I don't have a pic for this, but a posse of teenage pony-car street racers were cruising down one of the main roads up here. There was a mid nineties white firebird, a blue 1980s Fox Body, and a '67 Camaro. The firebird pulls up to the light in the right lane. I pull up behind the car that was in the left lane. The car I was behind happened to be an apricot colored two tone 1955 Chevrolet Bel-Air. Inside was an old man and his wife. I'd guess they were in their late sixties and that they were just going out on a Saturday night cruise. We go peacefully through the next three lights, and stop at another. This one was the last signal before the road would merge with US-69. The kid in the Firebird guns it. Not to be outdone, the old timer in the Bel-Air floors it as well. The idiot in the F-Body never had a chance. The old guy walked him.
Pontiac Firebird: 5500 dollars.
Headers, stroker kit, and alloy wheels: 2300 dollars
Gas for a night of mayhem with friends: 40 dollars
Getting your doors blown off by an older couple on a trip down memory lane: Priceless.