Devastating Demolition of Moore's Major Points in, F9/11

  • Thread starter Muscles
I was trying to steer people towards a more constructive analysis of the situation , instead of the same old meaningless tripe throwing contest that the whole debate has degenerated into. The guy that responded is from SCOTLAND last I looked not a part of the US, although if he's a citezen he could vote absentee. It seems though if you look at alot of the posts in this thread and others like it, the biggest problem with your suggestion is the part that says " think" Most seem to like thier thinking already spelled out for them.
> I was trying to steer people towards a more constructive analysis of the situation

So you call this constructive analysis?

> And he wasnt stuffing them in his pants he was putting them in his pocket...bwahahahaha ...friggin impartial media my ass.

> Who gives a flying rat fart​

If you typed your arguments with paragraphs, decent punctuation and put your thoughts more eloquently then I would call it constructive analysis.

> Most seem to like thier thinking already spelled out for them.

Your spelling is something that you could work on too.
Always the English teachers / quasi intellectual/ critics must rear thier ugly heads.
No I do not call that constructive analysis . I call that using metaphores and sarcasm to make a point. my lack of punctuation poor spelling and meager paragraphs, did not seem to stop me from making my point. If I knew there would be a quiz , I might have studied harder. Then again sometimes its good to lack pretention for the sake of expediancy.
Think about what it would take to answer that question with a yes... I don't want to live in that country.

I actually have to agree with this. Let's do this, make the terrorists and Osama anglo. UH OH! how do we stop them now???? we'd have to take away so many freedoms it would be ridicuous, not that the Patriot Act hasn't already done that. The government can only do so much without becoming the Soviet Union.