Destiny 2

  • Thread starter Katiegan
Bungie confirmed that the next update will fix clan rewards dropping at 10 PL.

Next Tuesday, October 3, we are deploying Hotfix It contains some fixes for issues some players are experiencing. Here is a preview of some of the changes you can expect to see when you download the update next week.

  • Fixed an issue in which players could lose access to the Veteran’s Transmat Effect by deleting characters
  • Fixed an issue in which clan engrams would grant Trials of the Nine and raid rewards at only 10 Power
  • Fixed an issue in which progress for the Exotic Quest Step "His Highness's Seal" was not incrementing properly
    • Quest progress will still increment by 1, but the Quest Step now only requires 10 Seals to be collected
  • Fixed an issue in which raid milestones would not show for some players after the weekly reset (This didn’t affect any raid rewards)
  • Fixed issues in which players could enter a state where they are continuously killed or unable to resurrect if encounter complete and failure events occurred simultaneously
Maintenance (October 3) will run from 9 AM PDT (4 PM UTC) to 12 PM PDT (7 PM UTC)
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I honestly thought that 10 PL weapon drop was on purpose. I actually found it fair since I haven't done the raid yet but to know it's actually a bug, I don't know if I should be annoyed or not :lol:
Me too, even if the engram that gave me "sins of the past" (raid rocket launcher) had a power level of 292. That made me think that there was something wrong and I found the answer in their weekly article. Next clan engrams will bring me a little closer to 300...or at least I hope so!

On a side note, finally had the chance to try the NF yesterday. Being a titan with double pulse grenades never felt so good! 'nades for days! :lol:
Also completed the Rat King's quest (dropped at 304). Not a fan of sidearms but the invisibility perk is really cool in PVP.
So the other night I got working on my Milestones. While doing the Crucible part, I met this one clan, and thought great. A group of 4, with me and a bunch of randoms. Then I saw the names. Let's just say I'm glad we won!

Next clan engrams will bring me a little closer to 300...or at least I hope so!
update: finally reached PL300, even if the last drops (from the nightfall) were two kinetic pulse rifles and I don't know what i'm supposed to do with them. Wish i could get my hands on another scout rifle to bump the power level of my nameless midnight. Next step: finding dunemarchers and sunshot (Xur, bring them tomorrow, please!)
Iron Banner loot looks stunning :eek:


The Return of the Iron Lord

The Red War scattered the heroes of humanity across the solar system. One by one, they have been returning to the City. Now, Lord Saladin will hold court and reward the brave.

Image Link

Begins: October 10, 2AM Pacific Ends: October 17, 2AM Pacific

The game is Control.

As the first Faction Rally comes to an end, the Iron Lords are hosting the next ritual. Their special event has undergone some changes. The Iron Banner is still your chance to stand and be proven in the fires of friendly competition.

What’s different?

  • Combat will be between two teams of four players
  • Your fighting abilities, not your power levels, will decide the outcome
  • Bounties and Ranks have been replaced with an Iron Banner Engram
How can you compete?

  • Complete the Destiny 2 campaign – the only way to reach the Tower
  • Visit Lord Saladin in the Tower to begin the Iron Banner Quest
  • Fight in the Iron Banner playlist with Quickplay modes and matchmaking
What’s in it for you?

  • Earn Iron Banner Tokens in every match (earn more if you win)
  • Daily and Season* Milestones that track your progress to glory
  • Claim brand new armor wrought in the forges of the Iron Lords
Image Link

Decorate yourself as a master of your competitive spirit. Form up into a Fireteam or let the fates choose your teammates.
Got Destiny 2 for free with my new XBOX ONE S yesterday, but haven't had a chance to play it. Will probably try installing it today and giving it a go this weekend to see if it's any good.
I'm exicted to see Salad Man back at the Tower but I'm kind of annoyed that it won't be power level-based. The gear's awesome-looking though.

I seem to be stuck at 302 because luminous engrams don't drop above 298 for me so now I'm at a snail's pace of getting the right exotics.
I'm exicted to see Salad Man back at the Tower but I'm kind of annoyed that it won't be power level-based. The gear's awesome-looking though.

I seem to be stuck at 302 because luminous engrams don't drop above 298 for me so now I'm at a snail's pace of getting the right exotics.
I'm at 301 and I got a few of them at 297. Still useful to bump some things up to 302. What's not useful is getting THREE D.A.R.C.I.s in a row...Rahool clearly hates me.
It's quite annoying to do Iron Banner and getting armor pieces that I could have earned from any other vendor. That and even MORE duplicates..not one, not two but THREE grenade launchers. Wish we could use tokens to buy armor/weapons individually after certain requirements are met (like unlocking the IB's seasonal reward or something..), without having to pray to the RNG gods. I miss the old Iron Banner...
That's a lot of guardians there! :) I usually only see a couple other folks around if any at all. Admittedly, the EDZ is less exciting than Nessus so that may be a contributing factor.
That's a lot of guardians there! :) I usually only see a couple other folks around if any at all. Admittedly, the EDZ is less exciting than Nessus so that may be a contributing factor.
Nessus is also the Flashpoint for this week. So alot of people are there for that reason alone.
It even started causing some pretty bad frame rate issues :lol:
It happens a lot during the hive ritual event of Titan (the Rig), even with just 3 guardians. All of us spamming our supers on the boss/thralls, shooting rockets and then orbs/ammo start raining. Safe to say the framerate is at least cut in half.

Anyway, got another grenade launcher from a clan engram. This game is trolling me :lol:
It happens a lot during the hive ritual event of Titan (the Rig), even with just 3 guardians. All of us spamming our supers on the boss/thralls, shooting rockets and then orbs/ammo start raining. Safe to say the framerate is at least cut in half.
Something like this..

Flashpoint is on Titan and, during the heroic PE, another boss spawns after the first one. The tethered thralls are actually stuck behind the portal but it's not easy to get close since the portal itself pushes you away (that's why i can only get near it at 0:11). Fun moments anyway!
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News from TwitchCon (
  • Torch has been passed from team who made Destiny 2 to the team that is maintaining it (a.k.a the "Live Team")
  • Live Team's goals:
    • New reasons to keep playing;
    • New pursuites, rituals, and challenges;
    • Examples: Iron Banner, Faction Rally's, Trials, etc.
  • Expansion 1 - Winter 2017 a.k.a. the "Osiris DLC"
  • Seasons:
    • Max level so that old/smaller clans have a chance vs only larger more active clans to dominate. Keeps everything on a more fair level.
    • Seasons have themes associated with them. They take feedback from the community for adding and adjusting things such as new emotes, rewards, etc.
    • More predictable time tables (what to expect and when)
    • Destiny 2 Year 1 will include 4 seasons;
    • Make big changes to the game;
    • Sandbox tuning, new features, more content
    • Expect patches to change the meta;
    • Meant so you don't feel like you have to play Destiny ALL the time;
    • Season 2: The Dawning will make a return shortly after the launch;
    • Ice Hockey will be enabled;
    • Other Easter Eggs;
    • You can have snowball fights;
    • Event affects will be throughout the world, not just the social space;
    • Armor preview
    • Armor, Weapons, Shaders, and possibly new emotes will come;
  • Iron Banner - What Bungie Learned:
  • 1,500 YEARS worth of time played between all guardians.
  • Learned how we interacted with the loot system. Will be changes to loot such as letting us direct purchase guns via tokens and legendary shards.
  • The token economy is not always the best way for everything.
  • Unlock ornaments via gameplay vs tokens for some events in the future.
  • Heard community feedback of wanting rewards more meaningful.
  • One more Iron Banner in Season 1.
  • For Season 2, there will be an ornaments slot requiring an objective to unlock to show that you completed a limited event objective.
  • Perks and stats will be updated.
  • There will be a complimentary energy and kinetic weapon so you can have one of each.
  • Trials of The Nine:
  • There will be ornaments as well, not shown yet but "They look really cool"
  • Updated weapons, both visual look and perks
  • Faction Rally:
  • Data was tallied cross-platform.
  • One more in Season 1
  • Screenshot
  • For Season 2 there will be changes to promote playing with a fireteam more vs just solo.
Season 2
  • Faction Rally
  • Clarion Call:
    • When: Before end of Season 1
    • Double XP while playing activities with your Fireteam
    • Pilot: Clan collaboration required
    • Screenshot
  • Bright Engrams
    • All the emotes, and other rewards from it will be updated and changed
    • New Mic Drop emote
  • Fun Fact: Bungie has a recording studio that they record the emotes.
  • New transmat effects
  • Exotic Ships
  • Exotic Sparrows
  • Ghosts
  • Shaders
    • Shaders stay season over season (Unless Bungie adjusts down the line, no plays at the moment)
    • They heard our feedback over deleting shaders in mass - On the to do list.
  • Armor
    • Changes in bright engrams when season changes
    • New armor with new seasons
  • Crucible Maps
    • When certain rituals complete special maps goes live to entire circulation - Example
    • Such as the Trials of Nine map, Raid themed map, Shores of time themed from Destiny 1, etc.
Sandbox Tuning
  • What is the sandbox? The playable space.
  • Diagnosing the Meta - Data view
  • They have data on basically everything you do such as most played subclass, weapon, what bullets fired from what weapon, usage of basically everything in game.
  • Clan rank resets at Season 2
  • New perks to earn, targeted at what the game goals are (based on the Season themes)
  • Clan rewards
  • You can change the staff/bar in the middle based on clan rewards from seasons.
  • Clan engram updates
    • Make sure loot pool updates
More Info
Better Season 2 preview pics:


And here's a list of things they’re working on:
  • New systems and rewards to give our most engaged players additional, optional pursuits.
  • Better incentives for players who complete challenging Prestige activities.
  • Better rewards and replay value for strikes, adventures, and Lost Sectors.
  • Private matches for the competitive community (we are targeting early 2018).
  • Crucible tuning like adjusted Supremacy scoring and better spawning rules.
  • Better incentives for completing Crucible matches (and penalties for quitting competitive games).
  • Continued improvements to Iron Banner and Faction Rallies, including uniqueness of rewards.
  • Changes to make the mod economy more interesting and impactful.
  • Ongoing improvements to Exotics, including adjustments to reduce instances of duplication.
  • New ways to spend surplus currency and materials (looking at you Legendary Shards).
  • An emote interface that allows players to equip Salty, Spicy Ramen, Six Shooter, and Flip Out all at the same time.
I really hope endgame rewards and activities do improve, I'm really struggling to find the enthusiasm to grind through public events and all that. I haven't even reached 280 yet.
for those interested, bungie is going to do a livestream about the next dlc, 'curse of Osiris' (today at 11 am pst / 7 pm gmt).
Here's the link to their twitch channel :
I really hope endgame rewards and activities do improve, I'm really struggling to find the enthusiasm to grind through public events and all that. I haven't even reached 280 yet.
I can relate to this.

I leveled three characters and got all the exotics I need in the first two weeks of owning the game (PC). What's left is running the same three/four activities so I can get gear to infuse in the set I already have. The faction events: grind 30 engrams only to get the same chest five times and a bunch of non-faction items that are apparently also rolled into the loot pool, so you end up missing a piece or two after grinding until tedium.

Too bad, because the shooter mechanics and level design are absolutely epic.
I can relate to this.

I leveled three characters and got all the exotics I need in the first two weeks of owning the game (PC). What's left is running the same three/four activities so I can get gear to infuse in the set I already have. The faction events: grind 30 engrams only to get the same chest five times and a bunch of non-faction items that are apparently also rolled into the loot pool, so you end up missing a piece or two after grinding until tedium.

Too bad, because the shooter mechanics and level design are absolutely epic.
Knowing that, I decided to do this on Monday

Ended up building up to 200 tokens and pretty much got everything I wanted as well as a ton of shaders.

Meanwhile, I learned you can glitch the exotic emotes to keep going while you do other emotes.
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I can relate to this.

I leveled three characters and got all the exotics I need in the first two weeks of owning the game (PC). What's left is running the same three/four activities so I can get gear to infuse in the set I already have. The faction events: grind 30 engrams only to get the same chest five times and a bunch of non-faction items that are apparently also rolled into the loot pool, so you end up missing a piece or two after grinding until tedium.

Too bad, because the shooter mechanics and level design are absolutely epic.

I was lucky enough to get the full new monarchy set within the first 10 engrams (during the 1st rally), but It took me lots of iron banner packages to complete my titan set. when i reached 305, i waited for one vendor to have 300PL engrams in store, leveled up all my the gear to 305 and ran out of reasons to play this game. such a shame, because as you said, the fps gameplay still feels great :(

now i'll gladly wait for some peoples opinions regarding the new expansion, hoping for a more complete and engaging end-game experience (and more loot that makes me feel actually powerful).
@ImaRobot : I did the farming thing too, all the way up to 30 engrams (600 tokens). On 2 characters, so 1200 tokens in total. Still didn't get both sets complete. :lol: A crapload of duplicates and non-faction gear though. I can't imagine how someone would feel if they did this the legit way...