I just watched the first three episodes. This toon may not be quite as fan-panderingly accurate to the source material as X-Men '97 but I think this is a good thing.
I like the animated style, the direction and acting (Kari Wahlgren usually plays weirdos like Starfire or Harley Quinn or even Roxanna the crazy Russian chick, so it's great to hear her sounding so human) and I'm so glad this Spidey isn't the overwrought sad sack who plagues so much of his comics run. They managed to work the supporting cast in with just enough soap opera to keep the plot moving without the melodrama of making him take a big loss at the end of every episode while a huge web is drawn across the sky.
Loner comics Spidey would've turned down the offer of help but this one realises he can do it even better as a team to quote the hip-hop opening theme. Norman's hairstyle looks better on a black guy IMO. Oh, and get Nico the Staff Of One already otherwise why have her in the show? Is a heroic Tombstone too much to ask for? If Lonnie gets powers I hope they play him like Titan, the rocky antivillain guy in Invincible. Meanwhile I hope Wittman doesn't become a supervillain like his comics counterpart. He's horrible. Ditto Cho. I don't know who Asha is supposed to be but Jeanne is a supervillain in the comics as well as she has photographic reflexes inherited from her daddy Taskmaster. I guess they have to save something for seasons two and three, though.
Comic Book Guy may be busy giving this show one-☆ reviews all over Rotten Tomatoes but speaking as a lifelong comics geek myself I'm not sure where this is going next and appreciate Trammell and his team shaking up the status quo a little (OK, maybe a lot). In fact, I'm surprised to find myself actually kinda excited to see where they take this, and isn't that what the MCU (or not U in this case) is supposed to be all about?