- 45,737
- Texas
But would you really feel good about paying $55 every time you parked your car? You could easily rack up $150 in one day, and honestly, I'd feel better having $1,050 I lost one in week due to my laziness of parking, go to actually maintaining my car. And since a lot of folks with these cars have them checked up every 3-4 months, that's about over $12,500 wasted because of parking. That's not worth it.I would never argue it, just like I would never argue the fine for having no front license plate. I would consider it simply running costs and pay the fine. And, I would never install a front license plate, nor would I stop parking in two spots - I'd just keep paying the fines. The front plate ticket is $17 - what's a parking ticket, $55?
A fron license plate doesn't really mean anything these days. My BMW dealer even took off my front plate (Acura didn't though, after requesting not to). Sure, a cop could pull you over for it, but it's pretty much an ignored law in the states. I've usually only seen it added in to a ticket when you're being pulled over for numerous things since this way, they can just squeeze more money out of you.
Where was I implying all exotic car owners park badly? While there's rarely any evidence in here that they can't park (on the contrary), I'm still sure many owners have been spotted being a-holes in a parking lot. I don't mean many, many as in 50%, I mean many as in people have more than likely see it at least once. This probably means for a person had probably seen a poor exotic car parked 1 out of 40-50 times depending on location, and how often the cars are out. That means out of all the exotic cars being parked, only 2-3% out of a 100% have been seen poorly parked. That's not a big number compared to the average car being poorly parked, but still given the number of exotic cars, 2-3% still is quite a lot.And you'll note that's just perpendicular spots - if I had gone for parallel parkers we'd be here all week. And I didn't include Bentleys, whose inclusion would've meant we'd be here all year. Don't let a very small amount of bad apples sour everyone to exotic car owners. Nearly every exotic owner I've met has been nothing but gracious, intelligent, and extremely nice. Yes there have been one or two bad ones - but I don't make blanket statements and judge them all based on the bad ones. Don't you guys do the same.
Sarcasm?By the way, McLaren, I'm so glad you're back, whatever your reasons were for leaving for a week. Please don't do it again - we need all the intelligence you can get and you provide much of it. 👍