Depression and Anxiety Thread

  • Thread starter JohnBM01

A lot of the time it's hard to even tell really, since for most it's just a severe lack of motivation rather than being sad all the time. Of course, then people just accuse you of being boring or lazy or just plain unsociable, so it's hard to really know how to properly let someone know how it actually is.
I'm currently in that state of no motivation whatsoever and I hate it.
The mean thing about it is, that this actually boosts the depression itself too, plus all the outside stuff.
I tried. Well things got better though.

Some i cant fix but i should probably forget about that and move on with my closest people i know and communicate.

I think some may because of the prejudice and over generalisation.
Some people are just hating something for whatever reason. Don't spend your time thinking about them people. They're just a waste of time. Just take care about yourself and stop thinking too much. That'll make matters worse.
but your example comes from a comparison point. It isn't like he said "Look at the Bright Side of things more than the Happiest People in the world". I guess he is saying to at least attempt and take some thought into it.

You can throw in any analogy you want, my point is that however valid the suggestion may be, it could well still be an impossible ask of the individual in question. If you've not experienced it yourself you may find it difficult to understand just how paralyzing the apathy towards you own life, personality, and actions, can be.

@ULTRAVIOLENZZ FWIW I do agree with most of your suggestions, but they tend to work better for people whose depression is circumstantial. Fit and physically healthy people, who seem jolly enough can still get depressed, and they won't even know why.
You can throw in any analogy you want, my point is that however valid the suggestion may be, it could well still be an impossible ask of the individual in question. If you've not experienced it yourself you may find it difficult to understand just how paralyzing the apathy towards you own life, personality, and actions, can be.

@ULTRAVIOLENZZ FWIW I do agree with most of your suggestions, but they tend to work better for people whose depression is circumstantial. Fit and physically healthy people, who seem jolly enough can still get depressed, and they won't even know why.
Sudden realization, maybe? I dont know about others but i have experienced like that.
Funnily enough used to give advice to people who get affected by similliar stories to here in this thread, but been having a mini not too serious spiral of my own lately.

Long story short after failing at the final race at this year's gtacademy and then just returning to Uni and resuming by regular normal boring life I've lost all motivation to do anything really, hopefully this feeling will pass but I've been feeling down for a while now.
If anyone follows my posts on here with any interest, you may have noticed I've expended a large amount of effort and money this year travelling around, visiting race tracks, and watch cool stuff. It was awesome. The season's now finished, now things seem somewhat desolate. The ongoing curse of the depressive is the emptiness that floods in when the cost of distraction cannot be met.
I am glad this thread has lived on for as long as it have. One of my goals of most of my threads is to make lasting topics that get a good deal of traffic. GTPlanet is an amazing online community. Heck, I'm a bit surprised it was ME that started this thread long ago!

If there is anything to take away from me here, it is that it can be helpful to have someone nearby who cares about you in light of rough times you have. This is even if you don't allow yourself to have any friends. At least it's good to know someone at least remotely cares. That is why I am generally happy to know I have someone who can point me in a better direction than just having to go it alone. It's tough to get adjusted and re-adjusted in these times. All the while, though, you got to remain strong and even have a good support system (even if it is just you) to help you deal in times of depression.

It's a tough fight against depression, but you can win this fight.
Sorry to bump this up again.

Like most people with depression, I go through varying degrees and stages. Currently, I find myself in a wave of anger and frustration at everybody around me.

To cut a long story short, very few people know about the issues I'm having, and I've told the few who do to not let one of my "best friends" (quotation marks will become clear later) know. He's very vindictive with personal problems and fails to see the bigger picture, so I just preferred him not to know.

Anyway, I haven't heard from or seen him in coming up to two months now. However, he's been telling a female friend of mine (who he happens to 'like', although insisted countless times to me that he hated her) that me and him have met up on loads of occasions, and that we speak daily and that my depression is going away all thanks to him.

I do not know how he knows. I can see no reason for him to do this, other than to make himself look good as a sad attempt to get into her knickers. I pointed this out to her, and with me being in quite a foul mood, went off on a tangent about him being a dreadful person who hides behind his good image he portrays to everyone. She wasn't pleased with me and has bizarrely taken his side instead.

Not only am I cross with him, but just life in general and all of its BS. Why is that someone who backstabs his supposed best friend without a second thought gets praised and showered with positive attention? Yet even though I've done literally nothing, I get tossed to the back burner as soon as I say my piece?! I'm forever being told I'm a generally agreeable person who should have nothing to worry about and will get through life with no issues. So why do those who betray, lie and move on get further in life? No one seems to answer that.

The inevitable response I will probably receive is 'get some better friends', but I don't know where, how or if I really want to.

Everything's just kind of pilling up and this is slowly tipping me over a hypothetical edge. I know I've just rambled, and truth be told it's probably more suited to the relationship thread really. But I just needed to get that out there before I just explode.
I'm sorry you're experiencing this INEEDNAWZZZ, and don't worry about bumping up this thread. Besides, I created this as a medium to discuss depression to help out each other.

I'd be upset myself with the situation you're facing. You got cut a raw deal here. I don't know how to help you here or how to remain positive. I hate the term "cliché" or using it, but the cliché "one day at a time" is what I'd suggest.

Rather than just saying, you should find better friends, I would say you've got to understand that so, soo, many people don't understand depression, and are unable to properly react to it, or understand how their actions impact you. Choice is yours as to how long you put up with it, but it's virtually impossible to change someones attitude to it. I've suffered for many years with depression, and have been in a relationship with someone who also does themselves.... you'd think we would both have been sensitive to each others issue - but often it was the cause of the worst arguments.

... in other news... not sure if anyone else suffers from crippling anxiety as part of their depression, but I found this a fun read
Need advice from those who suffer from depression or know someone who does. I'm struggling to deal with someone who has depression and bipolar disorder. Don't want to read, see bold below!

One of my best friends suffers from depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder, though it has been getting better for her to deal with in the last few years. A little back-story which is relevant: She lives in Australia, but I met her in the US 5 years ago. She grew up in Australia and has moved around (her father is American in the military, mother is Australian) and ended up in the US for half her life before moving back to Australia in 2011, she's been there since, but is soon moving to London. Point is, we are long distance friends, I only get to talk to her once a week via Skype.

I bring that up, because, one: it is very difficult to be there for someone with that kind of distance and two: when she is feeling like she is in a dark place, all she has to do it shut me (and her other American friends) out by turning her phone off for weeks at a time. She is very hard to contact, and it's hard not to take it personally. Unfortunately, because of this, I've gotten upset about it and let her know that it made me upset. I know this is wrong, I should never have gotten upset about it. But on the other hand I wish she would reach out and talk to me or someone about it rather than bottle it up.

My concern is that I push too hard and she pushes me away for it, but I also feel that if I don't push, she'll think I don't care. In my mind, she knows I am here to talk about anything she needs, but sometimes chooses not to. But I am failing to put myself in her shoes. I can't understand why she chooses to remain in the dark. I have not dealt with depression myself, it's hard to wrap my head around, but I am trying.

More relevant back story. When I first met her, I didn't know about her depression, though looking back there were clues, but that didn't cross my mind. We lost contact for 2 years when she moved away, she contacted me in 2013 and told me why she stopped talking to me and explained how moving back to Australia, away from her friends caused her to spiral into a dark place and she pushed everyone away because she was embarrassed about it. Since she came back into my life I pushed a little for her to talk to me and we've been talking more or less each week ever since. She even flew to the US to see family and I got to see her again. I flew to Australia 2 months after that (I went to Australia to see another friend, but I still got to see her). Our friendship is back to "normal", but now I am aware of the depression. I care about her very much and I want to continue being her friend, but I have to admit that it's taking it's toll. She still disappears for long periods of time and I am worried she isn't seeking the help she needs.

I don't take it personally, or at least I try not too. I have gotten upset, it's hard not to and I think she knows that. It feels like a double edged sword. Has anyone experienced something like this? How should I handle it? How does someone deal with a person they care about who has depression without pushing them away?

Thanks for reading and any feedback you may have.
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My concern is that I push too hard and she pushes me away for it, but I also feel that if I don't push, she'll think I don't care. In my mind, she knows I am here to talk about anything she needs, but sometimes chooses not to. But I am failing to put myself in her shoes. I can't understand why she chooses to remain in the dark. I have not dealt with depression myself, it's hard to wrap my head around, but I am trying.
As someone who suffers from depression at times, I can let you know of this:

To remain in the dark is where we can enclose ourselves from the world and relish in the quiet so we can dwell on the main symptoms of depression-

Some depressed people do not want others to be overly concerned for them; we don't want to be a burden to those that are more stable than us.
Unfortunately, because of this, I've gotten upset about it and let her know that it made me upset. I know this is wrong, I should never have gotten upset about it. But on the other hand I wish she would reach out and talk to me or someone about it rather than bottle it up.
What's bolded is what I'm on about. Given that I've dealt with and still deal with depression and I try to help others with depression (some of them on here on GTPlanet), it's best not to express frustration to them, which triggers them to feel more guilty of being a burden; it's leads to a bad effect (can't think of the name for it). Instead, try to console her and coax her into opening up. In essence, get her to fully trust you so she can feel the need to be open... if there's a reason for triggering her depression.

As others have said before, depression is mostly a chemical imbalance in the brain due to the lack of serotonin in the brain. So, she might just have depression out of the blue.

Either way, it's best to be there for them. Giving them a hug, a kiss, or any sort of appreciation or form of care can be a whole lot for someone.

That's my take on it, as far as my 17 years of age of experience contains. I'm fairly certain someone else can say a lot more much more better.

I have had a very similar situation and I understand the frustration well. Sadly, I don't have an answer for you. It's one thing when someone is suffering from depression, it's another when they are thousands of miles away too - it's a very difficult situation to be in, and I've found it absolutely gut wrenching that even when you do get them to open up, you still only have words to make them feel better... and you're a better man than me if you can cure brain chemistry imbalances with words.

I guess if I had any advice it would just be to keep calm. Depression is frustrating as hell, but IMO it's better to try and lead somebody to help than it is push them, and don't wait for her to be in her depression state before you offer to listen, by then it's normally too late.

Outside of that, without knowing why she is depressed it's difficult to suggest anything. Depression hits people in different ways, personally I've suffered for 20 years, and I've spilt blood because of it -- but at the same time I know others who are affected differently, and what "works" for me, doesn't necessarily "work" for them.

Don't beat yourself up about it though, like I said, you can spend your life with someone who is depressed and not be able to help them.. if you're on different continents it's damn near impossible.

Sorry I don't have anything more constructive.
@Akira Ishi and @MatskiMonk (I have no idea how to tag users!)

Thank you for your replies, I am happy to hear opinions from a different viewpoint.

I know my friend isn't relying on me, she has other's to talk to, which I am thankful for. She has friends in Australia, of course, so I am only mildly worried she won't have anyone to turn to when she needs. She still goes to me sometimes, which means a lot to me, considering the long distance. I can't exactly give her a hug, but I send her messages from time to time to let her know I am thinking of her.

I think I know how to handle her, and I know it's something I want to do despite how difficult it can be for me at time (damn that sound selfish to say). If I've learned anything about dealing with someone with depression, it's patience. I just need to get better at it.

Thanks guys, I appreciate the speedy replies.
*whispers quietly into the thread*
Err.. hi. This is gonna be my first time posting here in this thread. I have depression as well whuch comes and goes. Sometimes it's not that bad and sometimes it'll decide to just deck me and keep kicking me when I'm down. Right now I'm in one of those dark times. It's not the worst that I've ever been, however right now it's a bit of a double or triple whammy in that I'm really stressed right now with starting a new job and learning all that, figuring out my schedule and getting insurance and pay straightened out as well as the fact that my brain has decided that now is a brilliant time for a large amount of gemder dysphoria and general self loathing because my body isn't corresponding to to who I am. If I could just sleep all day I would, if I could avoid all contact with people I would but I have to be talking to people all day. Even more annoyingly, I stay up to strange hours. I find that when I'm laying in bed trying to get to sleep the thoughts of "you're worthless, insignificant, your family would be better off without you, you will never be able to pass and be treated like a woman, you will never find a husband" or worse than that are more difficult to keep out if my head. So I stay up and keep myself busy, playing video games watching movies, listening to music to try and keep those thoughts away. I will only stop and get into bed when I'm absolutely exhausted so that I know I will fall asleep almost instantly. When you have to be up at 5 am and you aren't getting to sleep until about 3am it affects you after a while. I try my best to hide this from my family and co workers and friends because I don't want to force them to have to worry about me. It's exhausting having to smile and say "I'm fine" to people even when you just want to curl up and cry. I've stopped playing hockey so I don't have to deal with people and as much as I love a Trans and Gender Non-conforming support group I attend I'm considering not going this week because I don't know if I can deal with it right now.

I'm sorry for the needlessly long post but I need to get it out to more than just a therapist or my stuffed animals because this load is getting too heavy for me to handle by myself.

Please, I'll be there to help everyone carry their loads and problems and issues as best I can, I just ask you take a piece of my load in return.

Sorry for taking up your time
as much as I love a Trans and Gender Non-conforming support group I attend I'm considering not going this week because I don't know if I can deal with it right now.


Sorry for taking up your time

Support groups exist to help people when they really need it... and the time when you can't even face asking for support (or feel bad explaining your problems to people that might understand how you feel in this thread), is the time when you do really need it. Just my humble opinion, but I'd say make sure you go, and make sure you don't just put a brave face on it either. If you go down the reclusive road you cut off people who are there to try and help. Doing something you don't want to do is a victory when you're fighting depression, and sometimes that can help you to feel a little bit better just on its own.

Have you tried something like Melatonin to help you sleep?
I'm sorry you're experiencing this INEEDNAWZZZ, and don't worry about bumping up this thread. Besides, I created this as a medium to discuss depression to help out each other.

I'd be upset myself with the situation you're facing. You got cut a raw deal here. I don't know how to help you here or how to remain positive. I hate the term "cliché" or using it, but the cliché "one day at a time" is what I'd suggest.

Rather than just saying, you should find better friends, I would say you've got to understand that so, soo, many people don't understand depression, and are unable to properly react to it, or understand how their actions impact you. Choice is yours as to how long you put up with it, but it's virtually impossible to change someones attitude to it. I've suffered for many years with depression, and have been in a relationship with someone who also does themselves.... you'd think we would both have been sensitive to each others issue - but often it was the cause of the worst arguments [/USER]

Didn't even realise you'd replied, my alerts are screwed.

Thank you both for the support. Admittedly I wrote it in a bit of a foul mood as you can probably tell! I missed out a fair chunk of other backstory for both parties mentioned in my little rant (which I won't go into) but I might as well address a few of the points mentioned.

The female friend offers support whenever I ask, and although she means well and gives kind words, she (as rightfully pointed out) doesn't really understand how it works. She gets quite flustered when I can't explain why I'm upset, not really knowing that there it isn't a reason the majority of the time. She usually apologises later and says she 'gets it' really, although it puzzles me how it still irritates her each time. I typically don't message her, even when I really need someone to vent to because her advice ultimately winds up just being 'cheer up' padded out with a list of things to try that I know don't work.

I've since found out that the vast majority of my friendship group are somehow aware of my situation. Even though only a few offer help and support, it strangely doesn't bother me that no one else has really tried. I haven't quite worked that one out. I've had time to calm down now obviously, and I'm back into my 'meh' phase; not great but much more preferable to hating everyone and everything.
Well, I didn't tag you, INEEDNAWZZZ, so you didn't get an alert saying me mentioning you or anything. I don't usually tag people much anyways. All I mostly do is bold certain individuals' screen names and such.

I become quite curious at times. I mean... is it that some people don't allow themselves to get help or want to ask for help? Or is it that asking for help in a thread like this is a sign of weakness? Do some people not admit feeling the least bit concerned here? Or is it maybe the fear of sharing information that may be intensely personal? To be honest, there is no shame in admitting having depression or having episodes of depression. I actually admire having the courage to be real and honest with issues like this. I have been fortunate to be part of a great community like GTPlanet for my more than ten years here. I've seen people come and go that I somehow encountered in my time here. There are certainly times I feel pathetic, and while I may not ask for any sort of help right away, I am at least mindful someone may come around and offer some support. I guess what I am saying is... in times like this and with issues of depression, we all need each other. Instead of feeling like everyone is a threat, we all can try to work together to collectively solve our own depression issues. Sorry if I sound like a Public Service Announcement or something, but it's true we all could use each other to try to gain some courage to defeat depression in our lives.

For those of you still in the fight, just be sure to stay positive and hopeful. If helping someone else out, be hopeful the one you're helping out is patient enough. Best wishes to all of you.
Huh... Didn't know there was a thread for this but might as well come out a little from my shell...

I been dealing with depression for 4 years now but I been dealing with anxiety my entire life... To make a very long story short, It all started with this feeling of coldness and not being able to breath properly for a entire week, It was when I felt the extreme feeling of nervousness and uneasiness in my mind, then on a Friday Afternoon, I was rushed to the Hospital due to me not being able to breathe and my body temperature was very low... I was taken to the "Ward" where I was diagnosed with Anxiety/Multi-Persona Disorder, back then... I was afraid of everything, I didn't know what was going on or what was happening to me... I was lost most of the time and I couldn't go to school at all... I started to have extreme headaches and deal with many mood changes, I didn't know what to do and nowadays, it's mostly been worse... I was treated by different doctors but most of them have given up on me... Now I am treated by the director (Aka the main Doctor) of the "Ward" and honestly he is a 🤬 from what I can tell... I suffered memory loss when it all started and I couldn't remember much about anything at all, I kind of regret remembering now, I wouldn't have relapsed twice if I didn't remember... My childhood hasn't been the best mostly because I was alone and nowadays I don't even care that I am alone... This anxiety disorder has caused my life to go into more ruin than it already was in... I was pathetic and weak back then... And due to an accident last year, I fell into a deeper depression, now I feel pretty emotion-less and empty, Not knowing who you are is a terrible feeling but feeling nothing from it is even worse, I don't go to school anymore, I isolated myself because I am afraid of the outside and I can't go anywhere without my parents due to my "insanity" (Aka my anger) kicking in and causing me to have a major persona change... I haven't had a good life and it hasn't gotten any better... I honestly don't know what to do now...

Also Medicine made my mood even worse so I stopped taking it (It's Prozac if anyone wants to know) and the director prescribed me a stronger meds but I fear of taking it because I don't want to feel restrained but then again, Restraining this... "Thing" has taken a toll on my mind and I am very weakened in mental state...

The reason I am saying this to all of you... Well I don't know, Maybe because I don't want to be alone anymore... So yeah that's basically a small Summary of my "Depression"

(P.S I am a teenage minor living in New York City, so laws regarding staying out of school is apparently illegal so yeah that's adds to the bucket.)
Also Medicine made my mood even worse so I stopped taking it (It's Prozac if anyone wants to know) and the director prescribed me a stronger meds but I fear of taking it because I don't want to feel restrained )

Might be worth a try on the stronger stuff, different meds affect people different ways. I went through about 3, IIRC, and while honestly none of them really worked how they should, they did seem to make me feel different, in their own different ways, you might find one that does work for you. Prozac only worked for me whilst it had a placebo effect, after that I had to double my dosage to notice anything, and then instead of getting pathetically upset over things, I'd get mad at them. Citalopram didn't seem to do anything, and Sertraline for Anxiety kinda worked, but I gave that up in the end - but I've not had a panic/anxiety attack for a few years.

I gotta say though, at your age, things can be tough at the best of times, but you've really got to try - even if you don't care now, you know that skipping school now is only going to bite you on the ass and make things worse, so do it for the person you want to be in 5 years time, not for the person you think you are now. Believe me I know it's tough, I'm a 36 year old dude that had my driving license revoked because I couldn't face opening a frickin' letter.
I'll say. I try looking towards the future and stick it in my head that it only lasts for a bit. It gets rough but it works.

This is my first post here, but I won't get into my story. Just chiming in.
I think I actually lowered my aggresion level towards people being depressed, or my aggresion was only on that one former friend (we parted ways after we lost what made us friends in the first place because his ways of enjoyment are totally different to mine).

Anyway, another friend of mine has been really upset with all the drama my friendship group at School has been going through (I feel like I'm the glue that is keeping the group together, since I'm the only one who doesn't hate anyone in the group) it has really gotten him and wants to leave it all behind and drop out of school and move on what is worst is that former friend of mine literally stabbed him in the back (like he does with all my other friends and a couple times, myself) by purposely playing with his emotions to get him 🤬 just because the former friend doesn't like his current relationship which I heard is getting problems.

I didn't feel angry, I felt like I could understand where he was coming from and actually supported his decision. Maybe it is because since all my other friends are all so backstabby, I feel like I've could have been backstabbed or maybe it is because his reason to be depressed seems more ration than that other guy which made no sense to me. Maybe it is because he has been toyed around purposely. Maybe it is because he isn't hurting anyone with this depressed state. I really don't know?

There is the other girl who I think has depression that I used to hate so much for a couple reasons but the hate stopped. She became more sensible and easier to talk to and we had good chats, I'm sure she is still feeling pain deep inside but I feel like she is taking the step in the right direction :).
I think your relaxed attitude may be a combination of all of those things.

I mentioned it earlier on this page, but I'm going through a situation eerily similar to what has happened to your friend. Although my friends do help with my depression, they seemed to be more receptive when I explained this situation to them, and offered advice other than what basically was 'just cheer up'. I think that's the big problem; people can't offer advice when the person is sad for no reason, which is fair enough. At least with some reference level they can deal with their issues a bit better.
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Well I don't know where to post this so I thought this is the closest thing to post on...

This is mostly related with school, this started when I was back in 6th grade around 2010/2011 and it had been increasing ever since (especially after what happend on that :censored:ing 14th of feb 2011 over here and when I reached 9/10 grade).

So some random low life idiots decided to bully me, make fun of everything I do , share totally wrong information about me to the others who don't even know my name and sometimes even a bunch of group with 5-14 guys go against me alone getting attacked.
So great..they claimed that "I'm just a gay low life mentally ill that shouldn't belong in this world, that would gets pissed of everytime someone said anything bad about me..."

Okay what's wrong with that? I'm sure there's many worse problems than that...right?

Yeah because that's not my main problem really, my problem is my so called "friends"...

I always go with my friend's (was like 7-12 guya), I usually chat and hang out with them at school. I always help these guys when they have problems even simple ones but when all this happened to me? When I got involved in violence attacks including some extreme one's? When the school helplessly trying to end this but couldn't? Where's my friends? Where did they go? Did they just ignored me and just went away chatting about COD instead? Really? Is friends supposed to be helping each other when some problems happened or just leave the other to suffer?

What hurts even more is that I heard couple of them talking about me in a bad manner... they just "stabbed" me in the back...Some even became friends with those "kids" I hate.

It got to the point that today, when I go to some of my "friends", I being ignored... its like I never even existed... I tried to say hello or something but all I get is just me being ignored...
I'm not a friend with them any more... I'm just sitting alone with no one...

But why don't i just go and find new guys? Nope that wouldn't work because they would be like... "no one wants to go with a :censored:head mental idiot" especially after what I happened earlier.

I just feel different from everyone a bad way... I find members from GTP to be more friendly to me than these school moran's.

When would these kids grow up and learn respect?
Really worth while watching this video clip.

It's an interesting set of ideas, and I do support the idea that living healthy helps keep the mind healthy. I guess an interesting correlation would be depression levels in Vegans vs. Omnivores - as the former has a diet more inline with what the video suggests.

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