Thanks.First off, excellent spots Rue! đź‘Ť It is also nice to see you posting again. I look forward to more wonderful sightings.
Next, more nice spots Cano and keep the interesting spots coming! đź‘Ť
Nice job on these photos Serge! đź‘Ť They look to be nicely in focus. I also really like the black wheels on the silver car; that particular color combination works extremely well. Just out of curiosity, what is the blue thing on top of the car?![]()
Thanks.Nice spot on the Cayman S Serge.
Great spots as well from Rue and Cano. đź‘Ť
That X6 is hideous.
Not even close to being a fan of the Superb (you'll find the boot setup that suits you, and neglect the other. Plus, it's not a beauty) but the ST is superb (teehee) especially with Mountune's input! Many hearty bravos in your direction!
IThe Superb's boot is a novelty the first couple of times you use it. Press the central button under the boot lip and it opens like a saloon. If you want the hatch, press a similar button to the right, the high-level brake light flashes, and then the centre button opens the lot. When you close the hatch you can hear all the hydraulics resetting back to saloon mode, so you'll end up using that most of the time.
Are we still allowed to bash this thing? I'm loving how BMW decided a rear window just wasn't necessary on this car. I'm amused how I can hardly see out the side windows when I sit in the back seats and I'm just under 6 feet tall. I love how it's ridiculously heavy, stupidly powerful, and not much more economical than the little Hummer. It's enormous. It's a terrible idea and a terrible car. I'd much rather drive the Roller above with its horrendous wheels.
Damn it. Everytime I see one of these older Volvo's I start dreaming about doing a complete overhaul to my 240. Now if only i had the cash for it. :/
LiBiWhy won't you ride bikes? Some kind of injury preventing that?
Thanks guys, that makes what three of us on Autoblog now? I know Doug got on there with the Veyron and you got on there with something.
Did you get on there? For what?
Spotted yesterday while out for lunch. The guy in the blue shirt was just as impressed as I was and also stopped for a cell phone pic.