Because you almost went to a drifting event doesn't qualify you to make a judgement on the participants of the event you almost went to based on some internet chat groups.
I belive that I pointed out that I have been to the local demonstrations around West Michigan, seeing things done at races and car shows, etc. I belive that counts for something, but as noted, I have better things to do in most circumstances... Thus, I don't go.
...That would play into the whole "If you don't like it, don't do it" rule that most "normal" people follow...
You're basing your entire opinion of the sport of drifting on the kids who want to follow drifting. The people actually involved in the sport, from grassroots to national level, aren't close to the person you are describing. But why is this making you lose respect for drifting? The crowd drifting attracts shouldn't lose value for the sport for you.
Where, in anything that I said, go against those who are hardcore drifters? If they are serious about it, actually know what they are doing, then all power goes to them! I can appreciate people such as that, who stick to their guns and do what they want to do... Not because its "cool" (like so many Americans seem to think so...), but because they like it, know how to do it, and do it safely on a track or closed circuit.
Boundary Layer gets Kudos for hitting the nail on the head. I may not like the sport, but I acknowlege that there is plenty of difficulty to it, and those who do it are very talented folks. But it is that group of Americans, hell folks worldwide, that screw things up. As he says:
Boundary Layer
ignorant thrill-seeking teens who will spend their minimum wage paychecks on big rims and wings for their rusty 240's and corollas just because some sub 60 IQ commentator said they're cool.
Thats the problem right there...
Now exigeracer, I know we have had our issues in the past over the 240SX simply because of drift culture, but that shouldn't be any reason to get so flustered over everything I write. I'm defending my own opinion, and it is somewhat disrespectful that you don't respect it yourself, and take some things a bit out of context.
People would probably say similar things about one of my favorite forms of motorsport, NASCAR, and although I will defend the sport to my best ability, if you don't like it, thats your opinion, not mine. I respect that, and if you have good reasoning, so be it.
...My reasons for not liking drifting are indeed well-founded. I don't care much for the culture that surrounds it (as noted by Boundary Layer), and the types of folks who claim to be drifters oh so often. I don't find the sport particularly entertaining, and given that I've seen some examples of it in person, again that is my own opinion based on fact. I'll be an old-fart and stick to NASCAR and GT-Racing, or is that not allowed these days if you are under 30 years old?