Just finished the show. I have some thoughts... big surprise....
Ugh what a deeply unsatisfying ending that was. You knew it was coming of course. They paraded the paradise happy ending out about 4 episodes too early and then talked it up and talked it up - to the point where you never thought it had a chance and were just waiting for the unraveling. So it's not like it was a surprise that it all fell apart.
The final season had potential until the final episode with the exception of a few head-scratching "no" moments. Like:
- why did the federal marshal go into the abandoned psych ward after deb and dex when Hannah wasn't present?
- Why would he untie the first person he saw immediately instead of waiting to spring a trap on deb or looking around for Hannah?
- Why would dex just leave Saxxon tied up and assume it would all go according to plan what? [/Dr. Evil]
- Why would Hannah and deb leave deb's place right after bounty hunter boy had figured out hannah was holed up there? Out in the open? Using debs BMW? Without at least dying her hair?
- Why would the federal marshal not recognize saxxon after his face was plastered all over everything complete with videos that would be seared into your brain AND he didn't change his appearance AND you're a law enforcement officer!?!
- What's with the sudden "oh no now deb's a vegetable", that's such a weak writing technique.
- What was the plan? Deb was going to untie Saxxon and handcuff him? He's a trained killer, how about you get help - like dex who just drove away for no apparent reason.
- Or was the plan that Deb was going to wait for backup and not be able to explain why she strapped saxxon to the chair instead of cuffing him and throwing him in the car?
- Spyware works both ways, if he can see Vogel's computer, I can see his? What?
- We found saxxon's secrete lair, oooh here's his computer, now I can access it without a password (what?) and find incriminating videos... that I couldn't get earlier with my made-up spyware technique for some reason.
- How did psycho boy's blood get under Cassidy's nails?
- What's with the nanny? I thought for sure she was the killer what with her ridiculous attachment to harrison, her unlimited access to Dexter's house, and her insane willingness to watch the kid while Dexter romps around.
- Furthermore, what's with the kid? Did we not realize that Aster and Cody were a pain in the ass? Why must we have Harrison in the show at all?
- If you're going to have Harrison in the show and leave Dexter a single dad, try not to make him such a ridiculously irresponsible one.
- Deb calls for backup, doesn't wait... again.
- Was the entire Masuka, poorly written, donor plotline just a complete waste of time?
- There was so much filler in season 8. Who's Batista going to make Sergeant? Are quin and nanny going to stay together? How do we free Hannah from her husband? Don't care. Don't care. Don't care.
Actually you know what, the season as a whole was bad. There were good moments, but they were overshadowed by stupidity. So... the end.
- Deb is finally straightened out, so she gets killed. Wow, who didn't see that coming. Same thing happened to Rita.
- Dex is finally straightened out, and doesn't get killed, so he has to do the job himeself for random forced-in not well motivated reasons. Wow, who didn't see that coming.
- Because of the way it was written, there was zero opportunity to actually get emotional with the downer ending.
- It just wasn't fitting, Dexter trying to off himself and failing? Or faking his own death to bail? It just doesn't make sense. Oh you did it for Hannah so she wouldn't get hurt? But you're reformed now right? You don't need to kill? WTH?
I need to just pretend the show ended at season 7.