When I say 'once in a while' I mean a couple of days every month, even more lately. Does it qualify as depression? Maybe. That varies from person to person in my opinion. As much as I don't want to think myself as a depressed individual sometimes it's just overwhelming, which is why I'm posting this now. I feel it's time for you all to know just where I'm coming from when I make comments on posts relating to depression, sadness, and just going through a rough time. As hard as this is for me to type I hope I'll feel better once I do...
The first 9 years of my fairly young life wen't great, rather spectacular actually. I remember good friends, good times, and no worries as a daily dish for me. My father was, and luckily still is, a construction supervisor and my mother cleaned houses and our church. We weren't the richest but we got by with what we had, and were thankful for it. This was the way life was for a matter of years, arguably the best years I've had in my (almost) 18.
Sometimes it's really surprising how quickly things can change, just look at how abrupt events like 9/11 and the absurd amount of school shootings were. Well, my life, my whole families' at that, was flipped upside down, shattered, and thrown under a bus in a matter of hours. Now, being a nine year old kid I usually wasn't the one to wake up extremely early. But this wasn't the case on October 26 of '06. Now, I remember about every detail of this day, and while I won't share every detail, please remember that this is the worst day and most traumatic experience of my life. It was about 04:30 in the morning when my instincts woke me. I could hear my dad in the next room, talking with a 911 operator in the most panicked I've ever heard him. I climbed down from my bunk to see what on Earth could possible be going on, and all I remember was my mother's limp body draped across their bed. Instantly I knew something was terribly wrong and I made my way into the living room where I cried on the couch until the fire department kicked the door in. I remember chasing the ambulance to the hospital, and promptly ushered to the waiting room where a kind officer gave me a stuffed bear to clutch. It wasn't until a few hours later we transferred her (most likely by helicopter) to a hospital specializing in heart and cardiovascular care. We stayed there until mid-afternoon, and then went home one short of a family. My father didn't even have to tell me, I just knew once I saw the look on his face. My mother had suffered a rather severe heart attack, and didn't survive. She wasn't obese, and was only 37.
After her death I almost instantly slipped into a deep slum. I didn't socialize with my friends, hardly ate, and even went as far as seriously contemplating killing myself at nine years old. I became seriously introverted at school, which wasn't good because I was picked on for sitting in the corner all day being myself. I still received a little support from the friends I still had but I don't feel it was adequate enough to reverse the effects. Today I still have trouble socializing openly with people because of being picked on. I have only one real friend I can socialize with openly, and I've seemingly missed out on the latter part of my complete school experience.
Things haven't been as bad until recently. Apparently even after eight years I'm still struggling to get through everyday life without having a mental breakdown. I'm heaving a breakdown right now just writing this. My mother was the single most important person to me probably ever, and no matter how hard I try sometimes I just can't fill the void, like trying to square in a heart-shaped hole. My dad did get remarried , which was a joint decision between all of us (and no, I never have, never will consider my step-mom to be a "replacement" for my mother, neither will my father). Their relationship hasn't been the best lately and I fear that I may get to trudge through a divorce as well, which doesn't help a thing. What makes it even worse is that I'm usually thrown in the middle of it and have to take tension from both ends.
Because I can't ride/race my motocross bike for the last couple of years, my 'great escape' at this point is online racing, and consequentially, GTPlanet, which is partially why I feel I can share all of this with you. I'm not really sure if what I've been dealing with can be classified as depression, but I feel that this is the most fitting place to share what's been dragging me down over the years. There's probably more I could add to this but I just can't come to words right now.
Thank you so much if you have read this whole thing. It was about time I got all of this off my chest and into sentences.