the change in performance/times at Pikes Peak is a little disappointing in a way.
i feel they should have made it harder to get those low times, rather than easier.
but the cars do
feel better.
feels like the change is maybe primarily aero, and seems to have more noticeable effect on the upper mountain.
the cars definitely have more grip, and might seem to feel the aero drag limiting at full speed.
i hopped on this morning, and accidentally set a new personal best on a 'warm-up' run, though it was not feeling very PB.
if i hadn't looked at the timer, i never would have felt it might be that quick a run.
i do like the dramatic improvement in feel of the 208 ... i can feel it, now
i like the way all the cars 'feel' now, the driving is much improved,
and this is far more important than the overly generous clock.
also, a little thing that makes me very happy ... the accurate to real life, PPIHC covers on the hay bales
it may be trivial to some, but it's big to me
(and it probably took a lot more effort on the phone, than in the art dept.,
but well deserved, Codies. you did the mountain right, and PPIHC must respect that)
with official practice and quali starting next week, the timing on this sprucing up couldn't be better
*PS4/Fanatec -> zero technical issues with this patch so far