Did You See Anything Good Today Reform

  • Thread starter Joey D
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That's a terrible idea. Not trying to hate on you, but having the 👍/👎 system ends up in flames at the end of the day here. Maybe not amongst the Premos and smaller sections, but certainly in the GT5 Drifting /Anything Good you Saw/Funny Pics threads.

That's what I think anyway.
The up or down count wouldn't have to be visible to the public. I honestly don't think many people would wonder where the post went.
I honestly don't think many people would wonder where the post went.
Numerous times people have asking where their posts went after I've deleted them. They would continue to do so.
The forum used to have a Rep system, but Jordan did away with it.
But it never deleted posts if they were "thumbs downed."
Ya that rep system was badly abused, but if it would have been treated halfway decent it would have been a really good addition.

And honestly I've just give up on the Did You See Anything Good Today thread, it used to be my favourite thread but I've just lost interest in it. There are other car spotting forums on the net that I'm apart of that seem to be specifically dedicated to the hobby so there isn't any fuss over useless posts. I see Famine tried to talk some sense into the thread but it just led to more bickering, a shame really.
Only reason I can't post pics is because the stupid iPad app won't let me.

Get the photobucket app for your iPad, that's what I use to post pics up when I'm on mine.

I'm not trying to sound like a broken record or anything, but creating a new thread w/"read thread rules" will fall by the wayside a few pages in. The concept for it is right on, but people will push the guidlines to the wayside.
If you see posts ignoring the moderator instructions posted in the early parts of that thread, report the post in question.

Ignoring mod instruction is ignoring mod instruction and will be dealt with in a manner that is understood by the offender in question.
If those posts really bother you that much you could always just ignore and scroll past it. 👍

Who cares? Life's too short to get your knickers in a twist about people that post sightings without pictures. I care just slightly less than 0.00000001% about this 'issue'. Surely, if anything we should be celebrating more people visiting the thread. You're going to turn more people away from the thread if you try to maintain this 'pictures or it didn't happen' stigma. Hell, I'll start a new thread now if you want...

I second this.. Supercar photos are everywhere and common, just because someone found a plain S4 parked at their local walmart parking doesn't mean it should be booed and evicted from the thread, what you might not care about might be someone elses' passion, or that's about the most special car in their area, or whatever. Real car enthusiasts tend not to nitpick, as that's what a fanboys do.

I like seeing the odd and ends that peoples find a bit more than the typical exotica sightings... they're all photographs to me and seeing something unique holds more value to me than seeing the next hundered photo of a Ferrari Enzo.
^^ 100% agree with both you and Rue.

This underlying attitude of always wanting to prove others wrong is the reason I find myself posting less and less in these forums as time goes on. The objective seems to be "put a noob in his place" rather than posting useful content or having a meaningful discussion.This doesn't happen just in one thread either, but across all of GTP. Relax guys, it's just the internet.
Max Powers
This underlying attitude of always wanting to prove others wrong is the reason I find myself posting less and less in these forums as time goes on. The objective seems to be "put a noob in his place" rather than posting useful content or having a meaningful discussion.This doesn't happen just in one thread either, but across all of GTP. Relax guys, it's just the internet.


Some of the truly pedantic behavior is totally unnecessary, but some people do that all over the internet, not just here. People who know a lot about a (single) subject tend to over-analyze, which leads to squabbling about minor and unimportant details. We (probably) all do it to some extent, but those who do it constantly are quite honestly, some of the most annoying folks you'd ever meet. It's one thing when a thread demands or requires a precise answer, but most are actually opinion-based, and don't require such stultifyingly dry responses.

Put it this way, how do you like it when someone is constantly refining and correcting what you say, just after you said it? Or those who always one-up your story with a "better" one? It's one thing to not want to deal with people who make stuff up all the time, liars, et cetera...but think about those kind of annoying characters, and it's not surprising that nobody wants to deal with them or act friendly to them on the 'net, either.
Since Famine already addressed the issue in the thread and Mike made this comment:

If you see posts ignoring the moderator instructions posted in the early parts of that thread, report the post in question.

Ignoring mod instruction is ignoring mod instruction and will be dealt with in a manner that is understood by the offender in question.

I don't believe any further discussion is warranted on the topic.
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