Destiny 2

  • Thread starter Katiegan
A sherpa is someone who will help you with an activity. They're generally high level players or clans who have already ran through the activity, and are willing to help other people.

Guided games allow people to go in as a "seekers" (players looking for help) or as "guides" (also known as sherpas), who will be rated at the end of the activity.


They're currently beta-testing this system and the full rollout is planned for September 26th (for nightfalls and raids).
Just in case anyone wanted to know, here's Xur's location and inventory for this week:

Although his location is shown on the map now, which is handy.
I think Merciless is a great exotic to have; especially when fighting Ultras and Bosses as you can unload a lot of damage in a short amount of time with said Fusion rifle.
Anyone having issues with Infusing a Legendary with an Exotic? Two times where the exotic was about 10 points higher resulted in my other item only moving up about 2 power levels.
That would be from exotics coming with +5 mods which means they are actually 5 less power than what they say when it comes to infusion.
I think Merciless is a great exotic to have; especially when fighting Ultras and Bosses as you can unload a lot of damage in a short amount of time with said Fusion rifle.
It's a DPS beast for sure and people are already calling it the Gjallarhorn of D2. I'm pretty sure that some LFG posts are going to include "MUST HAVE 300+ MERCILESS" very soon :lol:
Mine is sitting in the Vault collecting dust at the moment because I don't have anything above 270 to infuse it.
Well I got myself a PS4 Pro Glacial White Destiny 2 console. Transferring stuff from my standard PS4 before getting stuck in.
My last two exotics have been Merciless, lol. Fortunately I got one before Xur came, so I didn't have to buy one.
Gerrr. You and you exotics. I'm still sluming it at level 15 going from one dropped weapon to another just cos extra point or two light. I did the same in Destiny. Loads and loads of weapons then a highly focused set of weapons of choice once I hit 20 and then again at 40.

I went from 10 to 15 yesterday si I'm hoping to reach 20 today.

I do miss my Dragons Breath and Event Horizon though. Are the available in D2?
Three hard lights in a row.

Three hard lights in a row.

Three hard lights in a row.

Three hard lights in a row.

Three hard lights in a row.

Three hard lights in a row.

Three hard lights in a row.

Three hard lights in a row.

Three hard lights in a row.

Goooooooood :)
Beat the raid one minute before reset this morning. :embarrassed:

I really like Leviathan. It's really different and refreshing. I don't particularly like the [redacted] but it's a new experience all the same.
Welcome to the grind, son.
Real grind starts when you reach the 265 soft cap (all the legendary engrams drop at that level). Wish I waited before completing the exotic quests so the road to 280+ would have been a bit easier.
On a side note, I hope Bungie adds heroic strikes soon. Or, at least, strike-specific loot as in D1.
Is anybody here in a clan? I've been meaning to join one for a while now (mainly for the bonuses) but I can't find any decent ones, and I'd rather join a clan containing people I'm familiar with. I thought about making my own but I can't think of a good enough name, or the names I do think of are too cliché...
Is anybody here in a clan? I've been meaning to join one for a while now (mainly for the bonuses) but I can't find any decent ones, and I'd rather join a clan containing people I'm familiar with. I thought about making my own but I can't think of a good enough name, or the names I do think of are too cliché...

Could join the clan I'm in, if you don't mind the tag being 420$ :lol:
On a side note, I hope Bungie adds heroic strikes soon. Or, at least, strike-specific loot as in D1.
strikes have been majorly neglected by bungie so far in destiny 2. no strike specific loot, no heroic versions, no weekly milestones. There is no reason to run strikes considering the reward/time spent ratio on them

Bring back the strike scoring system and allow us to get weekly legendary shards bonus like they did with legendary marks in D1
strikes have been majorly neglected by bungie so far in destiny 2. no strike specific loot, no heroic versions, no weekly milestones. There is no reason to run strikes considering the reward/time spent ratio on them

Bring back the strike scoring system and allow us to get weekly legendary shards bonus like they did with legendary marks in D1

I think I've only did the strike playlist once, and only for one strike. Thinking back on it now. We only ran one strike, was because we got all three challenges done in a single strike.

Other than that, the only strikes I do, happens to be the Nightfall.

"We are ready for a special event called Faction Rallies. Starting on September 26 at 2 AM Pacific, you will be able to volunteer your services in support of your favorite faction, or the one that holds the loot you most desire. Each of the factions of the Tower is having a rally to collect resources for its cause. They’re recruiting Guardians to gather supplies for their faction and destroy enemy resources. They’ll offer a suite of rewards to help the Guardians rise up against any enemy threats. As an incentive, each faction has set aside a powerful weapon to entice players to choose their side. The faction whose Guardians collect the most faction packages will be declared the winner. The winning faction will offer the weapon to everyone, but all who pledged loyalty will receive it with a huge discount as repayment for their contributions to their faction’s cause. Arach Jalaal from Dead Orbit, Lakshmi-2 from Future War Cult, and Executor Hideo of New Monarchy will return to the Tower to ask you to pledge your loyalty. Before you can make this choice, you must first reach Level 20 and gain access to the Tower. You will only be able to pledge to one faction per character."

Dead Orbit Fireteam | Dead Orbit Inventory

Future War Cult Fireteam | Future War Cult Inventory

New Monarchy Fireteam |
New Monarchy Inventory

"In addition to all of the gear on display above, each faction will be offering a special weapon as a reward to be sold if they emerge victorious. Everyone who pledged to the winning faction will be able to purchase it for 1,000 glimmer. Anyone who did not pledge can still get it, but will have to pay a higher price of 50,000 glimmer."

DO Scout Rifle

NM Sidearm

FWC Pulse Rifle

"You can earn faction Tokens to turn into your faction of choice all the way up until 2 AM Pacific on October 3. We will declare a winner later that day at 10 AM Pacific. Good luck Guardians, and may the best faction win!"

Choices, choices, choices. In Destiny 1, I was New Monarchy the whole time, on my main character.
I never liked their shaders, but this time around they seem to look the best. I stuck with Future War Cult, and while their shaders where also very...odd, I did prefer the color schemes they had on their weapons and items.


Zavala isn't looking so young anymore..
We killed the Nightfall boss when the timer was at 0:00 and the game already displayed the message "mission failed".

That was sooooo close but we did it!
I ran Dead Orbit on my main back in D1, purely because I preferred their colours. Morally I support Future War Cult, in fact it's the name of my gunrunning business on GTA :lol:. New Monarchy have some good looking stuff this time around, but Future War Cult has the best faction lounge... hmm, decisions decisions.
I really don't like this week's nightfall :lol:
Couldn't agree more about that. I did it anyway because, without the raid, that's the 2nd powerful engram I can get weekly, but It's way harder than the last two nightfalls:
1. No burns = no advantage (seriously Bungie, NFs are fun with prism or a specific burn: don't drop them)
2. Fallen pikes at the beginning can easily destroy you if spotted.
3. Servitors can take off a huge chunk of time if the team isn't able to deal with them immediately.
4. Explosive shanks + electrified floor = I still have nightmares :lol:
5. Boss can go invisible and AFK for 30+ seconds each time. It's a race against the clock so It can get super annoying!
6. Attrition modifier: that's probably worse than anything else.
Couldn't agree more about that. I did it anyway because, without the raid, that's the 2nd powerful engram I can get weekly, but It's way harder than the last two nightfalls:
1. No burns = no advantage (seriously Bungie, NFs are fun with prism or a specific burn: don't drop them)
2. Fallen pikes at the beginning can easily destroy you if spotted.
3. Servitors can take off a huge chunk of time if the team isn't able to deal with them immediately.
4. Explosive shanks + electrified floor = I still have nightmares :lol:
5. Boss can go invisible and AFK for 30+ seconds each time. It's a race against the clock so It can get super annoying!
6. Attrition modifier: that's probably worse than anything else.

The biggest problems my fireteam is facing is the part with protecting the ghost. Those two servitors mess us UP :(. For when the boss goes invisible, my buddy has Hard Light and he's able to land hits on the boss when he's hanging out on the wall.
What I hate about this Nightfall is my buddies and I are trying to get the Rat Kings quest done, with 5 or more minutes left. With the boss disappearing every 5-10 seconds because we just light him up is annoying. Then having to wait 20-30 seconds before he comes back. We beat it once already with about 2 minutes left, but for the quest we need to fine tune some things.

We will have a go with it again on Sunday. One of my buddies was looking at all the anomalies so we can add as much time as we can. We may also do that glitch were you keep going back and forth between loading zones and destroy the anomalies, while the other two fight off the walker.