Demon's Souls

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Man I have no idea whats going on, I purposely went in blind and I am paying for it...... I dont even remember my class off my head. I got Atlus's other RPG in there 3D dot game heros right now, trying to get a feel of it, but after V I'll boot up Demon's Souls.
Man I have no idea whats going on, I purposely went in blind and I am paying for it...... I dont even remember my class off my head. I got Atlus's other RPG in there 3D dot game heros right now, trying to get a feel of it, but after V I'll boot up Demon's Souls.

Ha. Yeah DS's is a tough mistress. I kinda think blind at 1st is best. Wish I could go back and play it that way actually. Just be careful, in DS sometimes you can ruin the experience by having too much help from Blues and friends. That being said I will do what I can if/when you ask.
Ok I finally found a strategy on how to get past the last tower gate in 1-2. I can do it and make it back to the nexus without dying.

This game is brutal, i have no idea how to get my body back without using the eye stone.. I lost a least 7000 souls all to gether. I am soul lvl 10 or 11 now with 5200 souls currently.
Ok I finally found a strategy on how to get past the last tower gate in 1-2. I can do it and make it back to the nexus without dying.

This game is brutal, i have no idea how to get my body back without using the eye stone.. I lost a least 7000 souls all to gether. I am soul lvl 10 or 11 now with 5200 souls currently.

Cool. Improvement in this game is slow at first, so you're doing fine.

On the body issue, right now there are only 2 other ways for you to get your body back. 1 - any time you defeat a boss in your world you will get immediately get it back. 2 - if you blue for someone else and manage to help them defeat the boss in their world you will also get yours back on return.

However, I would recommend NOT playing in body form. By playing in soul form you never have to worry about getting invaded by a black phantom. So until you improve on dodging, rolling and blocking and get better weapons you really don't want to have to worry about fighting off BP's. Trust me.
Cool. Improvement in this game is slow at first, so you're doing fine.

On the body issue, right now there are only 2 other ways for you to get your body back. 1 - any time you defeat a boss in your world you will get immediately get it back. 2 - if you blue for someone else and manage to help them defeat the boss in their world you will also get yours back on return.

Nope, you forgot some...

3- There is a consumable item called "Stone of Ephemeral Eyes". If you use this in soul form, it will give you back your body form and full health instantly.
4- You can also be revived by the host player (you as a blue) if he uses the miracle "Resurrection".
5- You can also get your body form back immediately after you die, if you cast the miracle "Second chance" on you before dying and while in body form. EDIT for clarification: The miracle effect will stay on until you either die or leave the world. Used as a safety measure.

I'm not sure these are all, I might've missed some.
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Nope, you forgot some...

3- There is a consumable item called "Stone of Ephemeral Eyes". If you use this in soul form, it will give you back your body form and full health instantly.
4- You can also be revived by the host player (you as a blue) if he uses the miracle "Resurrection".
5- You can also get your body form back immediately after you die, if you cast the miracle "Second chance" on you before dying and while in body form. EDIT for clarification: The miracle effect will stay on until you either die or leave the world. Used as a safety measure.

I'm not sure these are all, I might've missed some.

Actaully he was already aware of the stones as he commented in the post. Also since it is very early in his first play through he probably won't come across those 2 spells for awhile. So I was just trying to stay focused on the primary ways he will/can get his body back.

What is a black phantom? Is that a player invading my game?

Yep. Although there are also computer controlled black phantom's in the game as well, most likely the BP's you come across will be other players. However they can only invade your game if you are playing in body form, are online and playing in a level where the boss is still alive. When a black phantom invades you will see a red banner announcing the fact at the bottom of the screen.
I'm basically at 4-2 and 1-3 right now, 1-3 seems harder than 4-2 for some reason. SL 49, just lost 53k souls trying to farm the Apparitions that infinite respawn. I fell off a cliff after dieing getting stuck. It was a heart breaker.

30hrs in this is nutz. It is a great game.
I'm basically at 4-2 and 1-3 right now, 1-3 seems harder than 4-2 for some reason. SL 49, just lost 53k souls trying to farm the Apparitions that infinite respawn. I fell off a cliff after dieing getting stuck. It was a heart breaker.

30hrs in this is nutz. It is a great game.

1-3 is really supposed to be hard (the boss of that level was the boss that made me ask for help and use a blue phantom for the 1st time in the game in a NG++), so get a bit more experience with the game and better weapons, also clear other worlds
(2 isn't all that hard, 3 is a bit hard, specially 3-2 but more annoying then anything, 4 isn't all that bad but 4-2 is a pain to pass trought the 3rd reaper, and even worst if you are with black world tendency, thanks to the black dual katana skelleton and black gold skelleton phantoms, and 5 is more annoying then anything, since it's possible to bypass almost every encounter, even thought giant goblims are a nightmare)
that's from the eyes of a DEX built with next to no life or endurance with the Hunter default equipment, Purple Flame Shield, Winged Spear (moon, sharp and regular at various stages), Dragon Long Sword+5 and Sticky Compound Long Bow+5 (my main weapon for bosses...) at an SL of about 80-90 (I'm now 140 with this built, but I only started to power level after getting the platinum in this game...).

And to farm the best method is to shoot the 1st reaper (you get the souls from the reaper and all the ghosts he control), then drop down (pick the drop from the reaper if you want), run back and jump the cliff, repeat this, and never forget to pick up your blood stain each time, if you don't like bows then just drop down and run to the reaper, trying to kill him as fast as possible, but it's not advisable.
Wow Han i never thought of that, thanks. But after (sigh) trial and error I can beat the black skeletons using the str ring i can just roll around his lunge attack. I am going to leave 1-3 alone and start world 3 and 4-2.
so im 73 hours in and i just beat the false king after a 10 hour marathon play today. taking a break before tackling 5-2, all other worlds are complete. just need to farm stones. great game, had i played it 09 it would have been my game of the year.
Yeah I'm debating on going through Dark Souls without a wiki this time. For Demons' Souls I used a wiki all the way through.

Problem is tho if u dont use a wiki for this deep sort of RPG u can screw yourself all kinds of bad. Don't want to spoil anything but yeah. Lol, this game is just that awesome. Gotta stay on your toes :scared:

I just beat Shadows of the Damned to clear the way for Dark Souls... I might disappear into the abyss known as demon crack for quite awhile :dopey:
I've been playing for 2 hours and feel like I haven't gotten anywhere. The pace is slower than Demons souls and it really is harder, not impossible. I'm doing this without wiki or tips.....

My plan is to play without guides, that was how I did the 1st playthrough on Demon's Souls and really the better way to experience it (I haven't even been in Dark Souls forums to avoid spoilers...), after that I will start to use guides (mainly databases) to find all the special equipment and to get the platinum, but that's really after I beat it or be far into the game.

Good thing to know it's the poison we were promised too!
I'm about an hour and a half into Dark Souls and loving every second of it. Best part of it is my wife enjoyed Demon Souls so much that when I came home from work last night the first thing she said is I want to watch you play Dark Souls. I win!
My plan is to play without guides, that was how I did the 1st playthrough on Demon's Souls and really the better way to experience it.......

I started playing Dark Souls on October 5, 2011, also without guides, and slowly worked my way up to the last Boss about 10 days later. I still haven't attempted to kill that last Boss because that is when I looked for and found a list of miss-able items and events, particularly on a first play-through.

I have managed to clear some of these hurdles, but because of things I did or did not do, and certain items that I didn't know of, or got rid of because I did not know of their importance, I think that it will take me at least four play-throughs to get the Platinum Trophy.

But that's alright....I haven't had much time to play these last few days, and I am looking forward to completing this game over the next month or so.
I have no idea where or what happened to 2 of NPC's but i can no longer use the Firelink Shrine bonfire. I will wait for NG+ to follow guides.
I've just got Demon's Souls a few weeks ago and this game is excellent. However, Dark Souls just came out a few weeks ago and i'm wondering how much better is it than Demon's Souls. What do you guys that have played and beaten Dark Souls think the things that Dark Souls improved from Demon's Souls and what are the things you thought that Demon's Souls that does better than Dark Souls.
Yeah I'm debating on going through Dark Souls without a wiki this time. For Demons' Souls I used a wiki all the way through.

Problem is tho if u dont use a wiki for this deep sort of RPG u can screw yourself all kinds of bad. Don't want to spoil anything but yeah. Lol, this game is just that awesome. Gotta stay on your toes :scared:

I just beat Shadows of the Damned to clear the way for Dark Souls... I might disappear into the abyss known as demon crack for quite awhile :dopey:

I disagree. The game is much more fun without a guide telling you where everything is. Explore, and really understand the levels, discovering what you can find, instead of just reading specifics.

Once I've beaten a game a couple of times, then I'll look up a wiki or something like that, and seek out the few little items I didn't find. Usually it's just a couple of things. The experience is much richer if I truly am alone in the game, finding my own way through it. It's designed to be playable that way.
I've just got Demon's Souls a few weeks ago and this game is excellent. However, Dark Souls just came out a few weeks ago and i'm wondering how much better is it than Demon's Souls. What do you guys that have played and beaten Dark Souls think the things that Dark Souls improved from Demon's Souls and what are the things you thought that Demon's Souls that does better than Dark Souls.

They are different enough even though there are many similarities. But Dark Souls is harder than Demons Souls. I haven't Beatin Dark Souls but 41 hours in there is no reason to choose one over then other. They are both great games that will bleed you of your free time. Its like choosing between Fallout 3 and New Vegas.... Demon's Souls and Dark Souls both have awful camera issues and lock on that can be a nerve wrecking. Both F3 and NV have game breaking bugs :).
Yeah, the correct answer to 'Demon's Souls or Dark Souls?' is 'both'.

I think Dark is a bit better, but Demon's is very inexpensive, and everyone with a PS3 should try it.
I just restarted Dark Souls. I originally picked the Thief but he wasn't working out all that well for me. My main weapons had broken and I was stuck at before the Gargoyles boss. I was so frustrated that I stopped playing the game for the past few weeks. This time I picked the Warrior and it seems to fit my playstyle much better. I'm already past where I was and am attempting the gargoyles. I will have to come back to it tonight to beat them but I'm much happier with my character right now.

Edit: I beat the gargoyles at 4am. I tried until 2, came close a few times and then went to bed in frustration. Couldn't sleep, decided to beat a couple knights I hadn't killed throughout the burg to level up and then try the gargoyles.

Did all that, defeated the boss by the blacksmith, and then beat the gargoyles on first attempt! Played again this morning since I work afternoons, and beat the boss in the forest. Back into the game so much right now.
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Demon’s Souls Will Finally Be Laid To Rest At The End Of May

On September of last year, Atlus USA announced that their Demon’s Souls servers would remain up and running for at least another year. Unfortunately, that won’t be the case anymore.

Today, Atlus announced that the servers for Demon’s Souls will cease operations by the end of May 31st. Prior to twice, Atlus will hold two World Tendency shift events on May 1st and May 16th, both based on votes from fans.

Demon’s Souls was originally released in October 2009. It was a breakout hit for Atlus and put developer, From Software, on the radar of many players. Since then, From have gone on to develop a follow-up title, Dark Souls, which has been published by Namco Bandai. The Demon’s Souls I.P., however, is owned by Sony.

Credit: Ishaan
Demon's Souls Servers Staying Online

ATLUS said today it's extending the North American online servers for Demon's Souls. The game was originally going offline at the end of this month. No specific time table has been set, but ATLUS said the servers will be left on for the "foreseeable future."

"We're incredibly excited to be able to announce that the Demon's Souls online experience will persist for a while longer," stated Tim Pivnicny, Vice President of Marketing and Sales at ATLUS. "While it originally seemed as though it would be unfeasible for us to continue to sustain the servers, a number of developments have made it possible for us to continue to invest in and support our fans as they have continued to invest in and support us and Demon's Souls.

Credit: Jim Reilly