-"...we now know that Saddam has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons." uh oh!
Iraq did want nuclear weapons. Iraq was not able to create the Uranium needed for them, so they asked around the neighborhood for some...
President Bush has been called a "liar" for saying last year that, according to British intelligence officers, Saddam Hussein was seeking to buy uranium from Africa. But an investigation by the British government has now found that British intelligence officers were right to make the claim.
A report on the investigation, expected to be released next week, concludes that the claim was both reasonable and consistent with British intelligence, which indicates that the African country of Niger negotiated with Iraq to sell it refined uranium.
However, according to the Financial Times, the investigation did find British Prime Minister Tony Blair's claim that Saddam could deploy chemical weapons within 45 minutes was inadequately supported by intelligence. (Fox News)
-"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction" UH OH!!! DOES THAT MEAN HE HAS NUKES!?
Iraq never had nuclear weapons, no one said he did. Although, Iraq was very interested in acquiring them. (read above)
-"There is no doubt that he has chemical weapons stocks
" ****... no doubt about it.
Yes, and we found some.
"The Iraqi Survey Group confirmed today that a 155-millimeter artillery round containing sarin nerve agent had been found," Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, the chief military spokesman in Iraq, told reporters in Baghdad. "The round had been rigged as an IED (improvised explosive device) which was discovered by a U.S. force convoy."
"Everybody knew Saddam had chemical weapons, the question was, where did they go. Unfortunately, everybody jumped on the offramp and said 'well, because we didn't find them, he didn't have them,'" said Fox News military analyst Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney.
Gazi George, a former Iraqi nuclear scientist under Saddam's regime, told Fox News he believes many similar weapons stockpiled by the former regime were either buried underground or transported to Syria. He noted that the airport where the device was detonated is on the way to Baghdad from the Syrian border.
I highly recommend you read this article in particular, wellyrn:
Bush clearly shows support but is not clear in any actual assertions.
"Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons" were used, nice one W. They could be a progresive chain of frozen yogourt stands today and this would still be true.
Ask the thousands and thousands of dead Kurds if Iraq was expanding their facilities for biological weapons. List of known Iraqi weapon facilities:
"Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent." "our officials". Ole! 500 tons? show us 1 gram...
You read that paragraph wrong. Iraq had the materials to make those agents. It didn't say Iraq actually made the agents from the materials, so you can't have one gram of anything if you never made it.
But, obviously, Saddam made at least some. Several hundred Sarin artillery shells and other agents. Read the second article.
""We have sources that tell us that Saddam Hussein recently authorized Iraqi field commanders to use chemical weapons -- the very weapons the dictator tells us he does not have." ooohhh mysterious sources tell us. what do YOU think George?
Saddam had no problems using chemical weapons in Kuwait, Israel, or the Kurds in north Iraq. I'm sure he would had no problem using them on the American
"We'll find them. It'll be a matter of time to do so." sure you will, sure you will...
The UN said they had them, the British said they had them, the Russians said they had them, the Kurds definitely knew they had them, Bill Clinton said they had them, John Kerry said they had them... Should I keep going?
Gazi George, a former Iraqi nuclear scientist under Saddam's regime, told Fox News he believes many similar weapons stockpiled by the former regime were either buried underground or transported to Syria. He noted that the airport where the device was detonated is on the way to Baghdad from the Syrian border.
George said the finding likely will be the first in a series of discoveries of such weapons.
"Saddam is the type who will not store those materials in a military warehouse. He's gonna store them either underground, or, as I said, lots of them have gone west to Syria and are being brought back with the insurgencies," George told Fox News. "It is difficult to look in areas that are not obvious to the military's eyes.
"I'm sure they're going to find more once time passes," he continued, saying one year is not enough for the survey group or the military to find the weapons.
I hope the Liberals don't really believe in that. John Kerry voted for the war, John Edwards voted for it, he even said he would attack Iraq if the UN would not enforce their resolutions. :gasp: Just like President Bush!
The only thing Kerry would have done differently than Bush would have been to wait longer for UN inspectors to be continually be denied access by Saddam's regime and let more people die under Saddam's dictatorship. Great job, John Kerry!
I proved you wrong on every statement with
facts, wellyrn. Try to use some next time.