The thread asks the question, "Did you see anything good today?" As I look back on yesterday, I think I will consider it the best car-spotting day of my entire life. I'm going to give it in order; there are a lot of pictures so be patient. Here goes.
We (my girlfriend and I) took the shuttle up to the shopping district of Atlanta at noon for a little shopping and a little car spotting. First, we ate in a mall food court, then we began walking down to the Intercontinental, a luxury hotel which usually has some nice cars out front. "Nice" is an understatement for yesterday's cars - the real term is "unbelievably spectacular." This was the scene in front of the hotel:
September 30, 2006 - Atlanta, Ga.
In that photo, you can clearly see the Phantom, Arnage, and Murcielago Roadster - not so easy to spot is the Continental GT hidden away close to the hotel. Some close-ups of the vehicles:
If you've been following my sightings, you'll note that I saw that Murcielago Roadster on September 9 as well. I know it belongs to a well-known rapper, but I'm still unsure which one. We left the Intercontinental and I was basically set for the day - I knew I'd probably see more cars, but if I didn't, I was completely happy.
Seconds after leaving the hotel, I heard a tremendous sound from the road, looked up, and was able to photograph this:
September 30, 2006 - Atlanta, Ga.
We decided to sit on a bench facing traffic in the shade for a bit, and doing so provided me with some good shots, particularly this one:
September 30, 2006 - Atlanta, Ga.
To my knowledge, that's not just the Quattroporte, it's the new Quattroporte Sport GT, which is both more expensive and a lot rarer than the "regular" one. Upon returning to the mall for some shopping, I saw the black Murcielago Roadster than had gone by about twenty minutes earlier:
September 30, 2006 - Atlanta, Ga.
Temporary tags indicate the vehicle was
just purchased - like, on Thursday. As always, everyone was milling around the vehicle and it made getting a photo hard. When some space cleared, I was able to get a good shot of the vehicle and the Bentley in front of it:
September 30, 2006 - Atlanta, Ga.
While we shopped, we popped out periodically to check the valet area, and a few interesting things came up:
People in Atlanta have rims, ya know? The pickups were cool (the Ram is an SRT-10), but the old GM cars were
really cool - each had a different type of Tennessee environmental license plate, and the purple convertible was running 28s. Yes folks - 28s. None of the cars were in great shape - the wagon was actually quite dented - but they gathered a
HUGE crowd when they showed up. After some more shopping, we decided to go to a different mall nearby to see a movie and eat. Before we could get there, though, we saw this:
September 30, 2006 - Atlanta, Ga.
We then decided to sit in the shade, fortunately (not coincidentally) near the busiest intersection in the district. As we sat down, I immediately saw a Bentley Continental GT, pleading "aren't there any Ferraris in Atlanta?!?!" In the next fifty minutes, I would find that the answer to that is a definite yes. First, it was this:
September 30, 2006 - Atlanta, Ga.
That car was being driven really hard, and I was lucky to get such a nice picture of it. Next, we saw this:
September 30, 2006 - Atlanta, Ga.
Unfortunately, turning cars prevented me from getting a good picture. I had been joking with my girlfriend that I wanted to see an Enzo, and she got really into it, pretending that every sports car was an Enzo (of course, every time she said it, I looked - I'm that desperate). When she saw a 2-door red convertible, of course she said it again - I looked, and immediately realized I was seeing possibly the only other Ferrari that would equal an Enzo in rarity:
September 30, 2006 - Atlanta, Ga.
I was stunned. I waited in the island for a picture and trained my camera on the spot it'd be coming by; my camera did a fantastic job getting the picture and I will forever remember that sighting. They made only 559 Ferrari Superamericas; less than 200 came to the United States, and all sold out immediately. This one had Fulton County, Georgia plates (that's Atlanta). It's one of my best sightings this year - a year that includes three Murcielago Roadsters, an SLR, and a 365 GTS/4 on the road. It's that awesome.
It wasn't over yet though - this came about ten minutes later:
September 30, 2006 - Atlanta, Ga.
And five minutes after that:
September 30, 2006 - Atlanta, Ga.
I have to say, I love how the Viper looks. Truly - I adore it. We went into the other mall to eat and see the movie, and parked in its valet was this:
September 30, 2006 - Atlanta, Ga.
Not only is it the seventh Phantom I've seen in six weeks in Georgia, it's the first black one of my life. After going to the 10:10pm movie and getting out at 12:30am, and walked out of the mall - to find this:
September 30, 2006 - Atlanta, Ga.
That concluded the best car-spotting day of my life. An absolutely spectacular day - eleven Bentleys, four Ferraris, two Murcielago Roadsters, and two Phantoms. Oh yeah - I saw some Continental GTs too:
We saw eight in total - one I did not photograph, and one you can see in the shots from the Intercontinental.

I am - and I lived it!