Disney+ MCU

  • Thread starter 05XR8
There's talk about a Loki, Scarlet Witch and other Marvel characters with their own TV series.
I also saw the first two episodes of WandaVision. While the comedy was a real hit or miss for me, the overall creepy vibe was well done. Especially the...

Wanda saying "No" at the end of ep2 when that SWORD agent in the beekeeper/hazmat suit crawled out of the sewer that wasn't there earlier and time getting rewound by someone/something (probably her).

I legit got chills when that happened.
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I thought it was good and want to see more.

The black girl who helped WandaVision with their magic act is listed as Monica Rambeau in the IMDb cast list. In addition Jimmy Woo and Darcy from Ant-Man & The Wasp and Thor also show up next week.
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I watched it and I'm not sure what to make of it, but reading the synopsis of it, it takes place after End Game. This leads me to the question, how is Vision in it? Didn't he die in Infinity War? I'm not exactly someone that knows all the Marvel lore though.
I watched it and I'm not sure what to make of it, but reading the synopsis of it, it takes place after End Game. This leads me to the question, how is Vision in it? Didn't he die in Infinity War? I'm not exactly someone that knows all the Marvel lore though.
I'm not going to explain in a spoiler. You'll have to watch it unfold. ;)
In short, this series is loosely based on the comics. Namely, The House of M story arc, Secret Wars and bits from a couple other stories.

The episodes are going by decades: Episode 1 1950s, Episode 2 1960s, etc.

I also saw the first two episodes of WandaVision. While the comedy was a real hit or miss for me, the overall creepy vibe was well done. Especially the...

Wanda saying "No" at the end of ep2 when that SWORD agent in the beekeeper/hazmat suit crawled out of the sewer that wasn't there earlier and time getting rewound by someone/something (probably her).

I legit got chills when that happened.

Love the feel(the episode intros) how they filmed both episodes and those "happenings" during each episode. Also the person calling out to Wanda.
Also the person calling out to Wanda.

It could be anyone, but my money is on the FBI agent from Antman movies, the guy in all the promo trailers. AKA Kim Jong-un in the Interview. I can't see that actor as anyone else but the optimistically slender version of Kim...
Finished watching the 3rd episode just now, and two things struck me:

1. I was surprised that the episode was only half hour long. I know it's supposed to parody 70s sitcoms, but still.

2. From the way the episode itself unfolded, it increasingly looks like Wanda is...

...is the main villain of the show, with Agnes perhaps involved with the whole thing somehow. I came across some online speculations where they think Agnes is actually Agatha Harkness the sorceress, which seems like a possibility now.
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Well, they finally did it. I didn't think Marvel Studio and Kevin Feige would be ballsy enough to do it on the small screen but there you go. What a twist at the end of ep.5.

Although, it could also be a red herring. With Marvel, nothing's off the table.
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New Falcon & Winter Soldier trailer:

That is so much better than the previous trailer. I'm quite excited for this one now, before I wasn't too bothered :)

Oh, and WandaVision so far is so much more than I was expecting, and much darker. Absolutely loving it!
I have a feeling, it's going to be a fantastic series. The banter alone will be worth it.
I'm still not giving paedo-enabling, communo-fascist pacifying Disney a single penny for its "on-demand" guff though.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier series looks good. How many episodes will it be, though? And will the each episode be half-hour long again? I don't think it'll be, but we'll see.

So, according to the release date in the trailer, there will be a break of one week between WandaVision and the FAWS.
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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier series looks good. How many episodes will it be, though? And will the each episode be half-hour long again? I don't think it'll be, but we'll see.

So, according to the release date in the trailer, there will be a break of one week between WandaVision and the FAWS.

According to Wikipedia:
Feige described The Falcon and the Winter Soldier as the "cinematic experience" of an MCU film that spans six episodes, each 40–50 minutes in length

More details on how the different Marvel series will be structured here.
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Enjoying WandaVision, and looking forward to Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Mackie and Stan have chemistry that's every bit as good as Olsen and Bettany. Can't wait to see more Zemo. It leaves me a little worried for Loki, though. Can Hiddleston do all the heavy lifting basically solo? He's handsome and charming and all, but he played so well off of Hemsworth.
There will be different versions of Loki as well. Of course, most of it is him, but I think with him in different scenarios, ratrher than him doing a Cast Away one man show, it'll be fine. ;)
...Just finished watching episode 7. I have mixed feelings about this one.

I didn't think I would have a problem with the 'Modern Family/the Office' aesthetics of the first half of the episode, since the whole series up until now was about parodying sitcoms by the decades. But I did have problems because I thought the Modern Family 4th wall breaking 'talk to the camera' bit dragged the pacing down considerably.

All the momentum created by the last episode's ending got deflated by the first ten minutes or so, only picking up sporadically whenever we got the scenes of the outside as well as Vision trying to navigate through the carnival. I hope the show is done with the sitcom tropes now.

And then, the engineer hyped up in the previous episode turned out to be... nobody? That was deflating too. I thought it was building up to another future character reveal, but alas. Also, I thought the revelation of Hayward secretly trying to revive Vision as a sentient weapon could have been handled better, too. It was like, 'oh, I knew it. Moving along.' Very anti-climatic there.

But Monica's transformation into... "Photon?" was kinda cool. I was genuinely gripped by what might happen to her as she crossed the hex's wall. And the reveal of Agatha Harkness, although just about everyone online knew it was coming, was handled well, I thought.

BTW, don't turn the episode off when the animated credits roll. There's a mid-credit scene. Marvel back to their old tricks again, I suppose.
...Just finished watching episode 7. I have mixed feelings about this one.

I didn't think I would have a problem with the 'Modern Family/the Office' aesthetics of the first half of the episode, since the whole series up until now was about parodying sitcoms by the decades. But I did have problems because I thought the Modern Family 4th wall breaking 'talk to the camera' bit dragged the pacing down considerably.

All the momentum created by the last episode's ending got deflated by the first ten minutes or so, only picking up sporadically whenever we got the scenes of the outside as well as Vision trying to navigate through the carnival. I hope the show is done with the sitcom tropes now.

And then, the engineer hyped up in the previous episode turned out to be... nobody? That was deflating too. I thought it was building up to another future character reveal, but alas. Also, I thought the revelation of Hayward secretly trying to revive Vision as a sentient weapon could have been handled better, too. It was like, 'oh, I knew it. Moving along.' Very anti-climatic there.

But Monica's transformation into... "Photon?" was kinda cool. I was genuinely gripped by what might happen to her as she crossed the hex's wall. And the reveal of Agatha Harkness, although just about everyone online knew it was coming, was handled well, I thought.

BTW, don't turn the episode off when the animated credits roll. There's a mid-credit scene. Marvel back to their old tricks again, I suppose.
I agree with your spoiler thoughts.

Guess I'm just in it to see how everything connects to Dr.Strange in The Multiverse of Madness and the future films. Possible X-Men nod to Professor X in one scene.
I agree with your spoiler thoughts.

What ticks me off about the missed opportunity of the "engineer" reveal was that, well, it was a missed opportunity to build up some more hype for future projects, even if the hype itself would have been relatively minor.

It's possible that Marvel and Feige didn't want to waste a big reveal on a small screen, but they could've still left a ten second-long dialogue in the scene and that alone would've done wonders.

Monica: Thank you for coming. By the way, where's Richards?

Anonymous SWORD agent: Dr. Richards couldn't come as he's currently working on cosmic radiation research, ma'am.

Monica: I see. Send him my regards later.

See how simple that was...
I get that. They have been leaving easter eggs through the series. Two more episodes to go. Maybe we see that pay off.

On another note, Disney now have R/M rated content. Logan is one of the movies available. Deadpool and Deadpool 2. I think we're going to get some stuff popping up in the next series, from Loki and Falcon and the Snowman. Not neccessarily mature rated content, but "missing" characters in the first stages of the MCU.
Ok, eventually got around to see it. I liked it. A real character-building stuff, this whole episode. Not as in, "I'll make a man (or witch?) out of you" kinda way, but more like, made Wanda so much more sympathetic and answered a couple of important questions.

But at the end of the episode, I couldn't help but get the feeling that Marvel was doing its best to position Agatha Harkness not as an outright villain but more like an anti-hero who could be trying to either help Wanda be a better witch, or stop her because she's too dangerous of a witch.

We'll see how the last episode will pay that off. Oh, and the white Vision. The moment I saw Vision's body in pieces in the SWORD lab, I knew that was coming. :lol:

As for Fox-universe Peter/Pietro Maximoff thing, I think there might be another sting in the tale there. I've read online some people speculating that he's actually Agatha's rabbit in human form, but I don't think that's the case. But we'll see.
WandaVision marked a great start for MCU's Phase 4.

Btw, here's my figures:

Okay, so. Finally saw the last episode, and like how the GalaticCriminal on Youtube always says: "I have thoughts."

The last episode was... a real up-and-down for me. It basically ended in a way I thought it would, but even then, there were a few things that left a slightly icky taste in my mouth.

Vision Vs White Vision was the highlight of the climatic battle, only because it ended in an existential debate of what's real/original. Clever. But the way the White Vision flew off never to be seen again for the rest of the episode while its old memories unlocked... Marvel laying groundwork for future movie Vision appearances, I suppose.

As for Agatha Vs Wanda... Hmm. Wanda says she has no idea how all this magic thingymajigy works, yet ten minutes later, she writes runes on the walls of her hex and stops Agatha from using magic? How did she learn that fast?! Wish I was that fast at learning stuff. Movie logic, I know, and it was probably the most plausible way to end this fight without someone dying, so I'll have to let it be, since the absolutely fantastic Kathryn Hahn's Agatha isn't killed off. Meaning, she can pop up in future MCU movies.

I have three main problems with this episode, and I feel like Marvel could've been braver. One, Ralph reveal. What a letdown. It's Iron Man 3 fake Mandarin reveal all over again, except with the actor who played Quicksilver for real. The second problem was... no cameos?! Really?!?! :lol: Not a big problem, but slightly disappointing regardless.

However, the third issue was a far graver one. Consider this - Wanda has been trapping the people of Westview for who knows how long against their will, making them do stuff and separating them from their families, as evidenced by "Dottie" pleading with Wanda to let her see her young trapped daughter. Another dude said he couldn't even properly remember who he was after being trapped in the hex for so long. Yet, Wanda was allowed to walk away scot-free? Just because she was grieving and was one of the good guys? The right thing here would've been her getting arrested at the very least, yet she flies off and no one even thinks about stopping her. I had a real problem with that.

Story-wise, it'd have made more sense for Doc Strange or somebody to show up and take her into custody instead of letting her leave.

Overall, I enjoyed this series. Other than a few niggles here and there, I'd say it's a lot more solid than I expected it to be, with outstanding performances from all the actors involved. Can't wait to see what Falcon and Winter Soldier will have in store for us.
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