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- mikethehockeyfan
You all want to know something?
It's time Shem imparts some knowledge of his own and drops some hard facts into this debate.
Now, I'm not a religious type, no ties to any branch of any religion to be honest. That's not to say that I don't acknowledge the existence of a Meta Shema, just like you're acknowledging it by reading this.
The simple fact that there is a thread here, and even that you all have this idea of 'God' or some kind of force is proof enough of an existence.
Let's drop religion because that is to do with man, not 'god'. Religious books, Heaven, Hell, prophets and holy men; they are all man made concepts and nothing to do with the Meta Schema.
Here's where I'm coming from -
The idea of a Meta Schema (read: higher power) is innate within the subconscious all human beings. Why? Because we have this notion of 'God'. Where does it come from? Early man trying to explain why life existed? A hierarchy trying to control people by using 'God' as the bottom line in their religions? Remember, I'm leading away from religion here, it's a man made concept.
Take something mythical; a dragon, a unicorn. Someone's imagination produced these creatures. Take anything at all that you can possible think of, any wild thought or creation known. Where do these ideas come from?
Let me tell you. Our empirical senses. Touch, taste, sight, sound..........
What is a unicorn? It's a horse with a horn. A dragon? A crocodile with wings. You get the gist.
Anything we can imagine in our minds can be derived from our empirical senses. Except this notion of 'God'.
Without the Human race would there be anyone who could have this though of a 'God'? Before man, was there ever the thought of 'God' in early creatures on this Earth? Nope. It is an innate notion that comes from nothing empirical and resides within all concious minds.
Discover a tribe in the darkest heart of our planet that has not had any connection to the modern world and they'll have some idea about a 'God'.
Perhaps you know a thing or two about this, perhaps you've read 'The God delusion' by Prof. Dawkins. Good for you. Then you'll know all that Dawkins does is slander religion and shows how ridiculous religions can be in the name of 'God'. If anything, his work only adds credit to my argument that when we talk about 'God' we aren't really on the right track until we take man's corruption of the idea out of the equation.
Maybe you're a clever type who has read scriptures on religion and belief, maybe you think you're argument is valid because you've studied psychology or you can meditate and become one with the world. That's nothing to do with 'God' the way I book it. There are many factors involved here, mainly Meta Physics and Philosophy but any relation to religion or spirituality is purely a man made connection.
Do I believe in the existence of a 'God'? Why, of course, and so do you if you have posted in this thread, read this thread or ever read the title. By acknowledging the topic, either for or against believing, you are in fact acknowledging that a 'God' exists.
BZZZZZZZZZZZZZT, BZZZZZZZZZZT, incoming Philosophy major. Clear the decks. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZT, BZZZZZZZZZZT, incoming Philosophy major. Clear the decks.