Destiny 2

  • Thread starter Katiegan
I got hit in the feels when you're walking along the ice cliffs, right after the Tower' collapse. When you walk along the edge and you see The Traveler bounded. Was a pretty good intro mission.

Very emotional intro. I've definitely had to respawn a few times already. The curse of not being a great aim on a console
Managed to reach Level 20 on my Hunter last night. I've got to say, I'm really enjoying this game. The story is a lot more immersive than the first game, and a lot more in depth. I still sort of miss grimoire cards though, only because I just loved reading them. Now time to get my Titan leveled up and finally make a Warlock.

Just wondering, will the GTPlanet clan be making a comeback for D2? I'd quite like to join a clan or get a clan going but wasn't sure if the GTP one would be carried over. By the time I got into D1 the GTP clan was inactive so I never got a chance to get involved.
Managed to reach Level 20 on my Hunter last night. I've got to say, I'm really enjoying this game. The story is a lot more immersive than the first game, and a lot more in depth. I still sort of miss grimoire cards though, only because I just loved reading them. Now time to get my Titan leveled up and finally make a Warlock.

Just wondering, will the GTPlanet clan be making a comeback for D2? I'd quite like to join a clan or get a clan going but wasn't sure if the GTP one would be carried over. By the time I got into D1 the GTP clan was inactive so I never got a chance to get involved.

I mean, I could try and see if anyone hasn't started one already. And if not, I can start it.
Hmmmm....apparently the GTP name is reserved until the 20th.

That's for in case the clan leader from D1 wants to migrate the clan to D2..... so we need to know who is the leader of the GTP clan on D1 and ask them what they intend to do.

I'd like to join a GTP clan, but as @Katiegan said.... it needs to be active to make it worthwhile.
If the GTP clan gets back up and run I'll join that, but if not I'd like to join a clan with a cool name, like... SpaceX, or something. :lol:

Also just finished the story on my Hunter. Not going to give away spoilers, but that was brilliant. Now time to do it twice over on my other characters!
If the GTP clan gets back up and run I'll join that, but if not I'd like to join a clan with a cool name, like... SpaceX, or something. :lol:

Also just finished the story on my Hunter. Not going to give away spoilers, but that was brilliant. Now time to do it twice over on my other characters!

Story done already!!?? :eek:
I still sort of miss grimoire cards though, only because I just loved reading them.
Me too, even if a bit of lore is available if you press L2 while examining an item.
Anyway, LL265 seems to be the first soft cap for the 'standard' legendary engrams. Getting to 275-280 is going to take a while . . .

ps: the mida is still an awesome gun!
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I just got Mini Tool so I can't wait to try Multi Tool out!
I love the Mini Tool, and I barely realized using them together gives you a little perk bonus too. I apparently have another legendary Side arm that starts with a D that gets a combo bonus as well, and I'm barely finding these things out.
have to say i didn't think i would like the new weapon layout with 2 primaries and a power weapon. but it's starting to grow on me. being able to use the mida multi tool scout rifle with the mini multi tool smg is awesome

my biggest gripe so far is the strike rewards. they need to buff the rewards for them considering how long they take to complete
Did the last of the adventures on Nessus, is it strange that I'm doing all the adventures in one go before I move onto the next world? Or is that how it's supposed to be done?
my biggest gripe so far is the strike rewards. they need to buff the rewards for them considering how long they take to complete
so true. if i want to farm a few engrams, tokens and XP, i do some some heroic public events. way better than strikes.
Did the last of the adventures on Nessus, is it strange that I'm doing all the adventures in one go before I move onto the next world? Or is that how it's supposed to be done?
I was doing the same thing, to be honest, and I like it that way. It seems to prolong the games life for me. Although by the time I got to Nessus I just stopped and moved on to finish Io. Earth took a surprisingly long time to finish. Although, the adventures get repopulated daily, I think.

Here's some screen shots from the other day.



Picked up a random group at reddit/fireteams for the nightfall but we sadly ran out of time at the very end...and i gotta say my loadout (mida-drang-fusion rifle) didn't seem to work so well :/ nightfall is quite a different animal compared to the other pve activities.
Picked up a random group at reddit/fireteams for the nightfall but we sadly ran out of time at the very end...and i gotta say my loadout (mida-drang-fusion rifle) didn't seem to work so well :/ nightfall is quite a different animal compared to the other pve activities.
What's your current power level? I hopefully want to give that a go before I leave for the weekend, and I'm sitting at 272 with a similar set up. I'm using Mida, Drang, and some shotgun from Suros.
Well, hopefully playing with people your comfortable with isn't as bad as playing with randoms, then :lol:
It was a "no mic" group, so I couldn't even tell them about the hidden mechanic of the vex rings. As soon as you go through one, a timer starts and after a while all the other rings in the area disappear. So, clear adds first and then go through them with no stress.
By the way, I was sure the PS4 came with a base headset. Checked the box again today but no sign of it. Guess I'll have to buy one (will be essential for the raid).
It was a "no mic" group, so I couldn't even tell them about the hidden mechanic of the vex rings. As soon as you go through one, a timer starts and after a while all the other rings in the area disappear. So, clear adds first and then go through them with no stress.
By the way, I was sure the PS4 came with a base headset. Checked the box again today but no sign of it. Guess I'll have to buy one (will be essential for the raid).
Ah that makes sense then, a mic makes a world of difference. I have one lying around, but I haven't used it in so long so I need to look for it. Thanks for that tip too, didn't realize that.
Nightfall done with other two good random players found on Reddit (none of us had a mic, but everything went fine nonetheless). Found a 280 submachine that I infused into my MIDA Mini-tool and a 279 leg armor piece. Now I'm at 274 PL and I'm curious to see what Xur will bring tomorrow.

On a side note: if you want to do the nightfall but don't care about reddit fireteams, try the "guided games" beta. If you're lucky enough to have a ticket (check the postmaster), you can find two sherpas that will help you (keep in mind that a mic is essential for that).
Anyone having issues with Infusing a Legendary with an Exotic? Two times where the exotic was about 10 points higher resulted in my other item only moving up about 2 power levels.

you can find two sherpas that will help you (keep in mind that a mic is essential for that).
What is a sherpas? I have access to those guided games.
It was a "no mic" group, so I couldn't even tell them about the hidden mechanic of the vex rings. As soon as you go through one, a timer starts and after a while all the other rings in the area disappear. So, clear adds first and then go through them with no stress.
By the way, I was sure the PS4 came with a base headset. Checked the box again today but no sign of it. Guess I'll have to buy one (will be essential for the raid).

crap, that reminds me that I need to get one...