Depression and Anxiety Thread

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
Guys, first and foremost thank you very much for listening to me when I needed to ventilate my personal struggles. It is just crazy that I found support on people spread around the world, whose connection with me it is just a game we play in common. Thank you.

Mrs. Skydragon and I talked and talked and we talked again and we decide to give our marriage another try. Today I'm happy because we are a family again. Being close to my daughter again means a world to me.

Even though I'm happy today, I know there's a lot of challenges to face in this new chapter in our lives. I'm aware I have my personal demons to deal with and because of that I won't stop the therapy. I really need it.

Thank you guys again. I really appreciate your support.
You're welcome mate. That is excellent news about you and her getting married again and getting your child back too. Keep us posted on how you and your family is doing. Life is hard but there is a widespread community to help guide and send positive vibes for whenever you are feeling down.

Take care, :)
Mrs. Skydragon and I talked and talked and we talked again and we decide to give our marriage another try. Today I'm happy because we are a family again. Being close to my daughter again means a world to me.
This brings so much happiness. Well done to both of you. Wishing you the best.
This brings so much happiness. Well done to both of you. Wishing you the best.
Thank you very much for your support my friend.

As you said there's happiness now and I feel good. However I can't forget the bad places I went to, before life took such a hard left turn.

I'll take this whole situation as a wake up call and keep the therapy up. God knows I don't want to feel that low again.

Thanks again. I really appreciate it.
Thank you very much for your support my friend.

As you said there's happiness now and I feel good. However I can't forget the bad places I went to, before life took such a hard left turn.

I'll take this whole situation as a wake up call and keep the therapy up. God knows I don't want to feel that low again.

Thanks again. I really appreciate it.
From my experience, all the times I’ve hit rock bottom and been at my lowest, it always makes even the normal days seem grand and glorious, just because I’m not so far into the whole as when my world is in turmoil.

Suffering can really put things into perspective. I guess that’s what the Buddha meant all along. I’m just seeing that now.

Sometimes it takes an instance of hardship to make us appreciate the better things. Without darkness, there’s no light, right?
Thank you very much for your support my friend.

As you said there's happiness now and I feel good. However I can't forget the bad places I went to, before life took such a hard left turn.

I'll take this whole situation as a wake up call and keep the therapy up. God knows I don't want to feel that low again.

Thanks again. I really appreciate it.
Therapy is a great source for helping people change their behavior and actions in life. I'm glad it's working out for you. Good luck to you, Mrs. SkyDragon and your child. You've been a great member and person to us in the TT thread and everywhere else here on GTplanet.
I had a dream about my pet dog Buddy who died years ago, I'm still depressed about that tragedy. I didn't own many pets back in the late 90's, early 2000's. I shouldn't dwell on the past but it's hard when I have flashbacks and dreams that remind me of the event/tragedy.
I had a dream about my pet dog Buddy who died years ago, I'm still depressed about that tragedy. I didn't own many pets back in the late 90's, early 2000's. I shouldn't dwell on the past but it's hard when I have flashbacks and dreams that remind me of the event/tragedy.
Losing a pet I think is worse than losing all but the closest family or loved ones. They are there for you no matter what, and love you unconditionally. I lost my cat about 5 years ago - I had just moved out of my parents' house. The cat (hippo was her name) had what appeared to be a stroke - my parents took her to the vets, and had her put down, and didn't tell me until the next day, so I never got a chance to say goodbye - they never even gave me the choice.

I miss her constantly. Going through years of school bullying and loneliness, my grossly overweight cat was always there, no judgement. That's worth more to me than any family member has ever done for me. I'd say that thinking about Buddy after all this time is only human. Dwelling on the past isn't a bad things if your time with Buddy was a good memory.

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Losing a pet I think is worse than losing all but the closest family or loved ones. They are there for you no matter what, and love you unconditionally. I lost my cat about 5 years ago - I had just moved out of my parents' house. The cat (hippo was her name) had what appeared to be a stroke - my parents took her to the vets, and had her put down, and didn't tell me until the next day, so I never got a chance to say goodbye - they never even gave me the choice.

I miss her constantly. Going through years of school bullying and loneliness, my grossly overweight cat was always there, no judgement. That's worth more to me than any family member has ever done for me. I'd say that thinking about Buddy after all this time is only human. Dwelling on the past isn't a bad things if your time with Buddy was a good memory.

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Hippo looks like the Calico we had—Clawdette.

We lost all three of our cats within about a year of each other. I didn't get to be there for any of them. Giulia had kidney problems and my parents put her down and told me about it after. It was similar with Lucy.

Then Clawdette, who they had put out of the house when she started peeing inside (they gave her a heated bed in the garage at least) died suddenly and my parents did a makeshift cremation as it was winter and they couldn't bury her. Of course they didn't tell me until afterwards.

In the end my parents got to grieve and have their ceremonial way of saying goodbye, and I got a phone call. Not sure if I'll ever forgive them for taking that away from me. They said they didn't want to upset me, but I wanted to be upset when the cats I loved died. They had no right to take that away from me. I had no part in any of the decisions. Just shown the spot they were buried.

My parents are generally good people and I have a pretty good relationship with them. But this was one of the worst things they ever did to me.

I think about those cats a lot. When I'm in bed I imagine snuggling with them. I don't want to forget what it was like, but the memory gets weaker every time.

Giulia "Giugi" (pronounced with a ʒ sound) in her roasting pan, as we called it. Taken in when she showed up at our door after we came back from vacation when I was young.

Clawdette. My friend also called her Phoebe. A skittish stray who never really got totally comfortable around people. She lived in the garage for years before we convinced her to come inside.

Giugi and Clawdette (enemies, but sometimes near each other)

Lucy (the oldest by far) and Giugi

Lucy unimpresed by my harassment

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