Catalyst

So with the Sticky and Uchi (eventually plan to make it Moon if I find another Uchi) I'll start to rank Dex to get the related attack bonuses.

SL - 35
Vit - 15
Intel - 12
Endur - 14
Str - 22
Dex - 16
Mag - 16
Fai - 12
Lck - 8
Here's hoping this rumor is true.

Dengeki Hints at Possible Demon's Souls 2

Here is the quote that has given rise to the rumors, (from duckroll at Neogaf):

In the latest Dengeki Games podcast, there a mention of an unannounced sequel to a game which came out last year, slated to be released in Fall of 2010. The game is said to be challenging and extremely hard, with very "interesting" gameplay systems. Are there any real candidates from Japan from 2009 which would classify as such besides Demon's Souls?

I just finished my current games and sent back White Knight Chronicles to Gamefly, Just wasn't doing it for me, started off real slow, i admit i didn't give it enough time, but the combat/fighting was not enjoyable, and the story/characters didn't draw me in. Word of Demon's Souls 2 if it's true would be good news. But now that i'm done with the other games, i will get back to Demon's Souls. I haven't played it since my last post in this thread. With no other distractions i will put my attention/fear back into it. :)👍
Fear's right! I just entered and completed 5-2 for the 1st time this evening and it was an experience, a frustrating one as well.

Anyway now's a great time to get back into it as in recognition of V-day they are making every world PWWT from now until Tues and then making them PBWT for the remainder of the week. So all the challenges and items associated with either PW or PBWT will be much easier to complete.
If you have a date with a random Blue Phantom this Valentine's Day weekend in Demon's Souls, a Kotaku game of the year contender, make sure you're up to speed with what's happening in the game during the holiday.

Last week, Atlus asked players to decide whether the normally red and pink holiday should be the subject of a Black World or White World Tendency, which alters the game's difficulty, drops and offers special appearance by certain demons and non-player characters. Fans voted and chose.... both.

It was a close enough race for Atlus to shift the world to both White and Black over the course of the coming week. Starting today, North American servers go white. Then, on Tuesday, they go black for the rest of the week.

Should be a good time for everyone who's not Tower Knight or Flamelurker in my new game plus.
I'm about to platinum this -- It has been an experience. Awesome game, it would've been good if the online had been at least a bit friend list-oriented. I just need to clear the valley of defilement, free Yuria and I'm all set. :D
I'm about to platinum this -- It has been an experience. Awesome game, it would've been good if the online had been at least a bit friend list-oriented. I just need to clear the valley of defilement, free Yuria and I'm all set. :D

Nice 👍. I would like to platinum this as well, would be my first, but just a few minutes ago while researching the req's to do so I realized it will take me at least 4 playthroughs. Yowza :scared:! Although I understand that isn't necessarily 3 additional FULL playthroughs it's still 1-2 more than I originally assumed. If there's any game I think is worth it it'd be this one and it definitely must be a pretty rare game for people to platinum.
Nice 👍. I would like to platinum this as well, would be my first, but just a few minutes ago while researching the req's to do so I realized it will take me at least 4 playthroughs. Yowza :scared:! Although I understand that isn't necessarily 3 additional FULL playthroughs it's still 1-2 more than I originally assumed. If there's any game I think is worth it it'd be this one and it definitely must be a pretty rare game for people to platinum.

The four playthroughs are the easy part, really. The thing that REALLY got me confused, as in I had to read and I guess study the order in which you need to get everything as well as HOW to get it. How to change your character tendency, world tendency, what additional weapons and location this opens and when is the right time to get each and although the game isn't remarkably long, it is one of the most complex games I have played. Thumbs up to Demon's Souls.
The four playthroughs are the easy part, really. The thing that REALLY got me confused, as in I had to read and I guess study the order in which you need to get everything as well as HOW to get it. How to change your character tendency, world tendency, what additional weapons and location this opens and when is the right time to get each and although the game isn't remarkably long, it is one of the most complex games I have played. Thumbs up to Demon's Souls.

Easy part? Don't know if I agree with that as I just started my 1st NG+ play through and I'm getting my hind quarters royally whupped. Man and I thought the "normal" difficulty level a handful at times. Aye ca-rumba! In all fairness I knew that NG+ was supposed to be significantly more challenging, but as my SL 76 +5 moon uchigatana/+5 sticky long compound bow wielding avatar was easily dispensing with all enemies I figured I didn't need to level further. Wrong! Should have definitely upped my vitality and endurance another 10 levels each, minimum. Oh well, live and learn.

As a general FYI for anyone who is trying to improve their PvP focused characters (or plans to), the following is an excellent faq of sorts on the topic:
General PvP Tips, Strategies, Builds and Information - v1
Easy part? Don't know if I agree with that as I just started my 1st NG+ play through and I'm getting my hind quarters royally whupped. Man and I thought the "normal" difficulty level a handful at times. Aye ca-rumba! In all fairness I knew that NG+ was supposed to be significantly more challenging, but as my SL 76 +5 moon uchigatana/+5 sticky long compound bow wielding avatar was easily dispensing with all enemies I figured I didn't need to level further. Wrong! Should have definitely upped my vitality and endurance another 10 levels each, minimum. Oh well, live and learn.

As a general FYI for anyone who is trying to improve their PvP focused characters (or plans to), the following is an excellent faq of sorts on the topic:
General PvP Tips, Strategies, Builds and Information - v1

Maybe once you really start focusing and seriously trying to get all the world and character tendency events/items you'll see what I'm saying. Figuring out what to do first as well as on what order after that is a pain.

Anyways I have platinumed DS and I ended up at level 180. :D

I did play online once or twice (on Valentine's to get the tendency events) but no one ever invaded me nor did I join or summon another player. Great game!
This game is epic. I'm on my first playthrough and still early, but wow. I built a knight and I took out the Phalanx and the Tower Knight (the latter took me 20 + minutes but I didn't die once) and spent hours just exploring around Boletaria, getting my ass kicked periodically. It is a tortuous game sometimes, though. I probably spent almost an hour taking out the red-eyed knight on the bridge early in Boletaria before the game said: "Oh, you know that tower he's guarding and how you spent all that effort actually killing him? And how each time he wasted you you had to do the whole level up to this point again? Well, it's locked so you're not getting in anyway. Come back later, loser."

Everybody who likes action games or rpgs should get this. The only excuse is either being bad at games or only having 15-20 min sessions at a time, this game will not work for those kind of sessions. It's crazy good, though. 9/10 at least.

Sorry for double post, but I must ask... WHAT do we do with the demon's souls we get from killing bosses? I know I should keep them but for what/where? I have killed Phalanx, Tower Knight, and Armored Spider and maybe one other, so I've got a few of these supposedly valuable souls in my inventory along with the feeling that I should've done something with them by now.

Sorry for double post, but I must ask... WHAT do we do with the demon's souls we get from killing bosses? I know I should keep them but for what/where? I have killed Phalanx, Tower Knight, and Armored Spider and maybe one other, so I've got a few of these supposedly valuable souls in my inventory along with the feeling that I should've done something with them by now.

All of those Demon Souls (except both Dragons in world 1) are used to learn Miracles and Magic (you need to rescue the teatchers, they are in world 1-3, 3-1 and 4-2, for more info check a FAQ), and also to make unique weapons (about half of the weapons required for the Soldier's Trophy), but to be able to make those weapons you need to give the Flamelurker soul (forgot the name) to Blacksmith Ed in world 2-1, this is also the requirement to use Colorless Demon Souls to upgrade the unique weapons you get that aren't related to Boss Demon Souls (that actually are the other half of the equipment for the Solder's Trophy...).

And here it's a really nice chart with all the uses of each Demon Soul.
Maybe once you really start focusing and seriously trying to get all the world and character tendency events/items you'll see what I'm saying. Figuring out what to do first as well as on what order after that is a pain.

Anyways I have platinumed DS and I ended up at level 180. :D

I did play online once or twice (on Valentine's to get the tendency events) but no one ever invaded me nor did I join or summon another player. Great game!

You are absolutely correct, digesting how the world/character tendency works and what to do when with which to get x item or character to appear is no trivial task :). However since I had already figured all that out while working through my first NG, well personally I was more shocked by how much harder NG+ played. That's all.

Yeah thanks to the Valentine's event, which was great for completing all my PBWT tasks, when I started my NG+ ALL the arches were at PB save one! Once again my little naive self, with my meek little 76 SL character, was not prepared for the combo smack down of NG+ and PBWT :lol:.

I am a little surprised you were not invaded while playing in body form as the event surely brought out more players. During the event I was invaded just before, literally like 100 ft before, reaching the archstone after completing the first third of 1-1. I tried to sprint to the AS to bug out of there as I wasn't prepared at'tal to fight and was weighed down with loot thus forcing me to use the Herculean strength ring but I didn't get there fast enough. Fortunately I still managed to emerge victorious, although it was nip/tuck there for a while.

All of those Demon Souls (except both Dragons in world 1) are used to learn Miracles and Magic (you need to rescue the teatchers, they are in world 1-3, 3-1 and 4-2, for more info check a FAQ), and also to make unique weapons (about half of the weapons required for the Soldier's Trophy), but to be able to make those weapons you need to give the Flamelurker soul (forgot the name) to Blacksmith Ed in world 2-1, this is also the requirement to use Colorless Demon Souls to upgrade the unique weapons you get that aren't related to Boss Demon Souls (that actually are the other half of the equipment for the Solder's Trophy...).

And here it's a really nice chart with all the uses of each Demon Soul.

That's a good answer, I would just caution tyl0r that the link contains spoilers. So if you plan on playing through the game more than 1 time I think you'll have more fun, and be truly surprised, by NOT knowing the names of all the demons that lie in wait ahead. Just a friendly suggestion.
I suggest you print that chart. You're going to need it, it was a huge help to me.



I probably wasn't invaded because I was already close to level 170 when the Valentine's event was put into motion, the game gets really lonely at that stage (150+), or so I read like everywhere. :P Great that you have already figured out all the tendency stuff, for me that was very difficult, you're on a straight road to platinum! Considering most (if not all) of the tendency events are only required for you to complete them once for the platinum.

By the way, it's normal that you find NG+ so difficult. According to the wikis, NG+ (the first one after your first completion) increases in difficulty to a total of 200% (that's 200% enemy health, soul drop, etc.) but each NG after that increases only 8% coming to a halt in NG+7.
I probably wasn't invaded because I was already close to level 170 when the Valentine's event was put into motion, the game gets really lonely at that stage (150+), or so I read like everywhere. :P Great that you have already figured out all the tendency stuff, for me that was very difficult, you're on a straight road to platinum! Considering most (if not all) of the tendency events are only required for you to complete them once for the platinum.

Yeah your being at a relatively high level it now makes more sense. Getting all the spells is still going to be a big pain though it seems.

By the way, it's normal that you find NG+ so difficult. According to the wikis, NG+ (the first one after your first completion) increases in difficulty to a total of 200% (that's 200% enemy health, soul drop, etc.) but each NG after that increases only 8% coming to a halt in NG+7.

I even read up some on NG+ prior to finishing NG and still I got caught with my shorts down. Now that I've managed to beef up my Vit & End a fair bit I'm doing much better.
Sony: dropping Demon's Souls "a mistake"

News by Oli Welsh

Sony Japan localisation specialist Yeonkyung Kim has admitted that the company's decision not to publish cult dungeon crawl Demon's Souls worldwide was an error.

"That was a mistake," Kim told an audience at GDC last week, according to 1UP. "It should have come out as a first-party title."

Sony published the From-developed PS3 game in Japan, but, assuming it to be a niche project that would fail outside the country, passed up on worldwide rights.

After strong word of mouth on the import scene, Atlus picked up Demon's Souls for release in the US (depsite reluctance from Sony Japan). It became a sell-out success, with current sales approaching a quarter of a million, according to the report.

Few would complain about Atlus' support of the game on its US release, but it's hard not to bemon Sony's decision for the simple reason that it might have seen Demon's Souls arrive on European shelves.

Check out our near-legendary Demon's Souls review to find out why Sony was wrong.

An opportunity lost. Hopefully this is another positive indicator that DS2 IS going to happen.
Don't know if many of you all are still interested in this game, but on the off chance there is interest I just wanted to post some helpful updates.

Near as I can tell the online PvP community for this game is still thriving. So much so that recently an excellent thread was created over at gamefaqs that goes into EXTREME (and I mean that in a good way) detail on building a solid PvP character as well as techniques to use and avoid. Here's the link:
General PvP Tips, Strategies, Builds and Information - v2

Now for those of you whose interest is perked but also notice that the recommended character level for PvP'ing is around 120, and then groans at the thought of time required to level that high, there is another massively helpful thread. Basically an enthusiast (GF's tag of Michotic) has taken the time to make a "PvP starter kit/mule" character that is SL 16 with some 2+million hero and soldier souls and all the trick equipment one needs to make a good PvP build. All the player has to do is create a new character, level up some, message Michotic and he'll give you everything you need. For FREE. Probably saves a good 30+ hours of dedicated leveling and stone farming. Here's the link with full details:
Armory - For Experienced Players Only

Lastly, I've become fairly adept at the game and am more than happy to help out any fellow GTP'er as a Blue Phantom. So if there's a world or boss in your NG that you're struggling with or maybe even kinda given up on, let me know and I'll help you get through it. The only rub is you'll need to be within range of one of my characters; SL's 41, 101 & 122 respectively.

Anyone who appreciates this game but hasn't given PvP a go is really missing out. BHeing a black phantom can especially be a junk load of fun :mischievous::D
I've stopped playing this game, but still feel like I've missed out on the multiplayer aspects (No RL friends of mine got the game). If you ever get close to SL 180, please let me know so we can tackle NG+s toghether. I did get pretty good at it at some point as well. :)
Yeah there's a ton of fun to be had invading actually. You just never know what you're going to get from the host and their blues, or if they even have any. Some of the encounters can be really surprising, both on the success and failure side. Kinda of the same thing going as a Blue Phantom, although you don't really get that same sense of tension unless a Black Phantom happens to show up.

Boy don't know if I'll ever get a character that high. By now the only reason for me to level a char anything above about 40 or so is just to get into the prime 120 SL PvP range. I'm finding with a tuned character at SL 40 things are pretty easy to tackle now that I know what I'm doing. Apart from Maneater, he's still a pain.
DS finally welcomes Europe to the party, in quite the cool looking package to boot:

Demon's Souls due in Europe this June

Namco Bandai has confirmed that it plans to publish Sony and From Software's wonderful Demon's Souls in Europe.

The PS3-exclusive action RPG is due out on 25th June, and what's more it also comes in an exclusive Europe-only limited edition pack.

The limited edition contains a "soundtrack CD, new artbook and brand new strategy guide", and you can see a picture of it below.

Demon's Souls is an ARPG in which players enter the cursed realm of Boletaria and biff up monsters, gathering souls and getting killed a lot.

We adored it on Japanese import, giving it 9/10, and it was also one of the games we singled out for praise in our end-of-2009 features.
Yeah there's a ton of fun to be had invading actually. You just never know what you're going to get from the host and their blues, or if they even have any. Some of the encounters can be really surprising, both on the success and failure side. Kinda of the same thing going as a Blue Phantom, although you don't really get that same sense of tension unless a Black Phantom happens to show up.

Boy don't know if I'll ever get a character that high. By now the only reason for me to level a char anything above about 40 or so is just to get into the prime 120 SL PvP range. I'm finding with a tuned character at SL 40 things are pretty easy to tackle now that I know what I'm doing. Apart from Maneater, he's still a pain.

Well, I just played some more this weekend and I am now soul level 190. I guess it's never going to happen. :P
I just git the game new for $40 and It took me about 4 hours to beat the first level.... I died once, the first boss was very creepy and I've never seen anything like it before. I'm not far but I can see myself putting in many hours this weekend. Mixing this up with Sacred 2, another enjoyable RPG and the best of its kind on PS3.
I just git the game new for $40 and It took me about 4 hours to beat the first level.... I died once, the first boss was very creepy and I've never seen anything like it before. I'm not far but I can see myself putting in many hours this weekend. Mixing this up with Sacred 2, another enjoyable RPG and the best of its kind on PS3.
Sacred 2 is awesome. I recently re-bought it after getting the Platinum last year, only to find out that my PS3 won't let me play it :grumpy:

As for Demon's Souls, I sold my US copy on eBay a few weeks ago, just before the Black Phantom Edition was announced for Europe. Of course, I just had to pre-order it. Maybe I'll actually finish it this time :lol:

Here's hoping Namco Bandai hold World Tendency events like Atlus did.
Well, I just played some more this weekend and I am now soul level 190. I guess it's never going to happen. :P

190! Yikes. I've a bunch of Legendary Souls stashed up, but nowhere near enough to quickly level up that high. My highest char right now is at 130. I've been trying him out in the "pro" PvP range, 110-140 ish, and am actually holding my own ok. Still get my butt owned by the best, but especially if I'm in body form, I can beat back most invaders w/o too much problem. Great fun. Oh and if you haven't tried already, give the SCLB+5 a go in hyper mode. Using white arrows, I can hit for 1000+ per shot. Even killed 1 invader with it, 2 600+ damage shots to the chest and he was red mist :D. Good fun.

I just git the game new for $40 and It took me about 4 hours to beat the first level.... I died once, the first boss was very creepy and I've never seen anything like it before. I'm not far but I can see myself putting in many hours this weekend. Mixing this up with Sacred 2, another enjoyable RPG and the best of its kind on PS3.

Good to hear. Just be aware, we'll you've probably found this out already, but the first levels on some of the other world's can be a fair bit more difficult. Not certain where you are now and how things are progressing, but the key to this game is blocking, dodging/rolling and countering. Get good at those skills things get very much more manageable.

Feel free to hit me up/post here with any questions or issues you come up with. I'd say more but I don't want to ruin any of the surprises. Also if you ever need a blue to help with a level let me know as well.
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I died again and it sucks, I'm afraid I'll lose my 5200 souls :( i am only in 1-2 as i think its known, the third tower on the bridge is where i died. There are like 4 crossbow men and a shielded knight, its hard fighting the knight with the crossbow men there and the dragon blowing his fire breath :).
I died again and it sucks, I'm afraid I'll lose my 5200 souls :( i am only in 1-2 as i think its known, the third tower on the bridge is where i died. There are like 4 crossbow men and a shielded knight, its hard fighting the knight with the crossbow men there and the dragon blowing his fire breath :).

Kill the dragon from the 1st bridge (just aim more or less for the place you entered the bridge and time your shoots), you will probably need a 100-200 arrows if your DEX is low, but it's possible, use the Compound Short Bow that's found in 1 of those towers.

I probably could give you a hand of you are wround SL16, since I have a character at that SL with some decent equipment for early game (Compound Long Bow+5 I think and a Sharp Winged spear+3 or something) if you needed but unfortunatelly I will not be able to play until friday, so I can't help. Still if you are still stuck and close to that SL drop me a message by friday night (GTM+0), but I doubt you will need help by then..

Edit: I also forgot to mention that after killing the dragon you can shoot the crossbowers from outside the vision range of the soldiers in the ground (with a Bow and manual aim, just aim a little above and to the left of their heads..), the other option is to go all the way to the place where the 1st blue eye knight is, since the crossbows will not hit you there, and fire is (weapon enchant with turpentine if you aren't into magic) is a good option, since it's possible to take a blue eyes knight in bout 1 combo with holding a sword 2-handed and fire enchant).

Hope this helps.

And I'm probably getting the European version of DS, just because that edition is to good to pass, and the new cover (well same art but in red) looks much, much better then the US cover...
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Wow thanks, I did not know you could kill the dragon, but there are these dogs that are my biggest fear. See I hit those blood stains to see how the person died and most run back from where the enemies came. The dogs were hard to kill, they have a lot of HP and there are 4 of them at once. I beat them without dying but it was hard. I will add you today.
I died again and it sucks, I'm afraid I'll lose my 5200 souls :( i am only in 1-2 as i think its known, the third tower on the bridge is where i died. There are like 4 crossbow men and a shielded knight, its hard fighting the knight with the crossbow men there and the dragon blowing his fire breath :).

Yeah this is a game that likes to keep the pressure on the player, no doubt about that. There's little "traps" like you described alll over the place, it's great ;).

Anyway got your friend request and responded. I have a SL 20 char that I can use to probably blue for you if you need.

On the specifics of this level, and you're quite correct the community calls it 1-2, Han's already given you solid advice. I would note, even as crazy as it sounds, don't worry TOO much about losing souls. It won't be long before you unlock an area where you can farm souls rather easily. Still no matter what, progress cautiously as you never know what might be around that next corner.

Lastly is there a specific type of char you're trying to play/build? Or are you just kinda winging it as you level up?