Depression and Anxiety Thread

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
So, I don't know how to frame this post exactly, but...I have anxiety of some sort. Not really depressed, although I wish I was doing better.

Let's just say, I feel like I don't belong. GTPlanet is the only forum I visit, otherwise it's just Discord and the few friends I have there. No IRL friends to connect with. I find it extremely tough to try and join new communities, and because of past experiences, dating back 10 years, I'm always hesitant to do so. Even if the community itself is nice and is welcoming, I might feel like I'm not a part of it.

I also don't have a favourite YouTuber/streamer to connect with either, so I'm ultimately just a lone wolf in every sense of the word. I am introverted in real life, but online it's naturally easier to connect and open up, but I've begun to shelter myself more and more. For me it's also imperative to have plenty in common to properly connect, which makes it all the more tougher (yes, I am on the spectrum).

Figured I would post here as a way to vent, didn't wanna keep it bottled up. I've been thinking about saying something, but I didn't feel the need to, until now. Oh, and despite me registering in 2015, I didn't actually start actively visiting until GT7 came out. I also haven't connected with anyone here, not really, but I should probably keep an eye on The Rumble Strip from here on.

That's about all I can think of (without writing a life story). Thanks for reading.

I wouldn't mind racing in GT7, but that requires PS+, and due to generally only being able to support myself with the money I have, I'm not prepared to subscribe, especially when it would only be for one game. Thanks Sony for raising the prices, too! I have not looked into GTPlanet's offerings yet, as I'm not sure if there would be any league/community that would be the one for me. Even then, pay to play. 🤷‍♂️
Hi. How are you feeling now? I hope you're in a better place than when you posted this.

It takes so much to make a post like yours and I hope it has empowered you. This thread is full of people who try to be there when needed. Well done for feeling able to speak out.

With the all too sad passing of John last weekend, it's very important that everyone remembers and continues John's sage wisdom, and that we all together take on John's mantle going forward.

Remember always, don't let depression and/or anxiety win.
Remember always, don't let depression and/or anxiety win.
Approve Pedro Pascal GIF by Nordisk Film Finland
@JohnBM01 passing away has hit me as hard as it did when Steve (@FoolKiller) passed away.

John always sent me messages to wish me a happy birthday, when the Oakland Golden Grizzlies won, when any Detroit sports team did well, when I got a new car, and even when my son was born. I always looked forward to his sports write-ups since he always tried to include something about the regular contributor's favorite teams.

It's weird. I never met him in person, only ever chatted with him online, but he was definitely a friend and I miss him. I was happy to see in his goodbye thread that so many other people saw John's kind, caring, positive attitude. That's the kind of mark you typically hope to leave and one that, for a time at least, carries on your memory.
Back in the mid-2000's, I used to get depression when students got better grades than me in English, Social Studies or Math class. My self-esteem was low because I thought I didn't have the knowledge that they did. So I came home every night and listened to peaceful relaxing music to calm me down.
So I came home every night and listened to peaceful relaxing music to calm me down.
Thats what I do every day after work, the problem is that I recently realized thats ALL I do anymore. I work, come home, do cooking, feed my cats and do a little cleaning and then I listen to music for three hours straight and then go to sleep. On weekends I literally just sit and listen to music for 5 hours and more. I stopped doing all the stuff I used to do after work and feel zero motivation to do anything.
My job is very stressful, I'm not sure if its that or a side effect of Lunesta or Ambien I am taking every night.
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Thats what I do every day after work, the problem is that I recently realized thats ALL I do anymore. I work, come home, do cooking, feed my cats and do a little cleaning and then I listen to music for three hours straight and then go to sleep. On weekends I literally just sit and listen to music for 5 hours and more. I stopped doing all the stuff I used to do after work and feel zero motivation to do anything.
My job is very stressful, I'm not sure if its that or a side effect of Lunesta or Ambien I am taking every night.
I’ve been zoning out to music a lot myself as of late. Unfortunately, my music tastes have started to mirror my mental state. It makes me not want to listen to it because I feel it reinforces my existentialism, but ****, it’s cathartic after a rough day, like it justifies the madness.

This has been a favorite of mine lately (relatively new to Interpol):

I do feel like I’m starting to slip away into a dark place… and I’m pretty ****ing scared
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Guys, the GTP is the corner of the internet I visit the most. Funny how in a moment of anxiety and sadness and uncertainty about the near future, one decides to share his thoughts and feelings in an internet forum....

But that's how welcoming this site is (feels to me) and.... I have nobody else to share what I'm feeling right now....

I've been feeling depressed and unhappy for a while. GT7 and video games in general they became my escapism path. I haven't seen a physcologist so I can't say I have the diagnosis, but I feel down, sad, worried with an empty void inside. That's how I feel. It has been a while....

Life were just about to get a little bit better since I'm moving into a new job. But then I found Mrs. Wife and I talking divorce. The pain in my heart is caused by the idea of getting away from my 9 years old daughter. Just the idea of missing her and not seeing her just kills me and throws me down in a bad place in my mind.

I feel sad, uncertain and can't imagine not having my baby girl around.
Guys, the GTP is the corner of the internet I visit the most. Funny how in a moment of anxiety and sadness and uncertainty about the near future, one decides to share his thoughts and feelings in an internet forum....

But that's how welcoming this site is (feels to me) and.... I have nobody else to share what I'm feeling right now....

I've been feeling depressed and unhappy for a while. GT7 and video games in general they became my escapism path. I haven't seen a physcologist so I can't say I have the diagnosis, but I feel down, sad, worried with an empty void inside. That's how I feel. It has been a while....

Life were just about to get a little bit better since I'm moving into a new job. But then I found Mrs. Wife and I talking divorce. The pain in my heart is caused by the idea of getting away from my 9 years old daughter. Just the idea of missing her and not seeing her just kills me and throws me down in a bad place in my mind.

I feel sad, uncertain and can't imagine not having my baby girl around.
This sounds like an understandable reaction to your situation, though you might be suffering more than "normal". Is there anyone you can trust to talk to about this (a close friend who won't "take sides" between you and your wife maybe, or failing that your doctor or anyone else who would be an impartial ear?). It's a difficult first step, but if you can open up to someone it should help.
This sounds like an understandable reaction to your situation, though you might be suffering more than "normal". Is there anyone you can trust to talk to about this (a close friend who won't "take sides" between you and your wife maybe, or failing that your doctor or anyone else who would be an impartial ear?). It's a difficult first step, but if you can open up to someone it should help.
Thank you for your reply.

I have a pair of good friends, but I think they would be anything but unbiased. Boys supporting boys, if that makes sense. Family would be supportive I reckon, but on the other hand I guess I need guidance and reasoning.

Few years ago I was feeling as sad as I'm now and I had a break down. One of these friends I mentioned took me to a physcologist, I regret immensively not carrying on with the therapy.

Now I'm considering seeking professional help.
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Thank you for you reply.

I have a pair of good friends, but I think they would be anything but unbiased. Boys supporting boys, if that makes sense. Family would be supportive I reckon, but on the other hand I guess I need guidance and reasoning.

Few years ago I was feeling as sad as I'm now and I had a break down. One of these friends I mentioned took me to a physcologist, I regret immensively not carrying on with the therapy.

Now I'm considering seeking professional help.
One of the best things I've done for myself is finding and keeping a therapist. Having someone to help you wade through when things are tough who can explain the why and the what is an amazing thing. Good luck to you, sir. Perspective is so hard when one is in the middle of it all!
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This morning I drove my daughter to school, came back home, wrote my initial post.

Then Mrs. and I talked again and divorce it is.

Feeling sad as one can be now. Losing the presence of my baby girl hurts me big time. I'm crying as I type this.

Don't know how I'm gonna explain to my kid when I pick her up at school later that I won't be coming home with her.
This morning I drove my daughter to school, came back home, wrote my initial post.

Then Mrs. and I talked again and divorce it is.

Feeling sad as one can be now. Losing the presence of my baby girl hurts me big time. I'm crying as I type this.

Don't know how I'm gonna explain to my kid when I pick her up at school later that I won't be coming home with her.
Sorry man. Splitting a life is hard. Right up there with the hardest things you'll do, from my experience.

Kids see and understand a lot more than we give them credit for. She will understand.
I feel horrible. I picked her at school and we went out for lunch.

I took my daughter to her favorite restaurant, I felt dirty because she was happy to go out, out of the blue in the middle of the week, but little she knew what I had to share with her. We ate, we went window shopping, I bought her favorite dessert and some stationary stuff that she loves.

I drove her back home and we talked. I tried to keep the marriage shenanigans out of the loop. I streesed out that my love for her and our father/daughter bond is not meant to be changed or broken. I tried to use simple sentences and held my tears as long as I could. But I failed. We cried. She gave me the tightest hug ever...

It hurts me to remember what just happened, seeing her crying as I left. Today was one of the worst days of my life.

My heart is broken, a piece of my life (the best one) is away from me now.
I feel horrible. I picked her at school and we went out for lunch.

I took my daughter to her favorite restaurant, I felt dirty because she was happy to go out, out of the blue in the middle of the week, but little she knew what I had to share with her. We ate, we went window shopping, I bought her favorite dessert and some stationary stuff that she loves.

I drove her back home and we talked. I tried to keep the marriage shenanigans out of the loop. I streesed out that my love for her and our father/daughter bond is not meant to be changed or broken. I tried to use simple sentences and held my tears as long as I could. But I failed. We cried. She gave me the tightest hug ever...

It hurts me to remember what just happened, seeing her crying as I left. Today was one of the worst days of my life.

My heart is broken, a piece of my life (the best one) is away from me now.
I have no idea how it works in Brazil, but can you fight for joint custody of your daughter? Here in the US, as long as you aren't a complete deadbeat parent, the courts will award you some custody of your children. It's not the same as seeing them every day, but it still allows you to have a meaningful relationship with them and be a presence in their life.
I have no idea how it works in Brazil, but can you fight for joint custody of your daughter? Here in the US, as long as you aren't a complete deadbeat parent, the courts will award you some custody of your children. It's not the same as seeing them every day, but it still allows you to have a meaningful relationship with them and be a presence in their life.
Sharing custody seems it won't be a problem between me and her mother. Amongst the many bitter ends in our relationship this I believe it won't turn into trouble. At least this is a topic we ended in some good terms.

Missing the everyday stuff is what kills me now, having a schedule to see the kid and spend time with her sounds unnatural. But it is what it is.

I feel bad for missing time with her from now on.
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You can really work on making the time you do have more meaningful. I was a weekend dad for most of my children's life and I definitely was not perfect and still am not, but I'm certain my kids would tell you they didn't miss out on much.

It doesn't happen quickly, but you'll find your groove.
Thanks for your reply.

I hope so.
She gave me the tightest hug ever...
While things may not have worked out between you and your wife, remember the value in this here..

Your daughter LOVES you.

I can see through what you've said here that you really valued your relationship with her, and it shows - you seem like a fantastic father, and I really, really hope you're able to maintain a positive presence in her life.
This is the day after the worst day of my life. I feel horrible. Still.

I feel bad already for not being part of my kid's routine anymore. I can't stop thinking what is she doing at the moment and how things are rolling.

I feel guilty for allowing family life take the divorce crossroads. Mostly for how things will change for my girl.

Writting these posts helped me through yesterday. I'm thinking about starting a personal journal.

I am seeking professional help today.

Thanks again everyone who has replied to my posts.
I’ve taken some time to reply because your situation @skydragon49 hit home with me.

All I can say right now is keep positive, if possible. And if you’re looking for some guidance, there’s a good set of minds here to help out.

Professional help is always advised, but in the void sometimes complete strangers are most comforting. No judgement and all.

Reach out if you need to, further if things are going pear shaped. We’re all here to help.

Keep you’re head up, for the sake of your daughter.

And don’t let anxiety or depression win.
@W3H5 thank you for your words.

Today I feel the guilty taking over me, there are moments I'm all sadness and there are moments I'm all guilty.

The divorce talk rose up after another one of our arguments, then things followed its course.

I feel guilty because I feel like the price of this divorce is being paid by my daughter. Me, being out of the house gets her to be sad too and God knows I don't want her to suffer or be sad. Seeing her crying yesterday was a stab at my heart.

I take comfort on what @330_D shared about making the time I'll have with her count and there's a moment when things find their groove, which I think it's when the "new normal" is well established. I know time will pass, things will find their way but, Jesus.... It hurts.
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@W3H5 thank you for your words.

Today I feel the guilty taking over me, there are moments I'm all sadness and there are moments I'm all guilty.

I don't think I have the right to expose much of my marriage problems however I can say I wasn't happy and neither full in life for a long while. Sad, lacking energy and disposition to live would describe me very well. Hence my idea I may have depression. And I can say the same goes for the lady.

The divorce talk rose up after another one of our loud arguments, then things followed its course.

I feel guilty because I feel like the price of getting loose from this bad marriage is being paid by my daughter. Me, being out of the house gets her to be sad too and God knows I don't want her to suffer or be sad. Seeing her crying yesterday was a stab at my heart.

On the other hand me as a grown adult, I am entitlled to be happy and for that to happen I had to walk away from what was dragging my life down. But at what price? My daughter's tears? I feel guilty...

I take comfort on what @330_D shared about making the time I'll have with her count and there's a moment when things find their groove, which I think it's when the "new normal" is well established. I know time will pass, things will find their way but, Jesus.... It hurts.
If **** gets too much, feel free to give me a call. Reach me on PM if necessary.

I’m happy to give time to chew the cud and offer some kind of therapy, within reason. Though I’m not qualified, I am especially good at one to one chats that may be necessary to clear one’s head.

Please don’t detail the intricacies of your divorce here, this is not the place, for your own sakes.

If you are struggling with comprehension of your current situation, shout us out. We’re not strangers to suffering and troubled times.

I’ll PM you my details.

Trust us if you can.

And don’t let depression or anxiety win.
@skydragon49, shot you off a PM. If it helps take full advantage.

That applies to anytime here.

I’m still awaiting the most drunken call from @MatskiMonk denouncing his love for SoCo. Lol.

You’re all welcome to hit me up for some air time. I don’t judge, I don’t condemn. I’m more likely to tell you my life story than anything.

Ask @Hollow, she know.

Reach out y’all. Don’t let it beat you.
Friday afternoon my daughter and I met again. She had a medical exam past due and I asked the mother if I could take her to it, before I started on my new job which most likely will reduce my free/flexible time a lot.

After the exam we spent some quality time together and I can say I feel a little better now. Seeing her laughing and smiling again partially erased the last picture I had of her, when I told her about me leaving the house and I saw her crying.

I guess I'll sleep a bit better tonight. Let's see what tomorrow has in store.
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Friday afternoon my daughter and I met again. She had a medical exam past due and I asked the mother if I could take her to it, before I started on my new job which most likely will reduce my free/flexible time a lot.

After the exam we spent some quality time together and I can say I feel a little better now. Seeing her laughing and smiling again partially erased the last picture I had of her, when I told her about me leaving the house and I saw her crying.

I guess I'll sleep a bit better tonight. Let's see what tomorrow has in store.
It’s going to take time to adjust to this new reality, and for your heart and mind to fully process everything.

I’m glad you got to spend time with your daughter and that it brought you some peace. This isn’t easy, but your love for her is so clear. She’s lucky to have you as her dad, just take it one day at a time.

Also, don’t hesitate to take @W3H5 up on their offer. They’ve helped me through some really dark times, offering advice, support and patience, something I’ll always be grateful for.

GTPlanet has an amazing community, filled with kind souls willing to help, I hope you know you’re not alone. ❤️‍🩹
I’m still awaiting the most drunken call from @MatskiMonk denouncing his love for SoCo. Lol.
This is an end of days type scenario, if it happens, we're all done for.

But yeah, those that have reached out to me to offer help - even if I didn't accept, are good people, and it's the gesture for which I'm thankful.

Those that reached out to me, who I did not help - learned that I'm perhaps not a good people, for which I'm very sorry.

Y'all know who you are.


For about an hour last week the social algorithm triggered some tangible auto-fatality thoughts in me - I won't go into it, simply broken-heart disease, but for a couple of hours there was literally nothing else I needed than to mention it to my best friend... that, that, would have picked me up... but, as regular readers might remember, my best friend being dead is an issue for me (and I guess him too)... so as well as facing one reality I really didn't want to, I got squashed by another at the same time.

It made me think, talking helps. Some times it can be everything.

In lieu of talking, 2 bottles of Southern Comfort, one of Jagermeister, and one of Kraken also helps, but I guess I can't in good consciousness advise that path.
I’ve been zoning out to music a lot myself as of late. Unfortunately, my music tastes have started to mirror my mental state. It makes me not want to listen to it because I feel it reinforces my existentialism, but ****, it’s cathartic after a rough day, like it justifies the madness.

This has been a favorite of mine lately (relatively new to Interpol):

I do feel like I’m starting to slip away into a dark place… and I’m pretty ****ing scared

Having a hard time to find motivating words here for you since I'm in a dark pit myself, all I can tell you is you need to keep going and you need to do things no matter your motivation, its the only logical thing to do. Maybe it will eventually get better again since it could just be an episode. Keep going no matter how you feel. Yeah I know, do as I tell not do as I do.

As for music, its only natural to listen to music that reflects your feelings, nothing is more annoying than music that does not fit your current mood. Not only will it make you feel misunderstood but also completely fake. I mean for me the dissonance I feel when listening to typical upbeat cheerful music makes me want to vomit, it make me physically sick.
Listening to upbeat music when you are down does NOT help you get better.

I mean try it out, listen to this:

And how does that make you feel? Do you feel happy and cheerful now?

As for music I listen to lately that reflects my mood, dark ambient in loops is the kind of stuff I listen to right after work and then I get lost in thoughts and zone out for hours. For example stuff like this:

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I feel sad, uncertain and can't imagine not having my baby girl around.
As someone said before, how about shared custody ?

Divorced years ago but my son was so young he can't remember a time where his parents where together (and the more it goes the more I forget too and have no regrets), but since then we shared custody 50/50 so he is always with me half the time (one week at his mom's, one week with me).

Sure I deeply regret not sharing all his life moments but it is the most I can get.

And it also gives me more freedom than being a parent 100% of the time too, small perk but...

I hope you'll find some neutral people to talk to, it is important.

You need to keep in mind that even if today feels awful, there are plenty of beautiful days ahead and you must focus on doing the best for your daughter (and you) going on. Be strong and keep your hope intact.

And the love you share with your daughter will never fade away unless you let it go that way. It is all in your hands (and your ex spouse).
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I was thinking about my pet dog Buddy that passed away in 2009. We had thrown a frisbee across the street and he tried to cross the road when an incoming car hit him and injured him very badly. He died several hours later that night. I haven't had any more pets since then. I'm still down about this. If I do get another dog in the future, we will keep him inside at all times, unless we take him out for a walk on a leash. Lesson learned.