Direct-Capture GT Sport Footage: Nürburgring Nordschleife

Dust pickup will surely be added later. Same with headlight illumination. The dust didn't pick up light either.
That Rally video shows that there is no dust pickup on the cars, both look as if they just get off a car wash. Pebbles hitting the cars can be heard which is nice and the physics look fun.

Comparing the overall Audio to Dirt Rally is laughable. Generations ahead.
Rally really tests the audio engine. Shakes and rattles in the cabin, engine off and on load quickly, bouncing off the rev limiter, locking up the tires, surface sounds. GT is shockingly weak in all these areas vs. Dirt Rally.
Rally really tests the audio engine. Shakes and rattles in the cabin, engine off and on load quickly, bouncing off the rev limiter, locking up the tires, surface sounds. GT is shockingly weak in all these areas vs. Dirt Rally.

Mostly GT3-focused game with some dirt stuff thrown in vs purpose built rally game. I wonder which one is better...
Woah!!! That was a GREAT trailer, definitely gave me the chills Front Mission used to give me before they ruined it with that FPS Front Mission Evolved 🤬. I'd join ya but I don't have a PS4 yet nor I'm planning on getting one seeing where GT is headed but your invitation sure reminded me how cool people in GTP are so it's safe to say I'll see ya around! :gtpflag:

I get your point but I very much disagree with it. I don't think its expecting too much from PoDi considering the vast difference in resources, both human and financial. Sure, PoDi is "trying" but trying doesn't quite cut it. They're trying late, they aren't trying enough and they're "trying" with budget enough for "doing". Not to mention the time it took them to finally try. There is absolutely no excuse there for them. The issue you mention with R3E, for instance, is completely unrelated: it's a service flaw, not a design one. Other than that, Sector 3 seems perfectly aware of what their customers want and they deliver. Unlike PoDi who insists on giving us features and content we never asked for (Kubelwagens, Lunar joyrides, GPS gizmos for GT-Rs, the list goes on and on) or simply not delivering at all.

Just imagine if the guys at Sector 3 or Kunos had PoDi's budget, or if PoDi implemented a way of listening to feedback akin to PCars on it's formative stages. Now THAT would be a kickass racing simulator. But, alas, Kaz is too busy stroking his own ego to listen to us fans or to look around and consider the competition...
I dont know why PDI just didn't commission sector 3 to do their audio, I'm sure they would have been honoured to do it. Heck, or even Evolution studios (personally dont think Driveclub car sounds are that great). Instead it seams that they are just struggling with the sounds and improved or not, close your eyes and you can tell it's a GT game.

Yeah I'm sure it was £70, I remember I asked for it at Christmas and my parents damn well nearly died from the shock of seeing a price that high for a game.

It was incredible seeing 3D visuals like that for effectively the first time though...
it was a big jump in graphics at the time, as much as i wanted it and was rolling in money at that time i Couldn't justify buying it.

Did you get it as a pressie then?

£70 is amazingly high for back then. What's that now, like £100+

(Nothing on the Neo Geo though...)
It wasn't far off the price of a new console, in fact iirc the cartridge itself was almost like a new console.

Therefore you have the direct feed videos :)
But we had direct feed videos back then if my memory serves me well and also peoples impressions who were at all the events.

And remember the first videos of what was called GT5. Unbelievably smooth and beautiful looking, PD utilizing the power of the Cell B E like nobody else...…..... but it didn't really represent what we got in either GT5 or GT6.
However we have actual replay and gameplay footage now, not just trailers. We have people playing each improving version of game code. Kaz seems still to be very happy. Tailers look incredible to me, game play footage and replays look amazing to me (absent headlights reflecting off the road as they do in the trailers).
I am believing again like in the early days of PS3, excited for a technically brilliant title.
As above, that was the case with GT6, also GT5P looked better than GT5 for some reason.

When's the last time you went to a race track and listened to real cars? While obviously not many people can be drivers, a lot of people can easily have experience listening to the real thing.

That's a videogame from 1998, just for reference. IMO, it's not as good as GTS, but it's not miles away either.

It's at least a contender. I think that Driveclub and pCARS on PC are decent options as well, but it's certainly up there.
That still looks preet good for a game from the 90s.

I quoted this part for convenience. Problem with Gt is you expect PDI to do everything people ask. They are more into "we have our vision of a racing/driving game". I don't know if this approach is right or wrong but that's the way it is. If you don't like it, as you know the market offer other stuff. There is nothing wrong in leaving a product for another, R3E is your new Gran Turismo you should be happy about that. Are you?

About the sim racing developers with PDI budget = "kickass racing simulators" it remains to be seen. Surely they have great ideas but they tend to use the budget argument with the community everytime they are facing technical issues as if throwing money to a monitor instantly fix bad programming. Money surely help but not as fast as they want you to believe.
More budget also means more expectations. Prolonged game breaking "service flaws" wouldn't be tollerated by a large amount of customers. Imagine if R3E is a console game right now and about 30% if the users can't play it because of some internet app not logging them in. Ask PS4 owners how happy they are with PCars not solved glitches and with SMS banning customers on their forums for pointing out issues on their platform. Ask XboxOne Assetto Corsa users how happy they feel for still not being able to use Porsche dlc pack 1 when Kunos are teasing pack 3 to Pc. See it's not a perfect world, in the end you can just choose the product that more suits your needs and hope developers don't get stuck too much on service flaws regardless their budget.
The budget PDI have means that they can seek out and hire or commission the best around. There is simply no reason for GT to be trailing every other game in the sound department by some way. It can be fixed easily by throwing money at it rather than one or two of these events where they aren't really showing anything.
Mostly GT3-focused game with some dirt stuff thrown in vs purpose built rally game. I wonder which one is better...

Only Polyphony is to blame there — if it doesn't want to invite the comparison, it wouldn't include a rally aspect. Just a hunch, though: that's why they've made it so different from proper rally.

The game is no more GT3-focused than it is the other classes.
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I'm possibly the only man in the world that does not like willow springs.
It's desolate and boring.
Turn four is terrible.
I think the only time I saw the track in an interesting light, was Jeremy Clarksons tribute to Carrol Shelby. Some nice old footage of early shelbys.
I'm possibly the only man in the world that does not like willow springs.
It's desolate and boring.
And that &$!#%*g decreasing radius turn four can pound it.
No, i hate it. For some reason though i happen to end up hating every American track.
The images of the latest Horse Thief Mile track look 'interesting'.


Not sure if this equates to great racing, or a slow inline train.
And people complain about the new Tokyo track being too narrow. :P

Time will tell I guess. 👍
The images of the latest Horse Thief Mile track look 'interesting'.


Not sure if this equates to great racing, or a slow inline train.
And people complain about the new Tokyo track being too narrow. :P

Time will tell I guess. 👍

I wasn't even aware there was another part to Willow Springs but the first thing that came to mind upon seeing this image was the prospect of drifting.
Referring to exhaust sound discussion; as far as I'm concerned exhaust sounds don't have to be completely accurate as long as they sound nicely. Some race cars in real life don't sound well, so there is nothing wrong in making your own, better tune. Even if it may not be totally realistic, it will make you return to the car again and again.

Not sure if this equates to great racing, or a slow inline train.
Or nice touge battles. :D
Mostly GT3-focused game with some dirt stuff thrown in vs purpose built rally game. I wonder which one is better...
Not sure what that has to do with sound. Engines are engines, rattles are rattles, shifting is shifting, regardless of the game, car, track etc. GT3 focused? Are we talking about the same game?
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Dust pickup will surely be added later. Same with headlight illumination. The dust didn't pick up light either.

Yeah it will probably, I'm interested in a frame test analysis, if they're running locked 60 already then there is headroom for more stuff.
Yeah it will probably, I'm interested in a frame test analysis, if they're running locked 60 already then there is headroom for more stuff.
Maybe it's running at locked 60 because they dropped things like dust and dirt pickup, headlight reflections etc. These features really chew into the framerates and sacrifices have to be made. I don't think there's anything probable about their future inclusion at this point, possible is more like it.
I'm possibly the only man in the world that does not like willow springs.
It's desolate and boring.
Turn four is terrible.
I think the only time I saw the track in an interesting light, was Jeremy Clarksons tribute to Carrol Shelby. Some nice old footage of early shelbys.
It's definitely one of my least favourite of the real tracks in any game. PCars also had the Horse Thief Mile which I found much more interesting and challenging to drive and was a real blast in the Superkarts. There are so many good American tracks from Watkins Glen, Laguna Seca, Road Atlanta, VIR, Road America etc but I'd guess that Willow, with it's lack of trackside scenery and activity, is much easier on the framerates and will likely remain a staple of the franchise. Also hard to complain about a track looking desolate when it is desolate. :lol:
It's definitely one of my least favourite of the real tracks in any game. PCars also had the Horse Thief Mile which I found much more interesting and challenging to drive and was a real blast in the Superkarts. There are so many good American tracks from Watkins Glen, Laguna Seca, Road Atlanta, VIR, Road America etc but I'd guess that Willow, with it's lack of trackside scenery and activity, is much easier on the framerates and will likely remain a staple of the franchise. Also hard to complain about a track looking desolate when it is desolate. :lol:
Having said that, Willow springs is an absolutely beautiful place in the evening.
@Johnnypenso if it's a locked or solid 60 already that it means they have some headroom to add stuff, optimization comes later before release so a decent frame rate now means they can probably afford to stress the engine a bit more.

But granted this is running on the Pro.
Dust pickup will surely be added later. Same with headlight illumination.


If I had a penny for every time I saw someone on the GTP Forums say "[insert feature] will be added later" I'd have to buy a very large wallet to hold all my pennies.

As Red said in Shawshank Prison at meal time, "Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane."
@Johnnypenso if it's a locked or solid 60 already that it means they have some headroom to add stuff, optimization comes later before release so a decent frame rate now means they can probably afford to stress the engine a bit more.

But granted this is running on the Pro.
No it doesn't mean that at all, especially if it's running on the Pro and not the Standard PS4. Headroom on the Pro doesn't mean headroom on the Standard PS4. You're also watching replays, not gameplay, as it happens, which is a different level of stress on the hardware. It's far too early to say what actual gameplay will look like, or run like, at home where we play the game on whichever system we happen to have.
No it doesn't mean that at all, especially if it's running on the Pro and not the Standard PS4. Headroom on the Pro doesn't mean headroom on the Standard PS4. You're also watching replays, not gameplay, as it happens, which is a different level of stress on the hardware. It's far too early to say what actual gameplay will look like, or run like, at home where we play the game on whichever system we happen to have.

Yeah I meant the stress analysis on gameplay, Framerates won't differ much from the PS4 (according to Kaz they are running 2K 60 and used checkerboard to hit 4K). it is early but isn't dust pick up already present in previous gt games?
Yeah I meant the stress analysis on gameplay, Framerates won't differ much from the PS4 (according to Kaz they are running 2K 60 and used checkerboard to hit 4K). it is early but isn't dust pick up already present in previous gt games?
Sorry, but as soon as anyone says, "according to Kaz", I take everything with a grain of salt...a rather large one:sly:.

Point is, until you get the game on your system at home, we really have no idea how it's going to run. We've been down this road before and it hasn't ended well for PD, along with other game devs on the PS4. We can talk about optimization, headroom and all kinds of stuff but it doesn't mean squat until you play the game. Everything looks great in trailers for most games, the rubber hits the road when you hit the start button and see what happens with a full grid of AI during trying track conditions.

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