Uh - can I just raise the point that whilst there have been numerous posts calling Michael Moore:
- fat
- lazy
- can't even make himself look presentable, or clean
- condesending eliteist idiot taking full advantage of Bushes tax cuts
- an idiot, plain and simple
- resorting to childish insults
- looks like he fell in an oil slick
- stupid
There has been no evidence supporting these comments, and to my eyes these smack of playing the man, not the ball.
As far as I can see, Anderton's comment of "To milefile and Mista X: you two are worthy of absolutely NO respect from anyone else on GTP. What the hell does the way Moore looks have to do with his opinions, political stance, or his work?" has gone unanswered, barring personal attacks on Michael Moore that have been unsubstantiated. Indeed, his response provoked "You're the one who continues to make stupid posts. If you're going share your opinion, SPELL **** RIGHT. "Hos work" yea, I know they do. Arsehole.", another textbook example of playing the man, not the ball. I would go so far as to suggest that anyone pinging people on spelling has little to no substantive argument to run with, but I'm happy to be proved wrong.
I'm not backing either side here, but it's been pretty ordinary viewing so far.