The website is selling the car for $150,000.VIPERGTSR01Heh, that 645 pictured above has BMW 745 in its filename, seem the website got it wrong and caused the confusion.
GT4_RuleCome on guys, a 7 is a damn sedan and 6 is a coupe.
*McLaren*The website is selling the car for $150,000.
Apparently, the site is an Armored Car company.
However, the 7 series are down at the bottom.
i think its more the camera res,looks red on the sideMaster_YodaOrange Ferrari=I don't know who would do such a thing
AC-SMy camera isn't too good and the shot isn't good too. It's a red one. Just like this one:
seen a fair few of those kicking aboutRevheadnzI saw a brand new 911 Turbo today, 997 shape, I didn't know that they were really for sale yet, let alone in NZ/
I wouldn't say they're actually orange, but many refer to some as Orange-Red.GT4_RuleOf course, there weren't no orange Ferrari F360s made....unless the guy got custom paintjob but in that case it's a👎
Master_YodaNSX, and it was a early 90's one, and it was moving hella fast..
I saw like 4-5 new Z06's one was riced...
But i was in the Oakland/Berkley today.. So basically a bunch of caddy's, chevy's, and all those crappy american SUV's with 24" rims... Those cars arn't much use for anything elese though...
I have no reason to be in San Jose at midnight, it's about 2 hour drive..opendriver19aEver go through San Jose at midnight? If you do, make sure you have tinted windows and drive fast, no, faster than that
For yesterday,a peralesant dark blue porsche 356 spyder getting gas at costco
kylehnat^If that's a real Shelby GT500, it should not be in an open trailer *scorn*