Michael Moore: Still full of it

  • Thread starter Ghost C
I am not insulting anyone. Disagreeing, yes. But not insulting. I stated that they deserve no repsect because of their posts. I didn't call them fat, lazy, arseholes, douches, or any other offensive insulting term.

Let's see how many times you can type the word hypocrite in the next few posts!!

Disagreeing does not involve telling someone they deserve no respect. That's an insult, plain and simple, no matter how many ways you try to say it's not.

Also, you are a hypocrite. What, mad because you can't report me for telling the truth?
Again, I'll ask if you were calling me stupid in post #26. PLEASE CLARIFY.
And if you want to call what I said an insult, go ahead. Report me. We'll let the mods settle what is and is not an insult, Mr. Know-It-All.
Stay on topic or stay out of my thread.

And if you can't stop with the crap of reporting anyone who disagrees with you, choose the latter.
You don't own this thread, despite what you may believe. And you've posted as much as I have on the topic of insults in this thread, so who's the hypocrite now?

Are you going to answer my question about calling me stupid or not?
I just thought I'd include your entire post as evidence in case you choose to edit it, since I really didn't realize how fully insulting it actually is. Any more personal attacks you'd like to make? I've already reported you three times, for "Arsehole," "douche," and calling my feelings "stupid."

Mmmm, the child has finally been revealed, and he is YOU.

Oh NO! I've been reported! AHHHHH!

Dude, I've been here for 3 years, compaired to your what? 4 months? I have alot more say here than you do. Besides, you insulted me first, so you lose, I win. Give up now.
Uh - can I just raise the point that whilst there have been numerous posts calling Michael Moore:
- fat
- lazy
- can't even make himself look presentable, or clean
- condesending eliteist idiot taking full advantage of Bushes tax cuts
- an idiot, plain and simple
- resorting to childish insults
- looks like he fell in an oil slick
- stupid

There has been no evidence supporting these comments, and to my eyes these smack of playing the man, not the ball.

As far as I can see, Anderton's comment of "To milefile and Mista X: you two are worthy of absolutely NO respect from anyone else on GTP. What the hell does the way Moore looks have to do with his opinions, political stance, or his work?" has gone unanswered, barring personal attacks on Michael Moore that have been unsubstantiated. Indeed, his response provoked "You're the one who continues to make stupid posts. If you're going share your opinion, SPELL **** RIGHT. "Hos work" yea, I know they do. Arsehole.", another textbook example of playing the man, not the ball. I would go so far as to suggest that anyone pinging people on spelling has little to no substantive argument to run with, but I'm happy to be proved wrong.

I'm not backing either side here, but it's been pretty ordinary viewing so far.
In contrast to Vat_Man's reply, I have something a little bit more fitting (IMO).
(btw, vat_man, I know you weren't trying to take sides, but you sorta did jump right into this and take a side by defending Moore of all things mentioned in your post & reffering to some members as playing the man and not the ball... Good or bad, right or wrong, you are indeed taking a side).

For everyone in this thread though...
Stop all the personal insults to one another.

Unless Mike Moore is on the board it shouldn't really matter what we say about him (good or bad). (although we do need to avoid crossing the lines of opinion vs fact)

However, what we say about each other is strictly limited by the AUP/TOS blah blah blah.

So just keep the arguments on topic and as factual as possible.

But remember, personal insults will not be tollerated on either side of this issue.
As a member and not a Moderator...

I find Michael Moore to be a person of interest thanks to his comments that...

There may be terrorist... But there is no terrorist threat...

I think there are a little over 3,000 dead Americans who would argue against that if they were still alive.

Michael Moore's credibility is also in question to me thanks to the alleged incident from Bowling For Columbine in which a little canadian town was prepped before and coached through their time in the "documentary."

Of course, that's just 2 points by me. :lol:
Nothing worthy of discussion, but something to consider... An outsider's opinion is always welcome, Right?
Hmmm I thought I responded directly;
Dont foget he's ugly and looks like he fell in an oil slick. And yes that has nothing to do with how stupid he is...
And went on to blah blah blah..Andertons right in his defense of Michael Moore if thats what he believes and shouldnt be attacked persononaly for it. No more than the people who voted for Bush , even if that seems to be allowed under the liberal/ left rules of engagement.
At any rate calling Moore stupid is, STUPID ,I'm sure he's laughing all the way to the bank. But then again calling the President stupid and an idiot seems to be behavior approaching hysteria and should be classed in the same realm of utter stupidity. Calling either an IDIOT is in my opinion reasonable based on your beliefs. As in HE IS AN IDIOT IF HE REALLY BELIEVES THAT to put the word idiot in context. Also saying Moore is FAT , UGLY , OILY etc. are opinions based on observation and in my opinion actually true and although these observations say little about the eruditeness of Moore they are non the less suitable as descriptives .
So to sum up ; stop attacking Anderton personally .and Michael Moore is fat , ugly and an Idiot but he is NOT stupid .
Uh - can I just raise the point that whilst there have been numerous posts calling Michael Moore:
- fat
- lazy
- can't even make himself look presentable, or clean
- condesending eliteist idiot taking full advantage of Bushes tax cuts
- an idiot, plain and simple
- resorting to childish insults
- looks like he fell in an oil slick
- stupid

There has been no evidence supporting these comments, and to my eyes these smack of playing the man, not the ball.

Have you seen how much of the crap in Farenheit 9/11 was a total and complete lie? I'm not spending money to watch the movie, but I've seen a ton of the stuff from the movie online, and everything I've seen was a lie.

Now, if he makes a movie full of lies, but tells people he's spreading the truth, what does that make him?

The fact that he called fifty eight million Americans stupid (In nicer words, mind you) because they didn't agree with him makes him an idiot.

As for fat...Does that even have to be proven? Look at a picture of Moore, it's a fact, he's obese.
Apparently no one here is getting my drift. I'm not saying Michael Moore is not fat, I'm not saying he doesn't dress like a slob, and I'm not saying he's not "oily. To know he is all of these things takes little more than seeing a picture of him. What I am saying is that this has nothing to do with his politlcal views. If he's a liar, call him a liar. If he's an idiot, call him an idiot. But don't attack his physical appearance to back up your opinion of his intelligence; you were supposed to leave that sort of behavour behind on the playground.
If you're referring to the AUP, and actually Rule 9 (Rule 8 concerns spam and chain e-mails, etc.) then I don't think this is off-topic. We're talking about Michael Moore here, and his physical appearance seems to be of great importance to his work. I didn't start the observations about his girth or hygene.
Naaaaaaaaahh,, I mean rule 8 in the informal guidlines . Throw in a bunch of crap to cloud your mind rule or something
Just because mods are still discussing this thread doesn't mean I won't close it because it is full of pointless bickering. Let's stick to the topic please.

You mean talk about Michael Moore still being full of it ? :confused: :cool:
Somehow the topic subject lends itself to the Jerry Springer type treatment. 💡
Well, M-Speccy, it all started when I was a little girl. I decided that I wanted to be a man, and um, I had some surgery!

Haha. But seriously, I wonder what Moore will say next. Maybe he'll claim his movie wasn't full of crap...

Oh wait.
He's trying to keep the Republican party in power so he's making another movie 9/11 and a half or some crap.
Whats this - Queer Eye for the Liberal Guy????

WTF's Moores appearence got to do with anything? - whether you agree with his opinions or not, you have to give him credit for 'politicizing' your general population - and thats a good thing.*

If the worst you can say about Moore is that he looks scruffy, then there is hope for you yet!

......and the French still suck ''oui oui''......

You weren't saying this when the French bankrolled your 'War of Independance' - in fact if it wasn't for the French, you'd still be British.
If it wasn't for the Americans, you would be speaking German right now.

Two-way street, man.
WTF's Moores appearence got to do with anything? - whether you agree with his opinions or not, you have to give him credit for 'politicizing' your general population - and thats a good thing.*

I give Moore credit for absolutely nothing. All he did was make a movie by pulling random things from his ass and called them facts/the truth and stupid people believed it.

Spreading propaganda is not a good thing. I know your side thinks it is, but that's why your side lost the election.
Viper Zero
If it wasn't for the Americans, you would be speaking German right now.

Two-way street, man.

Could you be less accurate at all?

Doubtless the US's contributions as part of the Allies in WWII were helpful to the rest of us, but the decisive battles in the war which turned the tide were all fought before the US got involved in the petty European squabble.

If you maintain this, you may as well say "If it wasn't for the Japanese, you would all be speaking German right now" - since before the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour, American involvement was slight at best.

You just pulled a "Moore" - pulling random things from your ass and calling them facts/the truth (thanks, Ghost C).
Ghost C
I give Moore credit for absolutely nothing. All he did was make a movie by pulling random things from his ass and called them facts/the truth and stupid people believed it.

Thats exactly what Chaney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld have been feeding to your people since they decided not to have liberal views anymore, and decided to rule your population with fear, by overblowing the Cold War and middle east terrorist threats.

Ghost C
Spreading propaganda is not a good thing. I know your side thinks it is, but that's why your side lost the election.

...and what side is that then? the side that hates Bush (= the worlds population - 1/6th of Americas population)
Thats exactly what Chaney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld have been feeding to your people since they decided not to have liberal views anymore, and decided to rule your population with fear, by overblowing the Cold War and middle east terrorist threats.

Fear? What exactly are we supposed to be afraid of? Terrorists? I hate to break it to you, but nobody is worried about terrorists in this country any more. You know why? Because of Bush's kick-assery in the middle east.

...and what side is that then? the side that hates Bush (= the worlds population - 1/6th of Americas population)

I like how you can make a generalization about over 6 billion people like that. Because let's face it, every person on the face of the entire planet besides the ones in the US that voted for Bush must hate him! :BIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGrolleyes:

Edit: And by the way, thanks for proving my point about the whole propaganda thing 👍
Ghost C
Fear? What exactly are we supposed to be afraid of? Terrorists? I hate to break it to you, but nobody is worried about terrorists in this country any more. You know why? Because of Bush's kick-assery in the middle east.

All your election polls seemed to rank terrorism/national security quite highly - perhaps you are a little mistaken with your sweeping statement?

Ghost C
The next time some stupid Canadian or European talks about how their country would support Kerry, or polls show they support Kerry, or whatever crap they come up with to make it sound like their country actually matters, I'm going to bomb said country. I'll steal atomic weapons and get medieval on your asses.

Spoken like a true fundamentalist - Bin Laden couldn't have said it better!

Ghost C
And by the way, thanks for proving my point about the whole propaganda thing 👍

No problem, glad to help with your small mindedness 👍

Ghost C
I like how you can make a generalization about over 6 billion people like that. Because let's face it, every person on the face of the entire planet besides the ones in the US that voted for Bush must hate him!

You hit the nail on the head there! - why would they like him - he's a baffoon and he's ****ing over the planet with no regard for anyother country
All your election polls seemed to rank terrorism/national security quite highly - perhaps you are a little mistaken with your sweeping statement?

I never saw any polls about national security. (Note: I did not say they didn't exist, I said I didn't see them. Don't try to twist it, thanks.) And for future reference, America isn't the only place where terrorists are. In fact, just about (Notice I said JUST ABOUT) the opposite is true. Lots of people want to get rid of the terrorists, that doesn't just mean terrorists in the US - It means terrorists everywhere.

Spoken like a true fundamentalist - Bin Laden couldn't have said it better!

Your ability to differentiate what is sarcasm and what is serious is astounding.

No problem, glad to help with your small mindedness 👍

My small mindedness? I'm not the one who thinks that 6,000,000,000 people agree with me simply because I believe I'm right.

You hit the nail on the head there! - why would they like him - he's a baffoon and he's ****ing over the planet with no regard for anyother country

See previous.