Oh cool, I guess I'll continue my picture hunting with that in mind.
Are we still on about this?
Cano's answer should be interpreted like this: if it's not one of the types he listed, then really probably please don't post it. If it is one of the types he listed, AND YOU THINK IT'S A GOOD SPOT, then yeah, post it. Don't post ANYTHING because you think we'll think it's good. Good is subjective, and only you can be the judge of that.
Don't think, based on Cano's answer, that we want you to go out scouring for the types of cars he listed to share with us. Be your own spotter. The first 10 times you see these kinds of cars, you'll naturally get excited, take a picture if you can, and be excited to share it with us. And that's great! Eventually, though, M3's, S4's, Land Rovers of any type, etc., will become unexciting for you to spot. When that happens, stop taking pictures of them, and stop sharing them with us. I don't even reach for the camera any more for half the stuff that I used to find exciting, for example, a Bentley Continental GT last week, couldn't be bothered to take a picture of it. M3's rarely. S4s never, unless Avant.
Sorry for the rant, but seriously, if you have to ask, you're missing the point, so I felt like I had to get shouty.
And a few I spotted today that I liked.
Stingray, don't usually post these but I liked the lighting
STO, one of last 1500 NA's sold in the US, saw this guy out last winter and not again until tonight
International beer truck in the grocery store! And it's my favorite beer!