Disney+ MCU

  • Thread starter 05XR8
I don't really think it's a spoiler, but here's an image of Kahhori.
About the character:

"What If…? asks what would happen if the Tesseract fell to Earth and landed in the sovereign Haudenosaunee Confederacy before the colonization of America.

The Tesseract takes on a new life and a new mythology, transforming a lake into a gateway to the stars and leading Kahhori, a young Mohawk woman, on a quest to discover her power."

It sounds to me a bit like what if the Haudenosaunee Confederacy was like Wakanda with their own source of power.
I'm not reading your spoiler as I don't mind waiting a day to find out for myself.
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My wife said a similar thing when the end credits rolled. She said it wasn’t dark like all the other episodes.
I did remind her why Thor showed up.
The original comic opted to go for the bad ending more often than not, especially volume two in the nineties, but I thought there was a fairly even split in season one. Party Thor and Star-Lord T'Challa were certainly played for laughs.

This instalment had the potential to be as dark as the Strange Supreme one but it wasn't. Quill could still go full Brightburn at a later date but that'd be outside the scope of the episode. And hey, Asgard is a people, not a place. Except, er, there are no more people... :lol:

At any rate the on screen carnage was kept to a few motorists at the beginning of the episode. It's not like someone went round killing the heroes off one by one or eating their brains, at least.
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We were laughing out loud with Episode 3.
To quote Darcy, there was a lot of top quality holiday wordplay.

Something I noticed in the subtitles.
When Darcy finishes singing her little Christmas song during the end credits, she says “Happy Holidays!” But the subtitles say “Happy Holidays! Make up dumb songs for money.” I’m guessing she said the line, and it remained in the script long enough to be subtitled, but the line was eventually dropped and the subtitles were never changed.
The subtitler spelt "all through the tower" as "town" in the first line so I guess they were already feeling a little pissed at having to work at Christmas.

I like the tribute to the Freak from Tales Of Suspense #75.

I've been busy trying to cook Christmas lunch so I started late and am halfway through this episode. I don't know whether anyone gets to use the phrase "Starkatomi Tower" yet.

I guess this is pre-Snap as Darcy is still at college.
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I feel like buying some VGTs.
Valkyrie grand tourers?

Halfway through and Tony's horrified expression at the on-track carnage made him look like he was watching an episode of Speed Racer for the first time. As for Goldblum he sounded like Marvel kept his eggnog topped up as he was extremely Goldblum. Even Tessa's limey accent was turned up to eleven (assuming it wasn't a stand-in). (EDIT: Finished the wacky race episode and it was indeed Tessa's plummy tones.)

Now that was pod racing.

Talking of stand-ins I'm very impressed with Mick Wingert, he really got to shine this episode. In fact all the substitute actors have been great this series, especially Lake Bell.

I was wondering about Gamora's back story and I'm glad this was a proper What If...? as yesterday's Die Hard ep didn't seem to diverge much from the Sacred Timeline.
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Valkyrie grand tourers?

Halfway through and Tony's horrified expression made him look like he was watching an episode of Speed Racer for the first time. As for Goldblum he sounded like Marvel kept his eggnog topped up as it sounds like he was extremely Goldblum. Even Tessa's limey accent was turned up to eleven (assuming it wasn't a stand-in).

Talking of stand-ins I'm very impressed with Mick Wingert, he really got to shine this episode.
Yeah, coming from a weapons manufacturer and actually battling other worldly beings, he shouldn’t be surprised about anything.
Valkyrie grand tourers?
You took my joke! Anyway, I agree with your comments about Mick Wingert and the rest of the stand-ins. Excellent work from them. And yeah, Jeff Goldblum was as his most Goldblumiest. As for the VGTs, I think Topaz’s car was my favorite. Very art deco, very menacing.
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You took my joke!
But it was just there waiting to be made. The very next time an event shows up in Forza Horizon 5 using a certain Aston Martin branded hypercar, I'm thinking of cracking a "Valkyrie needs fuel badly" funny.

I'm also thinking of giving this episode a second watch. It occurs to me that the two Avengers who took Thanos down were two of the major casualties of his attack in the Sacred Timeline.
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I think the best thing about today’s episode was the banter between Peggy and Natasha.
I already praised Lake Bell earlier but they're getting a lot of use out of Hayley Atwell's contract considering her character has died (twice) in the movies. I'm guessing she's a favourite of A.C. Bradley (who's used her a ton in 3Below as well) as well as the fans.

It's a shame Chadwick Boseman wasn't able to complete the show's planned Ravagers spinoff, not least because sultry femme fatale Nebula was a welcome change for Karen Gillan.
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The Kahhori episode was one of the most beautiful so far.
I wasn’t expecting everyone to be speaking their native languages for the entire episode, but it made sense and wasn’t too distracting.
I'm glad the good guys appeared to be winning at the end of the episode.

I hope it wasn't really a bad end and that Sorcerer Armani didn't just show up to absorb Kahhori during his rise to power. Guess it depends at what point of his arc we're seeing him.
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Very surprised to see Elba come back to reprise his role today. But I guess speaking a couple of lines into a microphone is an easier way to earn money than jamming coloured contact lenses into his eyes for hours or days on end.

Meanwhile, Cate really hammed it up this episode but her heel-face turn was so subtle I didn't even notice it occurring.
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I was surprised and pleased they got Kate Blanchett back to voice Hela. I love episodes like this, that mix diverse elements of the Marvel Universe, like Asgard with Shang-Chi's China.
This season was certainly consistent although I liked the car racing one the best, perhaps because it'd had the most time spent on it. As for episode 9: I'm glad the garden gnome wasn't a universe killer after all.
I haven’t read the 1602 comics, so I have no idea if they share any plot points or just the setting and font. I like that this season’s finale revisited mad with grief Strange. I especially liked the seçene when everyone was throwing their special items at Peggy and Kahhori. All in all I really enjoyed the season, and I’m looking forward to the next.
I was going to give the 1602 comics a reread but from what I recall there were a lot more mutants involved. Creator Neil Gaiman wishes they'd made the setting into a fullfledged spinoff series, but I'm not sure myself. I always hated Shakespeare at school.
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Echo streaming all five episodes.

I'm "M'eh" on what I've watched of Echo so far, but I'll state what I thought and may or may not have posted after Hawkeye, Alaqua Cox is great. Deaf, amputee, native American.. get her in the next franchise movie - a) I think she deserves it, and b) the anti-woke red neck melt down would be glorious.
I’m glad Feige is slowing down and having shows be rewritten. Watching Dare Daevil, the series is just one of the best in any genre. Pure quality. If Marvel can maintain that quality from DD and Loki, for their projects moving forward, all the waiting will be worth it.
Decided to watch The Marvels from when me and my wife walked out in the theatre.
The Marvels.

No, AntMania was not the worse MCU movie. The Marvels was so bad, me and my wife walked out at the one hour mark. We nearly walked out fifteen minutes earlier, but tried to hang in there. Nope.
Started okay, but then, someone actually approved the singing and making Captain Marvel a “Disney” Princess.

All the girl power and women empowerment, was thrown out the window with the script. Just bad.
The cats were fine, but even Sam Jackson couldn’t rescue this one.
First Captain Marvel wasn’t the greatest, but had better characters and storyline. Ms. Marvel tv show was pretty good. Monica Rambeau in WandaVision was good as well.

It’s almost like this movie tried to pull a Spider-Man No Way Home. I’m glad Marvel Studios will be doing a soft reboot. Just slow down and start making quality pictures.

Since we only saw half a flick, no score. I’ll wait til Disney+.
Still just as bad. Still no score. Glad there’s a fast forward. End credit scene was the best part of the movie. A bit weak as well, but better than everything before. Deadpool 3 will have to set everything straight.
Well, baggy may have enjoyed the Marvels more than I did...


... but I don't think the level of criticism is rationally justified. It's low mid-tier MCU film for me, others may have got more from it, but the Cat moments were genuine Laugh out loud for me, and creative decisions like the 'musical' planet were genuinely interesting. The subtext about planetary destruction was actually pretty well balanced, and the bad gal, despite being discount Ronan was actually more effective as a character.

It needed a LOT of finessing to be a better film, but it didn't need to be a different film.

The ending is typical Marvel, somebody has to go OP to do something dramatic, and I didn't care. This has been the case for about a decade, and why even things like Loki S2 were a wet fart in the end.. that's the problem with MCU.