Destiny 2

  • Thread starter Katiegan
Can I ask, did you ever get back on to Destiny 1 to do all the stuff we never got round to doing?

I haven't played Destiny 1 for a while, just been playing Titanfall and GTA on the occasion I've been on the PS4.
Looks good but bullet sponge enemies get boring very soon for me. Sad to see the Tower like that.
The Beta seems to be really divisive. Personally, it fixes almost every single issue I had with D1 PvP (there were a lot of them), but quite a few people are complaining about the changes. And then there are still people who are saying that its just an expansion to destiny one, which personally I simply do not understand. Its all slightly frustrating for me. :irked:
Having not played the original Destiny (story and general vibe didn't interest me) I decided to give a fair shake to the D2 beta and see how it was.

Overall, I really like it. The game plays butter smooth (I'm pretty certain it's a solid 60 FPS) and it's very easy to grasp, even for a complete newbie like myself. I also really like the Control mode in the beta. It's probably the best Domination type game mode I've played in a while, the 4v4 set up, and smaller map sizes really do well in terms of flow of gameplay in my opinion. Probably the most amount of fun I had playing PVP in a first person shooter since Rainbow Six Siege.

My problem is how long this game will last, at least in my eyes. The only other loot based shooter I've played is The Division, and while it isn't one to one like that game, my worry is that my patience with the 'keeping up with the Jonses' elements of the strikes and all that, coupled with bullet sponge enemies, is going to make me lose interest fast. Still, with the game playing as rock solid as it is, I certainly am going to keep interest in the game, not really sure if I'm going to pre-order it or not.
Overall, I really like it. The game plays butter smooth (I'm pretty certain it's a solid 60 FPS)
Hmm, interesting you should say that. It is actually locked at 30fps, which I guess is a testament to how well optimised and smooth bungie have made the game feel. :)
Hmm, interesting you should say that. It is actually locked at 30fps, which I guess is a testament to how well optimised and smooth bungie have made the game feel. :)

Goes to show how much I know about framerates. Still, it's absolutely a master class in how well optimized the game is.
Goes to show how much I know about framerates. Still, it's absolutely a master class in how well optimized the game is.
It is true. I consider myself lucky, in that I find it very difficult to tell the difference between 30 and 60fps, so whilst everyone and their mothers are complaining about how bad 30fps is, I just sit there calmly enjoying the game as if nothing is wrong.
It is true. I consider myself lucky, in that I find it very difficult to tell the difference between 30 and 60fps, so whilst everyone and their mothers are complaining about how bad 30fps is, I just sit there calmly enjoying the game as if nothing is wrong.
Side by side I can tell but on its own I doubt most people actually can.

My first dabble with Destiny. Seems alright but I don't think it's my kinda game to drop 50 quid on.
With "The Farm" being accessible for an hour, I took the opportunity and waited till all the players on my server left to take a bunch of screenshots.
Here are just a few in glorious Xbox One quality :crazy:
Spoiler just in case some people want to wait till the full release of the game.







I can upload more screens, showing pretty much all of the farm, if people are interested.
I'm actually on the verge of canceling my pre-order for D2.

The trailers hooked me good when they first came out, but after the BETA and hearing more and more about the game my interest in the game has just deflated.

Usually a sequel had a familiar feel to it tying the first game with the second, but when I played the BETA it felt completely foreign to me.
Supers felt flat and useless, the new weapon layout is pretty awful ... and weapon balance just feels really wierd.
Scout Rifles were glorified Nurf rifles. Pulse rifles felt godly at any range. Overall it was just very strange feeling.

Then there are the in game changes that just kill the playability of the game. No more randomly rolled weapons. (this is one of the reasons I've stuck around in Destiny as long as I have.) Weapons lock down on certain events or missions. etc, etc.

Usually I'm the who chimes in saying give the sequel a chance, jump in and adapt. But this time I just don't feel like I can. Outside of the characters its just too different.

I'll probably wait a week or two before picking it up. See how the reviews are and how player reaction is before taking the final plunge or not.
Supers felt flat and useless, the new weapon layout is pretty awful ... and weapon balance just feels really wierd.
Scout Rifles were glorified Nurf rifles. Pulse rifles felt godly at any range. Overall it was just very strange feeling.
Don't worry, that'll change...36 times throughout the life of the game.
I honestly hate this "Oh gosh, I am so funny. Rofl Lol xD" personality change they did to Cayde so much.
I don't even know why that happend in the first place. Is that Bungie's try to make up for the not existing story in Destiny 1?
Well, I believe it's like 4 more hours until Destiny 2 launches in New Zealand. About 20 more hours before it becomes available for me. I'm thinking about spending some time on Destiny, and when it hits 11pm CST. I'll hop on Destiny 2!
So I was staying up until 9pm last night to get on and play Destiny 2, only to realize that it doesn't come out until today. I was so sad.
Stayed up till midnight here to play it... The game is actually significantly different over destiny 1, to the point at which I was not expecting. There are characters in the game. Characters. I cannot express to you how weird it feels to see that in a game called Destiny for me. :lol:
Stayed up till midnight here to play it... The game is actually significantly different over destiny 1, to the point at which I was not expecting. There are characters in the game. Characters. I cannot express to you how weird it feels to see that in a game called Destiny for me. :lol:
Any insight on the character creator?
Any insight on the character creator?
Hahaha the character creator is actually seriously cut and paste from the first game. My friend and I could not stop laughing at how lazy that design decision was.

And I mean one to one, same hair styles, same faces, same colours, same markings. Absolutely brilliant job Bungie.

Everything else though is an enormous improvement, at least as far as I played. There are interesting story telling techniques, as I mentioned there are somewhat interesting characters, some mystery that doesn't feel like complete fluff like it did in destiny one. Story missions take you to places that are off the beaten path, instead of just down the same road to the big open space every time like it was in destiny one.

There is a whole bunch more stuff that I could try to explain but I am extremely tired right now, as you could imagine :lol:
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Hahaha the character creator is actually seriously cut and paste from the first game. My friend and I could not stop laughing at how lazy that design decision was.

And I mean one to one, same hair styles, same faces, same colours, same markings. Absolutely brilliant job Bungie.
Well that's a shame :lol:
Hahaha the character creator is actually seriously cut and paste from the first game. My friend and I could not stop laughing at how lazy that design decision was.

And I mean one to one, same hair styles, same faces, same colours, same markings. Absolutely brilliant job Bungie.

Damn. Guess my Hunter will have to keep her massive forehead. :(
Damn. Guess my Hunter will have to keep her massive forehead. :(
I was contemplating making a new character because I wanted to try out the new customization. At this point, I might as well just import my last.

I'm anxiously waiting for work to be over with so I can anxiously wait on the couch for 6 more hours at home, to play the game.
I was contemplating making a new character because I wanted to try out the new customization. At this point, I might as well just import my last.

Same here.

I won't be playing until tomorrow after work. I originally pre-ordered the Limited Edition with GAME, but it turns out they took too many orders for it and don't have enough stock, so to solve that problem they randomly cancelled orders (such as mine) and blamed the bank/PayPal for 'not allowing the order to go through' even though my PayPal clearly shows the order as pending and nobody attempting to take the money out. Luckily I managed to find a last minute deal on the LE on ShopTo, so hopefully that's coming tomorrow.
I got hit in the feels when you're walking along the ice cliffs, right after the Tower' collapse. When you walk along the edge and you see The Traveler bounded. Was a pretty good intro mission.
The whole city burned down that's heavy.