Did I Just See Something Good Today? (DYSAGT Opinion-Seeking Thread)

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We went to go scuba diving (it had to be rescheduled, unfortunately) and these old firetrucks were out front. The green one was a Grumman, I believe, and the red one was an Oshkosh, IIRC. Are they interesting to anyone else?


This was parked on the side.

Both are sweet. There's a red firetruck like that at my local drag strip.
Mercedes CLA 200. Is it good?

Don't have a pic, just need a couple of opinions for the future. Saw one today, didnt take a pic.
First time I saw one. I thought it looked weird from the parking lot. I only saw the taillights until I got closer to it.

Cool car. Weird shape though. Kinda like a turtle.

Reminded me of the Audi A7 except shorter.
Rabbit according to the headlights. I'm really interested what's the owner like (since it's the US) because those old VW's here are driven only by byldo.
I saw something like that a few days ago, except it was a sedan (not a hatch, had a trunk) and had European license plates (which is what caught my eye) but it was going the other way and I didn't see it until the last second so I never said anything. Does anyone know what it could be?
I'm pretty sure that limos are good spots.
It's location dependent. I'm sure they can be good spots in some places, but if I posted them when I see them, I'd be posting 5 or more limos per day! :lol:

So if you never see limos, then yes, it's good.

Occasionally I'll see a limo or two parked at the curb in front of some condos in my neighborhood. Both are Town Cars (a '98-'02 and an '03-'11). I've felt hesitant to take a picture because Town Cars are the ubiquitous limousine, but would either one be a good spot?
Most limos I see are Town Cars, and I see the occasional 300 or Expedition or Hummer limo etc., and those are rarer and more worth a picture.
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