Did You See Anything Good Today? [Read First Post]

  • Thread starter GilesGuthrie
With the possible exception of whether a Flat Six is below a V6. I've posted this before, but it's just for example purposes.


guys what are you talking about? you'll understand when you get expensive cars of your own that you cherish. the threat of some nimcompoop opening his door really quickly and giving you a big ass dent in the side of your car is too great. so i'd say everyone who loves their car (including me with my rx8) always tries to take up more than one parking space so that no one gets too close with their idiocy.

(im not having a go at crap cars, only people who see cars as 'a mode of transportation' which im sure no one on this forum thinks cars are solely designed for ;))
The price you pay for your car does not justify being an ass and taking up 2 spaces in a parking lot. If you don't want your $90,000 pride and joy being dented in, either trust in your fellow citizens, or don't take the car out for shopping.
Two things are more likely to happen if you take up two slots:

A) Someone tries to squeeze into that half-a-space. Which, you'll admit, is far more likely to damage the expensive car than if both cars parked in their own space.

B) Someone gets really mad and purposely damages your car - which is more likely to happen than if you parked in your own place, in which case said person might've just admired the car.
And you especially don't park next to a trolley bay! All the trolley boys I know are complete idiots, they'd see it as a badge of honour to scratch up a porsche.
guys what are you talking about? you'll understand when you get expensive cars of your own that you cherish. the threat of some nimcompoop opening his door really quickly and giving you a big ass dent in the side of your car is too great. so i'd say everyone who loves their car (including me with my rx8) always tries to take up more than one parking space so that no one gets too close with their idiocy.

(im not having a go at crap cars, only people who see cars as 'a mode of transportation' which im sure no one on this forum thinks cars are solely designed for ;))

I somewhat agree with you, but instead of parking close to wherever you are going, park somewhere more remote in the parking lot, i.e. where people are less likely to park. I usually try to park on the end of a row so I can park as far away from other cars as possible. I do not trust people to be as considerate as I am when I open my door on my car, so instead I take measures to keep it from happening, bar taking up multiple spots.

The price you pay for your car does not justify being an ass and taking up 2 spaces in a parking lot. If you don't want your $90,000 pride and joy being dented in, either trust in your fellow citizens, or don't take the car out for shopping.

The price you pay and the hard work you put in to earn something like that car also does not justify someone flinging their door open with no regard to what is next to it. It is very hard to trust your fellow citizens when they could frankly careless about the person next to them and the hard work they put in to earn such a vehicle. In their eyes, they are the only one that matters. I should be able to take my Porsche or Ferrari out whenever I want and not have to worry about something carelessly opening their door into the side of it.
The blue Maser is a 4200GT. The white oldtimer is an MG TF, or a replica of one.

And I've parked across two bays in a few of my cars, but usually heavily diagonally. However, in every case, the car park was not busy. If there are a hundred bays for ten cars, who cares?

If it's busy, well, I don't like crowds anyhow, so I bugger off.
The price you pay and the hard work you put in to earn something like that car also does not justify someone flinging their door open with no regard to what is next to it. It is very hard to trust your fellow citizens when they could frankly careless about the person next to them and the hard work they put in to earn such a vehicle. In their eyes, they are the only one that matters. I should be able to take my Porsche or Ferrari out whenever I want and not have to worry about something carelessly opening their door into the side of it.
And again, you can do that without taking 2 spaces. Nothing in the world justifies you taking 2 spaces, not even the possibility that someone will ding your car because every car in the world has a chance of being dented in a parking lot, regardless of spaces taken, or the car you're driving. In fact, I see people more careful around sports cars than normal cars.

As far as I'm concerned, if you take 2 spaces to keep your car "safe", you're an ass to me. Like I said, if you don't want it to be dented, either trust in your fellow human, or don't take the car shopping. And I would suggest the trust option. I've been driving for 5 years now, and not once I have ever gotten a dent in my car. Being so, my experience allows me to honestly be more carefree about parking in a parking lot than being a d*ck, and stealing a 2 spots for my car's "Protection".

I see taking up 2 spaces as more of an invitation to get pissed off and come hit my car on purpose rather than taking the 1 spot and having a 50/50 chance, anyways. Not that it's right, but it will serve as a reason for people to really want to ding your car.

Conclusion: Don't be an ass, and take 1 spot like you're supposed to. No one likes greedy sports car owners who think they're doing their car a favor. Far...from...it.
That Focus was hardly parked correctly, either, though. And I personally wouldn't park next to the cart return. Had he parked next to the Focus, he risked hitting the Focus when he opened his door unless he moved over enough to put his car at risk for whoever would try to squeeze next to the cart returb. Had he parked next to the cart return, he is clinically insane.
I'm not saying he was in the right (he should have just found another spot), but I don't think his motives were as twisted and perverse as some seem to be making it out to be. I don't own a Porsche, and I would've parked similar to that to prevent the Focus and/or moron with cart from dinging my car up had their been no other spots close to the store.
I've been driving for 5 years now, and not once I have ever gotten a dent in my car. Being so, my experience allows me to honestly be more carefree about parking in a parking lot than being a d*ck, and stealing a 2 spots for my car's "Protection".

Count yourself lucky then, as I have had a spot on each door of my car dinged up in approximately the last two to four months. Pretty small spot on the driver's side, though the passenger side makes me do a double take each time I see it.
And again, you can do that without taking 2 spaces. Nothing in the world justifies you taking 2 spaces, not even the possibility that someone will ding your car because every car in the world has a chance of being dented in a parking lot, regardless of spaces taken, or the car you're driving. In fact, I see people more careful around sports cars than normal cars.

As far as I'm concerned, if you take 2 spaces to keep your car "safe", you're an ass to me. Like I said, if you don't want it to be dented, either trust in your fellow human, or don't take the car shopping. And I would suggest the trust option. I've been driving for 5 years now, and not once I have ever gotten a dent in my car. Being so, my experience allows me to honestly be more carefree about parking in a parking lot than being a d*ck, and stealing a 2 spots for my car's "Protection".

I see taking up 2 spaces as more of an invitation to get pissed off and come hit my car on purpose rather than taking the 1 spot and having a 50/50 chance, anyways. Not that it's right, but it will serve as a reason for people to really want to ding your car.

Conclusion: Don't be an ass, and take 1 spot like you're supposed to. No one likes greedy sports car owners who think they're doing their car a favor. Far...from...it.

My dad's W126 Mercedes has eleven dings in the drivers' side alone. Eleven. How can you possibly have trust in any other drivers when your car is so badly damaged?

My mom's brand new - Less than two weeks - Versa already has a ding in the side that it received the first time she went to the grocery store. Even being conscious of this possibility she tried to park away from others, but it still happened!

My car isn't as bad - one small ding on the passenger side and a drivers side that was repainted a six months ago due to moronic ass backing into my car. I've even had somebody mark my door with theirs when I've been in my car!
I'm always conscious, almost expecting, to have my car hit whenever I'm in a parking lot. That's why I park on the street whenever I can. Every day at work I do, and the few times I'm in a lot, I park as far away from others as is practical.

As always, it depends on the situation, but if I were to spend a great deal of my money on a car that I keep well maintained, I'd damn well want to take two spots - At the far end of the lot, that is. Mabye I've got no confidence in other drivers (and rightly so, given the amount of complete morons I see on my daily commute and around town), but at the end of the day it's this: It's my car, that I car immensely about. If you ding or damage it otherwise, it both disrespects me and my property immensely, and reduces the value of the vehicle both in my eyes and in a resale sense.
My dad's W126 Mercedes has eleven dings in the drivers' side alone. Eleven. How can you possibly have trust in any other drivers when your car is so badly damaged?
The W126 was built between 1979 & 1991 which means its at least 16 years old (and possibly 28 years old). That's less than 1 a year. What do you expect from a car of that age? My car is 9 and has a couple of very small dings either side. I wouldn't expect a car of that age to be perfect.

If you wish to buy a nice car, and wish to keep it looking great, don't drive it. If you drive it you can expect to get stone chips, parking dings, etc. If you want to keep it pristine, then don't take it shopping.
We simply bought our car with a large ding which prevents the right-rear door to open from outside.

That way, we don't notice new dings, and it keeps away thieves.
If you wish to buy a nice car, and wish to keep it looking great, don't drive it. If you drive it you can expect to get stone chips, parking dings, etc. If you want to keep it pristine, then don't take it shopping.

I hate this attitude - encouraging people NOT to drive their supercars is NOT the attitude we want to be presenting. If the car costs as much as two cars, why doesn't it deserve two parking spots?

What I find comical is that no evidence of supercar owners actually doing this has been posted. The Porsche posted early in the thread appears not to be at a shopping mall but rather at a place of business where, presumably, the owner works. And the exotics posted earlier were parked there presumably after finishing service by the porter, not by customers - go to ANY auto repair place and they park cars the EXACT same way. They do it at our local Acura dealer, for God's sake - the difference being, supercars are an easy target for the jealous.
Back in the 80's I bought a 1968 Dodge Coronet 4 door for a large sum of $185 (it was my clunker car) whoevery had the car before me had to have worked at a mall. The car had at least 100 dings on both sides; the car looked like it had been set on it's sides during a bad hail storm. I drove it for about 1.5 years I didn't ever wash it I did clean the windsheild so I could see out of it, the car had no working heater, drive 3 went out keep driving it later reverse went out so I had to be careful where I parked so I could keep going. I sold it for junk for $35 after the tires got bad it was a nice junker car.(no it wasn't my only car at the time).
I hate this attitude - encouraging people NOT to drive their supercars is NOT the attitude we want to be presenting. If the car costs as much as two cars, why doesn't it deserve two parking spots?

What I find comical is that no evidence of supercar owners actually doing this has been posted. The Porsche posted early in the thread appears not to be at a shopping mall but rather at a place of business where, presumably, the owner works. And the exotics posted earlier were parked there presumably after finishing service by the porter, not by customers - go to ANY auto repair place and they park cars the EXACT same way. They do it at our local Acura dealer, for God's sake - the difference being, supercars are an easy target for the jealous.

I'm a fan of parking as far from other cars as possible. Sure, my car's paint has faded, I've got rock dings, scratches, etc, all over my car, but I still don't want some idiot to open his door and gouge mine, or some old lady to drag her purse along the side of it. No car needs two parking spots. See, all you have to do is park where nobody else parks.

With that said, I am sometimes a hypocrite. My friends and I will usually stretch out a bit and take seven spots to fit 5 cars, for instance. But even so we're at the end of the parking lot so we are bothering anyone to begin with.

Also, I understand the point about a dealer or shop parking cars with plenty of space between. It's a good policy. Many of the local dealerships do it, as well as the Ziebart I was just at last night. They don't want anyone's car scratched, because it'd be their ass.

EDIT: And as for rock chips and the like, "**** happens". I'd buy a Ferrari to drive it, not look at it. Even though it cost an arm and a leg it's still going to have scars of some sort. Cars can be fixed.
I hate this attitude - encouraging people NOT to drive their supercars is NOT the attitude we want to be presenting.
Yes, they are meant to be driven. Not left badly parked in car parks.

I would like folk to drive their supercars and I would like them to park them properly. Using them, as they should be used, will cause them to get dents, dings and chips. They'll get dents, dings and chips even if they are parked over 2 bays regardless.

What I mean is that parking selfishly over 2 bays will not help the owner keep his car free from dents, dings and chips.

The other thing I mean is that folk who own a supercar probably have access to another, normal car to go shopping in. Supercars aren't designed to go shopping. Where do you put the shopping after you've bought it?

Why again are we presuming these people are 'going shopping?' :confused:

Spots today...


Couldn't be bothered to take a better shot of this V8 Vantage. This is the 12th V8 Vantage I've seen, the 24th time I've seen one, and the second time I've seen this particular vehicle.



This one took some skill though - I saw this guy on a highway bridge - except he was on the highway and I was on the bridge. Based on a prior sighting I knew where he'd come to and got some good shots - in the rain no less. I've now seen this Testarossa twice, and have seen eight total Testarossas on the road.


Certainly the rarest spot, at least in the US, is this Mexican-market Dodge Ramcharger, running Mexican plates from Chihuahua. Had a parking ticket which is ridiculous considering the vehicle wasn't even registered in this nation. :rolleyes:
I hate this attitude - encouraging people NOT to drive their supercars is NOT the attitude we want to be presenting. If the car costs as much as two cars, why doesn't it deserve two parking spots?
Why does it deserve 2 begin with? You paid $540,000 for it? Good for you. That doesn't exclude you from the general rule that you are not allowed to take 2 spaces. What? Will you actually argue when you get a fine and are in court?

"Oh your honor. I paid $540,000 for it. I wanted to protect it!"
"And I want to keep my POS Honda protected, but we can't all have 2 spaces for that, can we?"

What I find comical is that no evidence of supercar owners actually doing this has been posted.
Not in this thread. I'm sure many, many folks have seen this done by supercar owners. Fact is, you're not allowed to take 2 spaces, regardless of who you are, or what you drive.
The Porsche posted early in the thread appears not to be at a shopping mall but rather at a place of business where, presumably, the owner works.
And this gives the owner the right, how?
And the exotics posted earlier were parked there presumably after finishing service by the porter, not by customers - go to ANY auto repair place and they park cars the EXACT same way. They do it at our local Acura dealer, for God's sake
Dealers do it to show off cars, simple as that. They want you to drive by and see the side and front, not just the front. Customer parking is usually always up next to the building to begin with.
- the difference being, supercars are an easy target for the jealous.
So, this makes it right for a supercar to take 2 spaces? Because we're jealous?

See how jealous someone is when they decide to put out 3 of your windows on Christmas Eve at a mall because you decided to take 2 spaces near the front of the mall.
Mostly valid points, but I think everyone's going a tad overboard. Personally, if someone puts three of my windows out, no matter how I'm parked, I'm off to the car park office to get the CCTV.

Now, laughably atrocious parking habits aside, did anyone see anything good today?
This car is worth making an exception to come online this once.

Shot with E4600 at 2007-08-04

A Belgian McLaren....
This one took some skill though - I saw this guy on a highway bridge - except he was on the highway and I was on the bridge.
Haven't you seen Die Hard With a Vengeance?

I have wanted one of those since I have first been made aware of their existence; both because they look cool and because they make sense (Chevy sold 2 door fullsizers at the same time. Yet Dodge never sold any fullsize SUV).
Why does it deserve 2 begin with? You paid $540,000 for it? Good for you. That doesn't exclude you from the general rule that you are not allowed to take 2 spaces. What? Will you actually argue when you get a fine and are in court?

I would never argue it, just like I would never argue the fine for having no front license plate. I would consider it simply running costs and pay the fine. And, I would never install a front license plate, nor would I stop parking in two spots - I'd just keep paying the fines. The front plate ticket is $17 - what's a parking ticket, $55?

Not in this thread. I'm sure many, many folks have seen this done by supercar owners. Fact is, you're not allowed to take 2 spaces, regardless of who you are, or what you drive.

You're right - there has been no (well, little) evidence posted in this thread. So rather than take the bad habit of one Porsche owner, how about we look at this objectively and the other side posts some evidence for a change? And we get to see some cool cars in the process! Sounds good...





(there are no lines in most places in Aspen, but he's in the spot)







(just the incline is no-parking - he's properly parked)











(no lines again but this car is obviously not improperly parked)





(hey! It was in a supermarket parking lot - and when you look at the aerial image of Aspen on Google maps, it's still there)






(no lines in Aspen but properly parked)


(yes, the owner had a disabled permit)

And you'll note that's just perpendicular spots - if I had gone for parallel parkers we'd be here all week. And I didn't include Bentleys, whose inclusion would've meant we'd be here all year. Don't let a very small amount of bad apples sour everyone to exotic car owners. Nearly every exotic owner I've met has been nothing but gracious, intelligent, and extremely nice. Yes there have been one or two bad ones - but I don't make blanket statements and judge them all based on the bad ones. Don't you guys do the same.

By the way, McLaren, I'm so glad you're back, whatever your reasons were for leaving for a week. Please don't do it again - we need all the intelligence you can get and you provide much of it. 👍
I would never argue it, just like I would never argue the fine for having no front license plate. I would consider it simply running costs and pay the fine. And, I would never install a front license plate, nor would I stop parking in two spots - I'd just keep paying the fines. The front plate ticket is $17 - what's a parking ticket, $55?

admit it your from glasgow and own a 599,phantom and a drophead coupe :P